Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How very weak minded she allowed herself to appear.


@hut-ho78, please note in the last frame where Lauren Kanarek herself admits to recording people.


These aren’t soldiers. These are civilians both of whom engaged in unwise and bizarre behavior. Even the military has to follow the rules or face the consequences.

Now quick, try to do some damage control and tell us again how no one deserves to be shot.

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I don’t do damage control.

Not my job sweetie!

You reap what you sow!

That is what you have been attempting to do with every post of yours on a Barisone thread.

And yours is a thankless job, especially when information like what came out in this week’s filings are made public!


Oh what? I love how y’all say LK lies all the time except when she is confessing to a possible crime.

Not soldiers? I thought sometimes (oh how did that go?) the Queen must be sacrificed? Who does the sacrificing? The barn cat?

There’s certainly a bunch of role playing that goes on on your side in your collective heads.

Too bad LK wasn’t capable of playing the role of a lower level amateur whose unwelcome antics led to her being asked to leave and then, without much ado, she did.

That would have been a helluva role.


@hut-ho78, you don’t get to play it both ways!

Which is it- was it truth or was it lies?

Let’s see how you attempt to play this one!


Not a POSSIBLE crime. She admitted to an ACTUAL crime.


I’m still wondering what “livelihood” LK is referring to there. :thinking:


Projecting again?

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Queen sacrificer?


Curious, isn’t it?

Wanna bet her tax returns get subpoenaed in the civil trial?

If you claim loss of income, you’ve gotta prove the income, correct???


Notice the Manifesto was posted 7/25/19, almost two weeks before the shooting. Imagine how much more hell LK and RG put everyone at HH through over the next 13 days as she played her sadistic, dangerous game.

Again I ask @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless what they would have done had they been in LK’s shoes that spring and summer of 2019? Would they have worked their butts off taking advantage of all the talent available to them to help them reach their goal or would they behave as LK did? You both keep defending and excusing LK’s actions. You twist yourselves into knots trying to point to tenant laws or fight the actual proof of illegal recordings rather than simply accept you are trying to defend despicable behavior.

There is no valid, reasonable explanation for everything LK, her father and her male companion did to Michael Barisone. Before you rush to type your response, there is no proof of who shot Lauren Shay Kanarek.


And yet once again you attempt to spin to avoid an answer!

Tell me @hut-ho78, doesn’t it really suck to have to spin, spin, spin all the time???

It must be incredibly tiring!


Everyone will see more than they ever wanted to about both LK and MB. LK’s past has been steadily smeared across coth for the last 3 years. Sometimes someone throws out something about MB.

I hope they settle. The longer this continues the richer all the lawyers get.

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Oh lookey, people can use the term preponderance of the evidence again. They do so love that! :heart: Oh happy days!


I wonder how much money Lauren Kanarek and family would have to offer Michael Barisone, SGF, and Ruth Cox to settle and go away? :thinking:


LKs smearing across COTH is NOTHING compared to the reputational damage the trial, Law & Crime coverage, her YouTube presence, social media presence and 48 Hours caused. All by her own hand.

Wait till the civil trial commences and it all comes out. MB has already been laid bare but LK was protected and the world still loathes her. After the civil trial? Oh its going to be BAD for her reputation. Really, really bad.


Wow, makes one wonder why a strange horse with no connection to any other horse is running around screaming so loudly in the field. It must be those darn plastic bags that the wind blew in the other day.

Good thing I have tasty hay to eat while watching with my eye spied.


Schellhorn would have mentioned any negative, dangerous, criminal behavior on Michael Barisone’s past if he could have found anything. How about spending a couple of bucks and pay for a background check on Barisone and while you’re at it, see if you can get a 2 for 1 deal and go ahead and spring for one on both LK and RG. Put all 3 reports side by side and compare, then come back and tell me what you found. I’ll wait for your analysis and we can compare notes.