Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Taught me how to change the name on the donation to GFM.
Something about posting anonymously and then editing the name?


Honestly, I wouldn’t blame the mods at all if they don’t even bother to announce it anymore. Especially on these threads, which are probably very tiresome for them.

Thanks for all your efforts, mods!! :clap::clap::clap:


Clara Dobson. Or whatever KK was trying to use as her YT name.


If an insult is bad enough, the mods may either replace the word or phrase with [edit] or they may delete the whole post.

I never see the mods come on and draw attention to a simple [edit], although they do come on to say they’ve deleted posts, or banned someone. The writer of the edited post receives automatic notification.

I’m sure I haven’t seen all the insults leveled at me. But I’ve seen plenty.

I am assuming that you do not really want us answering this question.


That is correct, trubandloki. It was a rhetorical question.

@CurrentlyHorseless I’m pretty sure because you are on the minority side - and quite a minority at that - it feels you are getting blistered regularly. If each of us on the ‘question LKs version’ side snarked at you just once that would be like 100 snarks a week. And you guys would have to divide up your snarks to dozens and dozens of people.

That brings the snark levels to something like 100:3. So of course you’re overwhelmed by a nightly Snarkageddon.

Oh well. It is what it is.


Glad you clarified that.


And the Mods always say they have done some editing. They do not go all ninja and eliminate horrific insults directed at CurrentlyHorseless (or anyone else) as a matter of course every few hours.

Again, disagreeing with you or correcting a statement or having different insight is not hating or insulting. You are bound and determined to be a victim now - that much is obvious.

You have not been on the sidelines - not since you started posting here… so that disclaimer also does not work. 483 posts is not hanging out on the sidelines, innocently posting a few times… totals as of when I type this (gawd, I’m a slacker) …

You have been in the center of every conversation, often holding court and enjoying your own sarcasm and snide comments. We all do that at times - nothing to see there. But presenting yourself as an innocent contributor here who rarely puts a word wrong and never pounds others over the head with repeated arguments about the same thing and yet gets jumped by the evil meanies for no reason whatsoever… is disingenuous.

You are the same as everyone else here - free to post your thoughts and concerns and also realizing that you may not get the reaction and responses you like in return.

Using real names is not cool. Also, no one doxxed you - unless you are in actuality LK’s sister… then that would be doxxing. But you aren’t… sooo… #shrug … once again, your angst is misplaced.

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Your rage would only be justified if you are LKs sister. You clearly aren’t, so why is Sdel’s harmless speculation so bothersome?


We removed the gratuitous use of a poster’s IRL name from an earlier post.

While she made the info public on the site many years ago and it was subsequently publicized by another user, she is not directly involved in this case, her identity related to her posting here is not a part of the case, and she does not typically go by her real name when posting.

Please get back to the case vs. discussing each other.


Yes, credit to MHM for noticing that poor Sidebar was not named in the write-ups about the NJ state seal. If MHM had not been here, that poor horse may still remain nameless.


Not necessarily a bad thing. Eons ago when I was younger and in a different barn far away (having lessons and teaching as well), there was a very handsome 16 HH lesson horse gelding whose name was Noname. Not Non-aym. Not No-nay-me. Not No-nah-me. It was literally No-name. He was bright bay with lots of chrome - a real head-turner and had great hunter form over fences. Announcers at shows would struggle until they realized that his name was just as it looked… Noname.


Which completely ignores the fact that I didn’t say CH was LK’s sister, she made that leap on her own over something I said about where YD might have gotten the information that YD got banned for.



Years ago before the USEF kept better online records, we had a sale horse turn up at a show for one of our adults to show for the week. We had told her the horse would be there in time for her division, and she would be able to just hop on him and show him if she liked him.

But when the horse finally arrived, the seller did not send any useful information with him, like his name. So for that show, his name was Sight Unseen. Lol.

I think she ended up being either champion or reserve on him.


It’s interesting to see the list of the most frequent posters, and certainly refutes the claims from some that they just innocently sit on the sidelines until they are viciously attacked out of nowhere and have to defend themselves. I’m also curious why someone chose to target me by contacting my trainer and editor when I am down near the bottom of the list. Hardly a mob ringleader.


Because you are the only one they could find?


Seems like a lot of effort when there are several posters as easily identifiable IRL as I am.


Thank you!