Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Well, you can tell I am a certified member of the IEM because I will never wear them again!


Yes @clipper. That is how it is done.
The trick is filing them. But yes, that is how it is done.


Re: paragraph 1, yes. Also seems to be a favorite pastime for the family.

Re: paragraph 2: the only shoes I am shining are my own boots the night before a show. (And if horse shoes count, I guess my horse’s shoes when I laquer her little feetsies up).

Re paragraph 3, I agree. We all need someone in our court.


“Big name” trainers don’t walk up to a first level ammy and invite them to train. You go to them. None of the trainers I know (big name or not) ask people to ride with them.

ETA: or anyone else, regardless of the level they ride.


Yes, he did say that on the stand.


Every time I read about someone being called a hero, I cringe. It seems that hero designation gets applied to anyone for anything. Pull a splinter out of a finger, you ate a hero.

You want to know who is a hero to me? Probably not but here ya go. A hero to me is someone who is selfless. Someone who has no ulterior motive for the action. Someone who does what has to be done for the greater good.

The young recruits who fought in WW II. Crawling through trenches. Living in fox holes. Seeing their brothers in arms killed before their eyes. Picking up the pieces so there is something for the loved ones to bury at home. Liberating Dachau.

The firemen and police officers who went into the burning buildings of the World Trade Center, knowing they may never come out.

Our Vietnam veterans, who came home to no support after being sprayed with agent orange, being tortured for a war about what.

The kids, teachers, parents who live daily with the possibility of being killed by a mass shooter, just by going to school.

Not everyone is a hero, nor should everyone wear that badge. The hero designation should be reserved for those that put others before themselves without reservation without expecting a party or a ticker tape parade.

If it is eventually determined that what has been claimed happened at HH that August day really happened as claimed, I may consider RG a hero, but only to the K family. Throughout his life he has not been selfless.

My apologies for going off on a tangent, this is a bug up my own butt.

My Dad was my hero. He ran through the trenches of Europe. Lived in fox holes. And yes, was there the day Dachau was liberated. He didn’t talk about Dachau. He talked about the war but not Dachau. It was too horrific. Hero’s don’t brag.


“You’re not fit to shine his boots!” is a historical/literary reference.

Scarlet OHara in Gone with the Wind, said to Rhett Butler.

Nylon Pantyhose: An item necessary for any good polish - spit or no. (Am also relieved that boot zippers have freed us from their other equestrian uses!)




I’m aware.


If you’re on your phone or tablet, you can easily create an album. I imagine you could also just create a folder on your computer and drag/drop them there.


In memory of your dad. Martha Gellhorn wrote this:



Didn’t he also then contradict that statement by saying he could tell at a glance that the gun in question was out of bullets, and thus no danger to him?


waiting for IM to post his next “bombshell” to ruffle feathers and crow at his perceived prowess.



I don’t want to eat anyone, I am full from my dinner, but I do have a nasty splinter in my thumb that I have not been able to get out. I could use a splinter removal hero.


Unless you are some sort of wunderkind in the saddle, catch riding and winning on the top circuits at high levels, or unless you are fabulously wealthy and have a string of drool-worthy horses… then I imagine precisely zero trainers are going to ask you to join a program regardless of the level you’re riding at. It literally isn’t a thing.

ETA: and regardless of whether your trainer is an Olympian who winters in Fl or a mid-level local barn that dabbles in rated.


Yeah he flew to Islamabad on his own and defeated the Taliban on his own.
Why don’t you say something intelligent otherwise go back to your mission in life……recording secretary for this QAnon like echo chamber.
Oh not an echo chamber? See how anyone with an opposing view is treated!

I just recently read a suggestion to put a piece of duct tape on it, wait a few minutes, then pull it off.




Jonathan Kanarek, I think you might be having a rough day that is not expressing itself well. Maybe go sit down and have a nice drink with your lovely wife, Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1).