Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I am not 100% positive, but from the timeline of things we do know, complete with the new texts attached to Mr Deininger’s brief this week, it lines up with when they would have been meeting with ED for that first meeting that Rob Goodwin recorded.


I don’t know that it has ever been determined where LK and RG were when RC went to the farmhouse and got bitten by Rosie. I would guess they were not home. Maybe with ED???


I don’t know if she bit anyone else. I do remember that the working student tried to testify at the trial that everyone there was scared to death of her, but either the judge or the prosecutor cut her off.

Was the dog supposed to be kept tied up all the time before she bit RC? If so, there must have been a reason for that requirement.


And Schellhorn laughed.


I do believe in one of the earlier threads there was a post where Lauren Kanarek was laughing about how Rosie was a known biter and she had to keep her tethered. Then the Great Scrub happened.

But it’s been quite some time.

Rosie is NOT a small dog and while no dog bite is fun and all can be serious, a bite from a big dog can be more damaging. It’s really not funny.

Rosie’s lack of training plus Lauren’s lack of concern shows she is a very irresponsible dog owner.


According to previous threads, Nasty Rosie also bit the police officer as well as RC.

Nasty Rosie bit MB repeatedly during the altercation, and even bit her owner RG at least once.

So at least four people were bitten by Nasty Rosie in those two days.


Ah, yes. I fondly remember LK describing Rosie as 20 something pounds during the trial, and her solid proof of this was that she gave heartworm prevention for dogs 20 something pounds and under, therefore, Rosie must be 20 something pounds. Rosie may have heartworms if that’s the case.

There was a picture of a Rosie next to railing and she was as tall as the railing, or very near close to. She is 40 - 45 pounds IMO.

And yes, nasty.

On the other hand, my scrolling finger has become hella strong with HH/CH’s nonsense. Though I am constantly amused by KM’s snark.

Also been enjoying the threads with some white cake with blueberries and lemon cream cheese frosting. Pinky extended.


Yes, I meant I don’t know if she bit anyone else before RC, in response to the question in the previous post.


Clearly Rosie was used as a weapon against Michael Barisone, whether intentional or not. Without that video we don’t know if she was sicced on him or got out accidentally. Some believe she was the first assault causing him to bend to protect his crotch. I wasn’t there so I have no clue.


Had they actually done so or been stopped doing so and those texts were discovered, the word “intent” comes to mind.

@trubandloki I find it funny in a sad way that people tell me when I am off base when the same people deny the definition and synonyms of a word used often in these threads. That is pretty basic stuff. That isn’t a statement on the education process, it’s a statement on issuing edicts for complete mind control. It’s like a word does not mean what it means but what a group say it means when it is convenient for them to troll another poster.

It’s the same process with laws and actions. It only means what a certain group says when they want to troll or if actions don’t go their desired way then its the judges’ fault or LE’s fault or a conspiracy. Everyone is wrong except the echo chamber.

Do you not read your own posts?

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That link I provided also discussed tenant’s dogs and “unprovoked” attacks. Shooting the dog’s owner? Sounds like provocation to me.

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Meme of the day:

“Accountability looks like persecution to people who are rarely held accountable.”


If you can’t win by fighting fair, fight foul. Or have a third party do your fighting.

Popped into my pondering mind, but I am just a :horse: of course.


So LK was able to post verbatim conversations that happened between MB and his lawyer that occured over the phone in his office how???

Yes, something about Ruth being older, not having as much to lose… of course that post went poof as the trial neared.

Of course, it can only detect an active listening device, not a passive one. You can probably find that information all over google.


What about the ones that were included in the SS report that LK maliciously filed? Either there are recordings, or they made up things to say to SS. Which is it?


More than likely a fine. Sorry, I’m catching up and answering posts in the order I encounter them.


No updates today. Now we have to wait until Tuesday to get a possible update.


Considering the dog bit someone before anyone got shot, I would say you maybe are making an argument not favorable to your case.


That is not the only way they look. You can find that all over the internet as well.