Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Well, he shot LK while delusional.

If he is released while still delusional, yes, LK could be in danger.

If he’s insane, delusional, how does one predict who he is going to harm, potentially?

Do you have me on ignore? Do you not understand that limiting discovery can be done only for reasons of form and privilege after an actual objection during the deposition?

Also, you have clearly also not read NJ Rules 3:19-2 and 4:74-7,


Has there ever been such a case as to cause lay people to learn, study and apply law to debate points of view for years - EVER?


I do not have you on the forum “ignore” feature, but also don’t feel compelled to respond to you. Don’t be shocked if I ignore you the old fashioned way.

I’m not a lawyer, but I’m assuming Stone would not have filed his motion if it had zero chance of success. I also did not see either Deininger or Silver countering Stone’s motion with the argument you gave there.

I read the NJ rules that you posted. As I am not a lawyer, with even a Google U law degree, I’m assuming that Judge Taylor understands the rules and laws on people committed via NGRI better than you or I do.

But maybe you know better than Taylor, and the next appeal will succeed.

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Ummm… legal experts help me here - does either “side” involved have the ability to block having the trial recorded?

Wouldn’t it also not be necessary for LK to agree to “televising the trial worldwide”? If anything, it just made her (and RG) look bad. Very bad. Impeached bad. Even 48 Hours could not make her look the way I am sure she intended to look… as a kind of beautiful, horse-whispery, wide-eyed equestrian ingenue who had tragedy thrust upon her completely out of the blue in an inexplicable and unfathomable way by the forces of evil.


My bad - we are not supposed to discuss all that lest we be stapled with some vaporous “pleasure of hate” airy-fairy accusation as if it was an irrefutable fact proven by… well, nothing but straw men and wishful thinking. We could be lectured about how if we are not in agreement with the impeached witnesses mentioned above (and any and all of their confuzzled connections), that we are victim blaming/shaming/gaming/laming/whatever and wholeheartedly believe with every fiber of our being that LK deserved to be shot. Maybe there is an EIM militia arming themselves… with… Crumbl cookies and Pinot Grigio.

None of the above is true. Not in this or any other dimension.

Or maybe there will be yet another rusty carousel of NGRI-NJ-RC-MB-JH-MHG-IM-JK-S1-KK-LK-LLPR-RG-Krol etc. posts grinding and clanking in constant circles with tinny Benny Hill music sputtering out of the speakers…


My inner Tim Minchin (minus the f-bombs) is trying to burst forth tonight… maybe if I hand him a glass of wine he will recede.


Why else would people be posting them here if they were not so very very proud of what they wrote there?

So when I have offered you actual legal statutes, that hasn’t compelled you to respond? Weird.


Not remotely bizarre. Underlings write filings all the time. And as JK is something of a lawyer, he probably feels quite qualified to do so, plus it would save him hundreds of dollars in billable hours. It does seem money is a primary concern for JK so it makes sense he would try and economize.


Mr Silver, who requested the deposition, did.

For reference, https://www.njcourts.gov/attorneys/rules-of-court/examination-and-cross-examination-record-examination-oath-objections


And yet you just claimed a few posts back that it does indeed ruffle your feathers. Pick a story and stick to it.


When you hear hoofbeats coming around the corner, expect to see horses (regular YT posters) , not zebras (OMG!!! COTH posters over there posting with 10 different alters each! OMG!!!).

Maybe the screen shot was used just to demonstrate that other people not connected here on a much larger forum have similar opinions? And to show that KK is in the thick of it, stirring the pot - as was LK…

Nothing more than that.

Everything is not a conspiracy. I do not understand the need to constantly assign motives or agendas to people that do not exist.


oh girl, you are so very far behind. ask CH.


You are amazingly brazen to think your post is even remotely convincing.


I believe Taylor obtained MBs consent as the defendant, to have the trial televised before Taylor ruled that TV cameras could cover the trial.

The defendant in a criminal trial has rights that are not necessarily afforded to other people such as witnesses.

I appreciate the legal experts such as Ekat and Einhorn who have contributed on various issues today.

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Not so fast…we know for sure that COTH’s own LaLaPopRider and @Seeker1 were posting on YT under alters. Wouldn’t surprise me at all that @Inigo-montoya was as well.


If HIPAA doesn’t apply and the state law states that NGRI KROL hearings must be by camera except murder (and by default attempted murder-you don’t get credit if they live) then in this instance Judge Taylor is complying.

I don’t think he blew through the first 90 days and ignored that requirement, I think the court calendars were that overwhelmed by lack of funding and staffing and then add Covid with those delays and even more limited courts to meet Covid spacing. I think that was beyond his control.

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Because the comments on YT, Law & Crime and 48 Hours refute your claim that the general opinion of COTHers is not reflected in the general public. Clearly a large portion of the non-horsey public who comment there feel exactly the same about the Kanareks and Judge Taylor as the majority of people here. Pay attention.

If you think the 20 or so regular posters in these threads have time to create hundreds of alters and posts on YouTube, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Is it really that hard for you to admit that the entire Kanarek family and Judge Taylor have really come out of this whole affair looking bad?


So glad you appreciate the contributions of of legal professionals who you previously have denigrated. I also appreciate their contributions! Are you still ignoring the laws I cited?


Amazingly brazen. Why thank you. How interesting. Much better than humorless scold. :joy:

Cool. So, you still haven’t read the statutes? Understood.