Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

If an appeal has been filed, he may want to rethink the public hearing bit.


You have stated, but provided no proof, that MHG has a “protective order” barring LK “and her family” from “discussing MHG”.

I can understand that there might be protective orders barring a specific individual or individuals from contacting someone, but I think it’s doubtful someone could be barred from “discussing” someone on SM.

Why hasn’t LK been able to get such a protective order against you?

What is the specific definition of “her family” for the purposes of this alleged protective order?

Is it a court order or a letter from MHGs lawyer warning (threatening) that she will sue if she considers herself defamed?

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Perhaps Taylor wants an open Krol hearing so the K’s can attend. IOW, he doesn’t want to take the heat from JK if he is barred from attending a closed hearing. What a weenie. :roll_eyes:


Or as I have noticed with my one good eye, they exclaim that they don’t have too answer you.



How about a screenshot?

As you can see, these are the same comments that were “Clara” earlier…


She can’t help herself. Relieving wealthy women of their assets? Where’s the proof of that?


I am guessing in her “transcripts”

but I am only a horse of course.


How do you have a barter agreement with someone if you aren’t actually doing any work? There’s this weird relationship with LK and Rob and this Royal “we”, so I guess he’s doing the work and she’s reaping the benefits? It’s hard to wrap my head around. I listened to part of the testimony yesterday and this stood out, among many other things, as something Taylor shut down that I’m sure will be explored in the civil suit. Anything related to the financial stuff was quickly objected to. What are they afraid of? I thought LK wants to tell her story.


I like the reference to “all the wives and girlfriends at the same time living on the same property.” How many wives? How many girlfriends? Was it a sister wives sort of thing? :thinking:

That’s quite a bit of over-dramatization from ol’ Clara/Kirby. It sounds like the makings of a 6-part Netflix series.


From hhs.gov -

A HIPAA-covered health care provider or health plan may share your protected health information if it has a court order.

Sounds like Taylor intends to provide the court order for MB’s info to be publicly aired.

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Why, yes. Yes, they do. fishing horseback


Well, she can’t be talking about Vera, because Vera wasn’t there at the same time as any later girlfriends. Maybe she’s trying to say Lauren Kanarek was one of his girlfriends!

FUnny she doesn’t come onto this board and say all those things. How come?


HIPAA applies to health care providers like Graystone but not to the court. That says that while they are covered by HIPAA. Greystone can still provide MBs health information to the court under a court order. Obviously that has to be done to hold a Krol hearing. So Graystone is not violating HIPAA by handing the information to the defense, the prosecutor, etc.

Whether the judge makes the hearing closed or not is not covered under HIPAA, since HIPAA does not apply to courts.

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I believe it is a reference to something mentioned by CH or others on this forum - that MB’s wife or soon to be ex-wife (Vera) was still living on the property when MB and MHG were in a romantic relationship and also living on the property. IIRC, it was alleged that Vera was living in the house and MB/MHG were living in the apt or clubhouse at the barn. I do not know the timeframe, though - when it occured (if it did occur), and for how long.


Ha, we were posting at the same time.

It is something that one of LK’s supporters has stated multiple times on this forum. They seem rather certain that it is true, while others are just as emphatic that it isn’t true.

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Proof! PROOF!!! We want Proof! But, we’ll never get it!

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Long ago a poster claimed that when MB first brought MHG to HH, he installed himself in the barn living quarters with MHG while Vera was still living in the farmhouse. I don’t know if it’s true, but it was claimed in one of the early threads. If true, it struck me as horribly cruel to Vera.

When did Vera physically depart? She didn’t file for divorce until 2017, but MHG testified her relationship with MB started in 2015.

So a judge can arbitrarily rule that someone who is in a state mental health facility after being acquitted via an NGRI verdict has no right to privacy? And said judge can therefore order that the individual’s personal health information be publicly aired and disseminated?

That is so f***** up. :angry:


But even if that supposition is correct, that still only amounts to one ex-wife and one girlfriend. So… two. Instead the insinuation is that there was a harem of dressage divas residing at HH.


I have mentioned this, but I was not the original source. Someone posted that MB/MHG were lining together in the barn while Vers was still living on the property in the farmhouse.