Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

There are seven LinkedIn profiles for Jonathan Kanarek, none of whom live in Livingston NJ.

How did you even know to search for Jonthan Kanarek?

The Jonthan Kanarek profile is obviously fake.

Kirby seems to have had a typo or screwup on her own linked in page. She has down that she was an ‘Assist’ Principal at a local school in the 90’s.

If she actually was an Assistant Principal (that seems true) their is no doubt that she knows it is almost always abbreviated as ‘AP’ or ‘Asst. Principal’

Just saying. :woman_shrugging:


Scams, just like everywhere else online. Or it was created with an agenda, like people who create bogus SM accounts to spread misinformation etc.

It’s the internet, it’s the wild Wild West out there lol

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There are also bots.


I disagree. I very much doubt LinkedIn automatically generates professional profiles.

Someone must have generated the profile for Jonthan Kanarek of Livingston NJ and stated that he is a casino professional with literally no other information.

I think the mispelling was intentional so that it isn’t found if you search Jonathan Kanarek.




JK casually started a Linked In profile for himself years ago, put very little effort into it, had a typo, and then forgot about it. People do things like that all the time.



Deleted, redundant.

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Aren’t all profiles on LinkedIn professional in nature? It’s a platform for professional networking.

I’m not a cyber expert. But… I do know that fake profiles for people (also called ‘bots’ in many cases) on any number of platforms are autogenerated all the time via a variety of different methods. For a number of different reasons.


Or perhaps she simply assisted the principal, rather than having the title of assistant principal?


Actually, she has “Assist Principle Education”.

One would think that an assistant principal would know how to spell the correct version of principal.


Oh. I didn’t think of that. Perhaps she was an administrative assistant to the Principal at that school?

That seems possible.

Do administrative assistants to school principals earn enough in pay to accumulate wealth sufficient to support 6 horses in full board in Loxahatchee, FL at a nice dressage facility?

No. No they don’t.


Which only elevates just how wrong it is that Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark were searching for MHG’s preteen minor children on the internet and trying to friend request them on social media.


Ha! I didn’t even notice that!

In all fairness… maybe autocorrect screwed up her attempt to create a Linked In profile, and she never went back and proofread it and corrected it.


MAYBE autocorrect did the same thing to “Jonthan’s” profile.

MAYBE it was a bug in the software on their home computer or LinkedIn itself at the time he created it.

Who knows. These all seem like reasonable possibilities to me.


Or maybe she had a job assisting the person in charge of looking for the fundamental truth and educating others on it? Then it would be spelled correctly.
Darn that would be an ironic job for a Kanarek, no?

(Yes, I quoted myself)


I may be mistaken, but wasn’t there mention of KK coming from some big family money?

You are correct. There are a few other “Jonathan Kanareks” in the US who have LinkedIn profiles.

Many of them seem to be very successful professionally, so they also pop up on a simple Google search, along with lots of information about their professional careers.

One is currently the COO of a fintech firm, one is an Associate Managing Director at Moody’s, one is a Realtor with Sotheby’s…

Anyway… it’s interesting how legitimately successful professionals tend to have a pretty obvious professional footprint that is easily found on Google and LinkedIn.

But Jonathan Kanarek from Livingston, NJ?

Gosh. It’s hard to find ANY information about his legitimate professional career… you know… the career that resulted in him accumulating millions… the career that theoretically resulted in JK having the ability to support 6 horses in full time board at a nice dressage facility in Loxahatchee. Oh… and to also buy a half a million dollar home for Lollypop and RG.

I think records indicate they purchased that home in cash.

Anyway… it really IS quite curious that there is no information out there about JKs actual career.

As for how I found that profile?

I’m really good at internet searches when I am curious about things. Especially financial things. I worked briefly on an audit related project years ago and did some market research stuff, and a few other things along the way, before I became a stay at home mom… and I still have a few useful research related skills :slight_smile:

Anyway … it’s no secret that I am very curious about the source of the funds supporting Lollypop and all her pretty horses who happen to be in full board in Florida right now. Because… it doesn’t add up to me. It requires substantial wealth to deal with the monthly cash outflow associated with keeping 6 horses in the situation where LKs are.

You work in the financial services industry (allegedly). You presumably know a thing or two about accumulating wealth. Where do you think the money supporting Lollypop’s ponies comes from? The monthly cash outflow? I’m guessing $12-15 k. That’s roughly a minimum of $150,000 per year. And that is JUST for the basics of upkeep for the horses. Board. Vet. Shoes.


Yes, they’re all professional profiles.

I’m saying I don’t believe for one second that any of the profiles are automatically generated by LinkedIn by scraping data from other parts of the internet.

LinkedIn profiles are represented by LinkedIn to be the profile created by the person themselves. It would be a serious breach if LinkedIn itself created a sloppy and inaccurate profile and represented it as coming from the person themselves.

The sites that take fees for providing someone’s address, phone number, relatives, arrest record, etc must be autogenerated. But that’s a very different type of platform.

It is obviously a fake profile deliberately created by someone other than Jonathan Kanarek.

I wonder if it’s actionable, if the source could be traced?

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There has been mention of this.

But… look at her résumé. She’s been working her behind off for years at jobs that seem to be more of the “need to do this” variety than the “independently wealthy woman who dabbles at working in this field for personal satisfaction” variety.

Bluntly… I don’t think KK inherited millions, and that is what supports Lollypop and the ponies.

But, @Seeker1 can absolutely enter the discussion and set the record straight, if she so chooses.

I’m going to make a prediction… Seeker will NOT be clarifying anything on the topic of where the $$$$$ come from that support precious’s ponies. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Way to whitewash it. What happened to @BigMama1 should not have happened. Threats against LK’s barn should not have happened.

Do you think JK could sue LinkedIn over this profile?

Maybe. He’d have to demonstrate some sort of harm though. How exactly has he been harmed by this profile? And… is it a lie? Is he not a Gambling and Casinos Professional?

But anyway… considering he hasn’t even spent the money yet to hire an attorney to represent himself and KK when it comes to the issue of the subpoenas that they have yet to respond to…

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that I doubt he will be suing LinkedIn about this. I think he would have to pay an attorney in order to do that.