Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Does any of that Google Law Degree posting make the private conversations in Michael’s office with his lawyer OK to record or listen to?


Good reading:


Only for you. I gave up expecting you to research New Jersey law years ago. Thank you for your public service in that other state.

The problem is, you fail every time you post a law. You have yet to post something that applies to this actual situation. I am not sure how you manage to do that 100% of the time, but you do.

I will make this correction of your current attempt to show your Google Law Degree is wrong as short as possible.

You are wrong about illegal landlord entry because this is not a case of someone just randomly walking into Lauren Kanarek’s part of the house, RC was with building inspectors, fire Marshall’s, and cops that had deemed the building had to be vacated, and they override your sense of injustice.

Add that there is no evidence that RC actually entered Lauren Kanarek’s private living quarters other than an old LaLaPop post on here.

Hey Hut, why not research what happens to someone who intentionally ruins the power source at a building that they do not own? This is what was mentioned as something Lauren and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin were going to do in those texts that are part of the latest filings.


Oh please, I’ve been sharing NJ law ever since I looked up RG being unlicensed, the penalty and treble damage. All this has been gone over, but since your memory is clearly suffering ATM, emergency evictions 3 days with illegal acts and there were illegal acts.

I see I continue to be a thorn in your side. And again, I smile.


I wonder what receipts LK has for paying rent? The only payment I’m aware of is for horse board. And horses aren’t tenants, they’re chattel.

Although evictions must be done for any occupant on premises over 30 days, I question whether or not any, some, all other provisions of the cited statutes are applicable as LK was more a guest who, in the absence of the drama, would have followed MB to Florida in a few months anyway. There was no lease either.


@hut-ho78, we have discussed your insisting on the repair and deduct thing several times before, but you are once again ignoring the previous facts that point out it does not apply here.

Let me try again. I am sure you will continue to ignore the darn facts, but it just feels wrong to leave your incorrect information out there.

The numbers are referenced in the screen shots below.

#1: Did Lauren Kanarek have broken windows, etc, that MB refused to repair in her living area? How did flood damage on the floors she didn’t live in affect her habitability?

#2: Did Lauren Kanarek do this? Did she follow these steps?

#3: Did Lauren Kanarek do this either? Put the rent somewhere accessible?

*Habitability has to do with where you live, not hanging drywall in the basement that is not your living quarters.

**Also: The flood was in January. Lauren Kanarek moved into the top floor in April. Place was as is. She did not move into the damaged living quarters. So how, exactly, was her habitability affected?

But none of this covers all the horrible stuff in those texts. Are you ignoring those texts, Hut?


Why is it so seemingly impossible for certain posters to ignore CH and HH?


The same reason it is seemingly impossible for some posters to not insist on telling others how to post.


In this case (and most cases) it seems like it is best to post what the laws really say so people know.


Yep - quoting myself to bump up my request for further info on this ^ - as I find it rather intriguing. @hut-ho78 - I am sure it would take far less time to cut and paste this example or even just link to it than it took to cut and paste those lengthy NJ tenant and landlord directives…


I have no problem with addressing the facts of the case, but we all know CH and HH aren’t interested in that. This constant sniping back and forth adds no value to the thread, and is the reason they keep getting shut down.


Great post. I’m quoting it in case HH misses it the first time - which he and CH seem to have a penchant for doing (deliberately?).


Speaking for myself and possibly other lurkers… I don’t read CH’s or HH’s posts. I’m guessing others don’t either, so I’m thinking that negates the need to constantly correct them. Just sayin’.


I have them on ignore, too, but I still have to scroll through endless posts from other people responding to them. I don’t want to block the other people because outside of this, their posts are interesting and informative.


To quote a classic line from my father: If that’s the worst thing that happens to me today, that’s not a terrible day.


True. First world problem, I guess :grin:


Good luck, mate. The same poster has said things about me previously with zero back up, proof, or reasoning when asked.

They get a bit nasty all while condemning others for “not being nice”

Just use the ignore feature (when it works) and don’t look back.

I’m a straight up snarkosaurus at times, but I’ll own it.


Even though I have certain users on ignore you can still tell what they’re on about based off of the replies. The same ol’ things, basically. I’m not missing anything :rofl: seems some have gotten progressively more insulting though, and can no longer sit on that high horse.


Wow! I thought there’d been a major development in the filings and see it’s just one of three tangents these two prefer rather than what is actually happening. Desperation.

Has anyone seen or heard anything? Was there an actual hearing today?


I totally forgot this; someone here is sure to know.

When RC got attacked by Rosie, where were LK and RG?

Edited to add: RC was the first to get bitten at the farm? What are the chances there have been others that we don’t know about?