Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

If someone is saying that RG has served in the military and served in the military on 9/11 but there’s no proof of that, then I personally don’t believe it. If those are lies, that makes you a piece of…work. I’ve worked very closely with Service Members and have zero tolerance for any lies, embellishment, and/or Stolen Valor.

If you, IM, or RG, or whomever, is so proud of RG’s service that you must boast about it, then you’d be more than proud to show proof of it.

If you’re just here to wind people up, then so be it, but that’s a sh*tty move.


True. They do keep on asking for proof. So they must be willing to provide their own then


Was it my artwork? I know it’s not very good but I’m practicing!



Well, whoever is posting as IM today is doing yet another bang-up job of presenting the Kanareks in the worst possible light for their upcoming (and ongoing) legal adventures… amazing job!! Congratulations!!



You say this with humor or /s but it truly is really scary how many doctors do not know possible side effects and drug interactions with the drugs they prescribe. Google can be our friend.

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It’s bizzare. The K’s can make all sorts of claims and you’re just supposed to believe them and take their word on it. When you ask for proof they get a bit angry, defensive, or give some reply that’s along the lines of, “stay tuned for the next episode” basically. I don’t know, I think they like the attention when they make various claims and people request proof and talk about it. I don’t know, I can’t explain what doesn’t make sense :joy:

Now, if anyone else says anything, they better provide sources, documents, photos, their SSN and their first born.


It’s a gaslighting tactic.


The day he stopped MB, he saved everyone, including MB.

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He is no hero. Not on 9/11 or any other day.


I’m lost. Why?

OK, I will answer.
But you are going to ignore me.

Why? Because even though there is a huge long list of other reasons why the most basic answer is - common sense. It is common sense.


So, I’ve had this theory from the beginning re IM and he keeps proving it to be true. I think the recent drop in with hints of RG being in the military and doing something on 9/11 is… Well, I have choice words if that’s not true, and it’s not going to take a rocket surgeon to figure it out. Anyway, my theory; IM randomly drops in and tosses some savory morsel(s) to the peasants of CoTH, ruffles some feathers (maybe I should’ve said pheasants), gets some sort of enjoyment and/or entertainment out of it, and then bounces until the next time. Seems pretty typical.

I just can’t understand why one might think that any of us would want to shine RG’s shoes or even think for a minute that shining RG’s shoes would be a privilege or demonstrate prestige :joy: as I’ve said before, I think IM can be a funny guy!

I think it’s great that RG has people out there that believe in him and will toot his horn all day long, but we all have different values and opinions as to what is admirable and worthy of respect. So it’s rather subjective. I’ve seen people support some terrible individuals out there.


Spit Shine is not just a term—try it on your boots!

Take a cake polish and spit into the can (make sure it’s your own personal can of polish)—apply to your boots—let it dry and buff with a really soft brush or nylon pantyhose!


Nylon panty hose is where it’s at! I had a pair of dressage boots (tall boots) that I used to polish and shine. Discovered the whole panty hose thing and they worked great. I suppose nowadays I’d have someone shine my boots for me, while I sit there, sipping my tea with my pinky up, of course. Or I just have boots that I don’t polish/shine :joy:


Can you even find pantyhose anymore?

Yes, it’s not so hard to find pantyhose at all.


Nobody knows whether RG was a hero or a villain that day, or something in between, or something else entirely.

I haven’t seen any proof that he was a hero, nor have I seen proof that he was a villain during those, say, 10-20 minutes… Because there is, literally, no credible evidence to point either way.

What we DO know is that Lauren was somehow shot. We know Rob ended up on top of Barisone, who was in turn on top of a gun. We also know he beat Barisone pretty seriously, seemingly more than was necessary to neutralize a threat. We also know that he engaged in some pretty shady, sometimes illegal, behavior leading up to the incident. But really, we don’t know what he actually did during those minutes.

The fact is that NONE OF US know anything about those minutes because all we have are circumstantial evidence and the word of two unreliable witnesses whose accounts changed over time and don’t make a whole lot of sense. (Note: I am leaving out their histories as a reason to distrust their accounts - I am basing my judgement solely on their inconsistent, non-sensical, changing accounts. IMO, that’s bad enough, and as I have stated before, I don’t believe their pasts necessarily mean they are untrustworthy.)

The sad fact is that because:

  1. there is no video evidence (I still think it’s awfully coincidental to have supposedly turned off the cameras that afternoon and for Rob to have told the cops he had video of the incident that never surfaced),
  2. because Barisone either cannot recall the events or claims he cannot, and
  3. because neither Lauren nor Rob have proved themselves trustworthy in any sane person’s view,

we likely will never know.

So, can we please stop longeing on that topic?


It has been repeatedly explained by the EIM side that Vera was not at HH when LK went there to train in 2018, but I’ve also seen posts saying that Vera was there, living in the farmhouse while MB and MHG lived in the barn.

I don’t know sh*t re what happened that day. I have thoughts on what could’ve (and what should’ve) happened, but I know nothing, really. It’s actually a bit odd, post trial and all, if you think about it, and sort of goes back to the lack of forensics.


I just use my screenshot tool on my chromebook or PC and it saves each as a pic.