Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Snark and sarcasm? That’s the worst you see?

Of course the most blatant insults are edited out by the mods.

I just wanted to say, the written discovery deadline has now passed. The Kanareks have officially failed to comply with their agreed upon deadlines.


Why should they care? Nothing happens to them as a result of their flouting court orders.


You are not on the sidelines/on the riverbank - you are in the current and have been for a very long time.

How many times have you mocked, badgered, insulted and twisted and distorted the posts of others into something they did not say - or straw men? Usually in a passive-aggressive style, but obvious none the less?

A bit of self-reflection is in order again.

You have done that to me many times - and yet I do not post that I am a victim or hated or attacked… and howl about the injustice of it all. #shrug

Using the real name of any poster is an attack on any forum - and yet you deliberately chose to do that? I suspect you will say that you were forced to do that by the “EIM narrative” - one of your favorite disdainful terms of late.

I genuinely think that you are not aware of how you are coming across when you post… :confused:


Time to take a break from playing that violin. It’s not personal and nobody hates you. What a lot of people have said very clearly they dislike is your repeated rejection of facts, your pedantic and repetitive posting style, your constant demands that people justify or explain their comments to you, your circular logic, your misinterpretations of the law (despite being given the correct information by people with actual legal knowledge), your need to comment on every single post, and your defence of the indefensible.

If people find your opinions baseless, worthy of mockery, or indicative of being an insider then they are probably going to comment on it. That’s kind of how discussion boards work.

People disagree with you because they think you are wrong. It’s really that simple.


Geeze, don’t tell them! LOL


Not yet.


Thank you for your input, it is much appreciated and enlightening.



When/if that happens, it is obvious as in [edit] and the Mods announce it. Are you suggesting that there are so many vile insults about you that the Mods simply cruise through as a matter of course and delete them without saying anything?? And that you have seen them all and many of us haven’t? # confused

I see snark and sarcasm from all sides. Except for some testy, sneering posts from some Ks. But I guess that if one is determined to see “hate” - that is all they will let themselves see. I am not sure why anyone would want to do that…



Thanks, KM.

And thanks to all of those with legal expertise who have contributed to these threads to help the majority of us wade through them!


If you truly feel this way then why do you continue to engage with this forum? Reminds me of someone else…


It is quite difficult to avoid responding to snark with snark, insults with insults, condescension with condescension, but I have certainly tried to keep my posts calm, civil, and respectful of other posters, regardless of the garbage thrown at me.

I’m sure I’ve slipped sometimes, but there is no comparison in the level of snark and insults that I’ve received vs what I’ve given.

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Are there any other steps Mr. B and Mr D can take before the next Krol hearing to keep it closed to the public? I would think with the testified FTB plot in the trial MB has a valid reason to want to keep it closed. Why allow someone any current information about your health and krol status to potentially use that information against you?


There are several different apps you can get for your phone that do just that. The only planes they do not track are most military flights, Air Force One and small planes that do not have transponders. None of those apply to Elon Musk - as I am sure he is not military, sitting on Air Force One (or Two) or flying in anything as lowly as an old Cessna 150.


Discussing on SM someone who has a no contact order against you can be considered indirect communication and can be considered a violation of the no contact order. It depends on the laws of the state and interpretation of the judge. If someone has a no contact order against them the smartest thing to do is not mention that person at all.


That is the funniest thing I’ve read all day :rofl:


Interesting. I do believe 90% of the comments that have received an [edit] have been about Lauren or the family.


All these years and now I learn that we should be keeping spreadsheets.


Especially since it sounds like that’s what LK already did in the past.