Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

@Inigo-montoya (Jonathan Kanarek) I mentioned this before but I am guessing it got deleted when they removed all the comments associated with your terms that the mods must have felt were too rude.

All the definitions I have found for jock sniffer talk about ammy athletes, not pro athletes.
That aside, I have never thought that EB has been interested in Michael that way.

I am impressed to see that you are not throwing Robert Guy Goodwin under the bus like typically happens in this family. Quite impressive.

What do pancakes have to do with things? What did I miss?

Please tell me more about you thinking it is funny to make people homeless? That can not be one of your shining moments is it?


LK met MB when she and her trainer at the time went to Florida for a month to train with VK. This was the 2017/2018 winter. VK filed for divorce from MB in 2017. MHG and MB were said to be in the barn living together in the summer of 2018. MHG testified her relationship with MB. KM, EB and some others said someone else was seeing MB in that time as well. LK or RG or both testified they stayed at one barn with VK but the arena was at MB’s barn in 2018 and that is where MB approached LK about going to NJ to train with him. (NC is where dressage goes to die comment from MB). The final property payout on the divorce was spring of 2019 (clipped for $965K).

Whoooo boy, here we go again


Well @CurrentlyHorseless, by the reaction, it seems you made your point on this one.

I think it’s funny people believe he approached her. More likely her trainer at the time (who refuses to talk about her) sent LK to MB.


Not so much but if it makes you feel better I won’t shatter your dreams.



Yes, @CurrentlyHorseless it is now verified you made your point. The divert alarm is sounding.



RG smugly testified something along the lines of “not everyone is on time all the time”!

I remember screaming at the screen :wave: yes we are!

In the ~40 years I participated in lessons I was late once—car trouble. And cancelled once because a potluck lunch at work did not agree with me—no way I was getting on a horse!


Priorities show respect for the professional and his assistants!


MHM: this is false. It has been repeatedly explained that Vera was not there when LK first went to MB’s to train.


He did way more than what you do here everyday……try to convince people you’re something you’re not!

You’re not a legal Eagle or a legal anything!
I read the posts of the real lawyers here. Even @ekat, with whom I have real issues, at least try’s to be honest . You, on the other hand, would like the world to believe you’re about 100 paygrades above what you really are/were.
You can’t shine RG’s shoes either!



Agree. Train wreck here. Mutually assured destruction. It is very very sad.

Where was RG working on 9/11


They didn’t do a great job, though. I was just reading recently that they never checked the DNA under Maggie’s fingernails, nor tested the clothing Maggie and Paul were wearing. Seems like a big mistake to me.



So what did the hero RG do on 9/11?


I’ll answer your question when I see you March 8th.
How’s that?

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Yes, her trainer Donna Kelly really respects MB according to FB.


Yes… what was his rank?


He did what his CO told him to do. That’s all the likes of you are entitled to know.