Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

You’re right. I haven’t really used it before because I thought there was a nugget of truth or something interesting in most people’s posts, but now that basic proof of serious statements can’t be provided, it’s fairly clear that everything else was waffle for attention too.


Oh look. A shortage of judges in New Jersey!

Are you really being this obtuse in your ability to understand? I can not imagine a person who brags that they are smarter than all the rest of us would not get that Daddio on the Patio is just a name. It does not mean someone was standing on the patio.

You can even buy T-shirts with it on it. (Screen shot of what was the first thing that came up, but there are more, so clearly lots of people know this phrase.)


At this point I have to assume your pretend unawareness is on purpose because you do not want to discuss what the Kanarek family has really done.


I put off trying it for a long time for the same reason. In hindsight, I wish I had started using it much, much sooner.


So disappointed at the outcome of the hearing yesterday. :confused:

Though I wonder how likely it would have been for Judge Taylor to recuse himself. Was it really a possibility or a shot in the dark by Mr. Deininger and Mr. Bilinkas? :face_with_monocle:



I am laughing because this question is funny simply because this information has been out there for a very long time now and has been well discussed on more than one thread.

It was even mentioned in the Nancy Jaffer article written about the first Krol hearing.
Here is a screen shot for you from the September 7th 2022 article:


Is Taylor still basing his decisions partially on the information from the mental health experts who testified at the criminal trial?

It occurs to me that those people examined MB years ago by this time. It’s been almost a year since they testified in court, and I believe they had examined MB long before that.

So how relevant is their opinion about his state of mind three or four years ago to his situation today?


In Nancy Jaffer’s most recent report she says:

“The judge mentioned the purpose of the Krol hearing is “everything about the demeanor, his mental state, statements made, when they were made; at trial, at the Krol hearing, in the hospital–all that’s relevant to his mental state.”


Is he just going to disregard the jury’s verdict?


The likeliness of Judge Taylor being willing to admit that he is showing so much bias that the majority of the random people on the internet can see is slim to none. Judge Taylor thinks far too highly of himself to ever think he was wrong. (But it does make me wonder what type of person he is if he read those texts and is still falling for the Kanarek show, but that question applies to more than just the judge.)

But it would have been wrong of Mr. Deininger and Mr. Bilinkas to not request that Judge Taylor recuse himself.

Michael deserves a judge who looks at the facts, not the stories told by the Kanarek family.

Michael deserves a judge who listened to the medical professionals who were actually treating Michael at Anne Klein, not a foot note from some people who have never met Michael.

Michael deserves a judge who cares about the Krol hearing rules and follows them, not a judge who makes up his own rules and does whatever he wants.

It is sad that Judge Taylor does not think that Michael deserves any of those things.


It seems like that’s his inclination.


From Nancy Jaffer’s new article, did I understand correctly that someone (? a K person, maybe) wrote a letter to the court before MB’s hearing in September and Judge Taylor used a sentence from that letter in his ruling?


Helpful hint to Lauren Kanarek and her parents,


There are only 3 words in English where the suffix is spelled -ceed. The rest are -cede.

And in order to succeed in riding you have to RIDE.


Is she not riding? Or just not showing?

Those are two different things.

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It sounded like he tried to deny doing that, anyway. But he didn’t do a very good job of it, given the way he phrased it.


What are the odds she is riding daily, putting into practice whatever her coach tells her to do without resorting to weird contraptions and not indulging in naps?

Success can also be measured in different ways. Not resorting to contraptions and learning from others may be a big life goal for Lauren.


Maybe it will backfire and Judge Taylor will want everyone involved in this mess out of his life :crossed_fingers:


Lolololol. Highly unlikely!!!


IANAL… but in terms of legal procedures in this situation, it seems to make sense for Deininger and Bilinkas to have respectfully raised the issue of the prejudicial sounding comments that Judge Taylor made at the last hearing, as well as the issue of LKs letter that went to the court before the last Krol hearing… and asked the judge to recuse himself.

The Judge has now refused. Sooooo… raising those issues as part of an appeal? Well… at least they can say that they exhausted every legal avenue possible before filing an appeal, and actually asked the judge to recuse himself.

I do find LKs choice to send a letter to this judge prior to the last Krol hearing very interesting. I can find nowhere in code that this is a standard procedure when it comes to Krol hearings. If that letter, combined with the Judge’s comments, cause the appeal to succeed? Yikes. That was not a wise move on LKs part.


Don’t know. Also don’t particularly care.

I just wondered if people figure she’s not riding if she’s not in the show ring.