Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

On this we agree!!!


Definitely not his obligation. Daughter was also more than an observer.

Her dad brought her in to ask for leniency in his case, so he could move and get away from the environment and save his daughter from going down the same path. Dad was using his daughter as a prop. Dad should have been parenting to save his daughter.

So, not the judge’s job, but I don’t find handcuffing a teen to “scare straight” to be a shocking berating as the headline suggested. If this had been Dad’s first offense, I might have thought otherwise. If it prevents her from a life of crime, it was worth it for her.


Their own comments. Different alter.

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I’ve not commented on YouTube under an alter or my real name.


What? Explain your post.


Me neither! CH should demand proof from HH! /s


She’s talking about the Kanareks. They go on YT with various alters with their own comments.



It must be shift change!


Taylor isn’t subject to HIPAA as he is not a covered entity nor is he a business associate. Greystone probably is, but there’s a carve out in HIPAA (i suspect you know this) that allows discloser to courts. Nothing I’ve read in the HIPAA prefects a court from discount that information. Local court rules and NJ code would do that, and apparently does. That will be what Taylor is violating.

Maybe a writ of mandamus is what is required.


Oh, ok, I just read all that. So its KROL that he’s violating, maybe. KROL covers folks in those kinds of hearings.


You mean, like in True Grit?
“I’ve got a writ for you, Mr. rat. It’s a rat writ writ for a rat.”


So what if they do consider her “a horrible person and a predator” who provoked Barisone?

He is not justified in shooting her whether she’s angelic or a horrible person.

Since her alleged horribleness is not a justification for MB shooting her, Stone is attempting to limit the deposition to prevent further questions on her provocations, that is, the evidence of her alleged horribleness.That was the point of his filing.


There is no proof he shot anyone and you know it, but somehow the Kanareks must prove it!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I waste enough time here. I’d like to hear how you think we have enough time to fake post all the tens of thousands anti LK comments.

Also, if you truly believe those comments are all the EIM why aren’t you and your fellow believers stepping up your game to counter all those tens of thousands of comments as you’re clearly leaving poor LK and Kirby alone and vulnerable to fight the mass onslaught?


The Krol hearings have everything to do with the criminal trial. They are the continuation of the criminal justice system when the verdict in the criminal trial is MGRI That’s why the same judge is presiding over the Krol hearings.

Taylor has to balance the rights of the NGRI acquittee against the safety of the public, just as he did in the trial itself.

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So are we all going to take turns calling Greystone about a week before the next Krol hearing to tell them to send the paperwork to the appropriate people? :smile:

That would be funny if they wondered why “the mob” was calling and telling them to send the right stuff over and in time for the hearing.
(jk, don’t really do this-just fun to imagine)


I’d be willing to wager my sweet bippy that there are NO “different alters” from CoTH posting on YT re: Kanarek.

There’s a big wide world out there, Hut… take a look without your rose coloured glasses.


No, Hut-Ho was saying that when you (g) say the YT comments are the same or worse it’s because the mob/COTH majority are posting the same stuff there.


Who do you think is in danger of MB? LK? Really? Do the K’s really think that or does that just play into “princess is a victim” narrative?


I think they have merit as they show LK to be a very sinde, vindictive and mean person - even more so when she is hiding behind her “bob aboey” account. She is showing the whole world who she really is and there is nothing daddy can do hide it. Although paying someone to scrub google results was a valiant attempt.