Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Hey, I resemble that remark :wink:


I stated my name on the first thread and no one has bothered my associates. I even restated it in this thread. I have real world experience with RG and LK so I’m really puzzled why you were singled out.


I haven’t read the specified claims in her lawsuit in a while, so please refresh my memory. Is one of her claims that MB shot her because he was insane?

Do we know that for a fact? What if they had sent the requested items to arrive at the various defense counsel’s offices just before closing yesterday? Will something show up on the docket on Monday to indicate that?



Oh no! Please let’s not start demanding proof from @sdel! It’s a logical conclusion they haven’t responded after all these months. Why break their pattern of non-compliance?!

Incredibly unlikely that they responded since in the meantime GAS is trying desperately to limit LK’s deposition to exclude the things she did to drive MB insane.

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Good point. I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt even though they have proven time and again that they have no intention of complying with court directives.

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I find plenty of posts eminently worthy of mockery, but nevertheless choke it down and respond respectfully.

Yes, I know the insulting, condescending, and mocking posts are how the board works. I’m not stooping to that type of mud slinging.

But you do you.

My guess is that they had a list of posters and tried to ascertain the identity of each one and they were able to figure yours out.

I have no doubt that if other identities like mine could be ascertained, retribution would be tried against myself as well.


Hey, don’t denigrate the Cessna 150. Humble as it may be, a heck of a lot of people learned to fly in one of those things - perhaps even Musk’s own pilot!

She was attempting to doxx me. She didn’t succeed, but her intention was to doxx. That’s obviously a hostile, nasty move.

You had an elaborate theory as to why YD was a particular sister of LK’s complete with information from the sisters work
history, then said I was YD because I used a two word phrase YD once happened to use.

You tried to out me as both a banned poster and a IRL person.


You do your own version of that “mud slinging”… so you have “stooped”. And no, you do not always respond respectfully. It is that kind of elitist rhetoric that tends to get responses you may not like - and yet you simply refuse to own it or admit it.

As for me… I own all my snark. All my snide comments. I admit when I screw up - and I have. I do not do insults - but then some can find an insult in almost anything - if that is all they are looking for… and it serves their narrative.

I do not hide under a victim umbrella to pretend I never do any of that. Nor do I claim that things have been done to me that never happened (doxxed)* and I have only had a couple of flat out rants here over the years that I did not edit and re-edit and re-re-edit first before posting… and that has not happened for a very long time. One was in CE and the other was in Racing.

99% of the time, (as I said last night) I keep my inner Tim Minchin At His Raging Best on a tight rein with a gag bit…

- * - Years ago, when we still had signatures at the bottom of our posts, I displayed a link to this farm’s website. I proudly posted pics from National shows. Then a certain wingnut contacted the BO to complain to her about things I had posted and recommended that she fire me immediately for a long list of reasons. The BO was not amused by the poster’s demands but brushed it off… and I deleted any and all mentions of the farm. Never again. So that was not doxxing - as I had the info Out There… :roll_eyes:

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I find your perspective most interesting given you just thought it was fine to repeat (for no reason) the real name you believe is @eggbutt and you did that just TODAY.


I have ridden in a few of them - once skimming over the tree tops in a sudden squall - but I cannot see Musk doing that! :wink:

snoopy laugh