Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I think they were passive devices that can be listened to in real time, right?

If so, I’m convinced that LK was sitting on her really uncomfortable loveseat on the stoop that day listening to MHG and the CPS lady in Michael’s office and would not stop to take ED’s call.


I’m glad someone appreciates it.



I have to say that KM’s amusing replies are generally spot on and have made me LOL many times!


You’re easily amused. I find her snark pretty boring.

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Maybe so, but I bet I’m more fun at a party :grin:


Ha! Note the “committed no crime” part.

Oh that’s right, you don’t care about that.


Oh, yes! No time for losers!


Funny, but I Always think of Big Wheels when I hear this song. :laughing: Fifth Avenue strikes again.

Which, in a way, brings us back to hamsters… :scream:


You mean like, Big Wheels keep on toinin’, Proud Mary keep on boinin’? Or Big Wheels like you wanna yell out the window to the kid riding his Bigwheel on the pavement outside your bedroom window at 7am on Saturday when you’re trying to sleep?


Invading the dog’s owner’s space. Maybe the dog actually read the New Jersey landlord/tenant laws.

Goody. A new tangent for the duo. Tenant laws in NJ.

And this has what to do with the civil suit?


She’s trying to push the K agenda that MB got what he deserved when he came up to the house, and that RC got what she deserved, when she let the authorities into the building. She thinks Tenant laws prohibit landlords or their officers from coming into a building to post notices and such. Its a whole thing with her. She’s hoping it helps the K’s in their civil suit defend their behaviour towards the people they - fingers crossed - made homeless. and that the dog has every right to attack people.


They were in a landlord/tenant situation and instead of evicting her for what I too find as disturbing behavior online and on the premises if what is described is accurate, so disturbing, I think a judge, any judge would agree and go forward with a 3 day emergency eviction, where was I, instead of evicting her, MB shot her.

Then in the classic abusive situation, MB is being paraded as the victim and his mental illness excuses all while the shooting victim is being blamed for being the aggressor.

MB was a successful and functioning adult operating at a high level. His victim was trying to get her life together and struggling badly, maybe failing. Instead of working with his friend, Tarshis, of getting a real estate lawyer, or going to see the local eviction public servant, New Jersey’s KM, he shot his client.

That is what this is about.

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Neither. I could have sworn that Big Wheels had a commercial where they used We Are The Champions as the music theme, but I didn’t find it on YT when I just looked. Oh well.

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OMG< raising kids int he '70’s, those Big Wheels were a parent’s nightmare, they had these big wide wheels (obviously) made out of plastic, and hollow, so riding them up and down the sidewalk or the driveway they were loud, like they were on a megaphone, and some idiot kid would be thrown out of his house at 6 or 7 am riding up and down, up and down high speed under your window and no one could sleep. Nightmares gone by.


Or self defense when being bitten in the groin and LK comes off the porch at you after having forced you back against your truck in a previous altercation. Nobody actually witnessed any of it and the supposed recording RG told the police that he had went mysteriously missing.


You keep believing that, mkay? You’ll see and hear a hell of a lot more in the trials. You have no idea how much more will be shown.


They must be trying to construct a believeable defense now for what they are going to be called to account for in this trial. Too bad you didn’t finish the bastard.


You have once again missed the point @hut-ho78, and what it really is about!

Your girl LK declared war. More than once, very publicly.

Do you know what happens in a war @hut-ho78? As the mother and mother-in-law of soldiers, I know what happens in war!

There are casualties. That is what happens in wars. Casualties with tragic ends.

Your girl LK was a casualty of her own war.

She overplayed her hand.