Yes, that poor staff, wading through boxes and boxes and boxes, and trying to summarize for GAS.
I feel particular empathy for the one who gets the box with the manifesto in it. Because that stuff is just pure insanity written by his plaintiff, hours before the incident. Poor staff has to summarize and explain that to GAS.
I hadn’t seen your reply when I started composing mine. Had to leave for a few minutes to tend to the dog, then came back and finished typing. Then I saw your post a minute later after I scrolled down some more. My bad.
Somewhere, the paralegals are drawing straws over who has to go talk to GAS.
Ummm…Mr GAS? Sorry to bother you but…remember when Lauren Kanarek said she was peacefully reading/napping on the porch the morning of August 7th, and up until the shooting?
Well, you see, what she was ACTUALLY doing was writing and posting this…um…stuff.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that the really entertaining stuff gets copied, identities redacted and then becomes a most excellent party story at some point.
OMG it would literally make my week if I had to summarize the manifesto for a judge!
I basically did that doing petitions for people seeking orders of protection and the whacky ones make your day. I still tell the story of when God came in asking for an Order of Protection against his wife… in Malta.