Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I would guess most likely that if a big name trainer is being shopped for it has more to do with wanting to say she rides with a big name trainer again, and not that she has to move her horses or anything like that. This is the time of year that one can snag a new big name trainer down that way.

If her father is sending nasty notes to trainers, that is some amazing icing on the cake of example of how that family operates.

On the original topic, we had some members who worked in institutional mental healthy care at some point. I do not remember who those posters are, specifically (sorry). Hopefully they are reading and have some ideas how to go about addressing the lack of treatment for everyone at Greystone and how to best move on with helping that situation.


This is how the family has always operated. Daddy likes to threaten and bully…so does darling daughter.


It’s a lovely facility with a nice young trainer who offers lessons on GP schoolmasters and seems to specialize in biomechanics / ride with your mind type of instruction. Not the Olympic level training LaLa has convinced PaPa she needs. As someone mentioned above, a BNT was coming to the facility to teach her, but he has since relocated back to Europe.

Re the nastygrams - who does that? Oh I know, people who allegedly threatened and forced MB to allow their daughter to live on site.


Chiming in to say that practice did not begin with Trump. Do these sound familiar?

I did not have sex with that woman.

There are weapons of mass destruction there.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

And I am sure it goes even further back, and seems to be a requirement for whoever occupies the White House. The current resident lies so much that one Senator said, “You can trust him about as much as you can trust Harvey Weinstein with your daughter.”

As for the GFM update - it made me so sad - and so mad - that I had to find solace by baking and baking and baking. Does anyone know if we can send Christmas cookies to MB?

[edited to fix a typo]


And we had to mention Trump which is now going to turn this into a political debate. Sigh.



It’s only a debate if you respond


It could be that her lease for the small barn ran only through the end of the year and that it had already been leased out for the upcoming winter season, so she has to move her herd. And her international trainer will no doubt be back for said winter season but perhaps has learned a lot more about the K’s over the past months and decided it isn’t worth his time or the risk to his professional reputation (or sanity).


I too wonder if the lease was up and is not being renewed. I would imagine the lessor having enough sense not to try to out her overtly. A tidy legal document enabling him to shoo her on her way would be preferable. “I have horses and their rider coming from Germany to get ready for spring training, so no, we will not be renewing your lease. So sad, too bad.”


I am utterly amazed, that if true, that Daddy PopPop is writing nastygrams on LaLa’s behalf to BNTs.

And I wonder why at her age that he still does this for her??? I guess she is totally incapable of standing on her own two feet.


Lauren Kanarek’s what? 42 years old now? I’ll be EMBARRASSED to have to find lodging for my kid and their animals at 42 unless there is a diagnosed issue that makes my involvement a necessity.

At that point, I would also be the owner of the animals. If you can’t find a place for them due to your behavior (personal or financial) and it falls on me to find & pay for board, then they are mine to own/lease/sell. Sign them over.


You took the words out of my mouth, diagnosed issue???


Well the thread was doing good for a bit there.


Reading these posts finds me thinking back to the now infamous PMs.

As such, it’s really hard to not be a smug arse right now.

I wish MB would be released already. I’m sure that would be mentally terrific for him in so many ways.


I guess once the civil case gets rolling more will be known. Conservatorship or does Lauren Kanarek have a history of being gainfully employed?

Meanwhile, Michael and other involuntary residents aren’t receiving the care the state is mandated to provide. Which is a disservice to them and every single taxpayer in New Jersey. Particularly as Michael has the resources and demonstrated capability of seeking professional care while at home.


It seems to me that Taylor is hoping MB will regress mentally and emotionally from having to be locked up in a facility with folks who are possibly/probably fairly kooky, and where no one is getting any treatments other than medication and “group therapy.” I think that kind of situation would make me go BSKrazy.

I am praying that MB can hang in there and tough it out until his next hearing. :pray:


Remember being isolated from others is also bad for those who are socially inclined. So sending cards & letters is helpful as I suspect random visitors are discouraged.

And donating to the GFM will make it easier to force Lauren Kanarek to reveal so much more than she expected when she set out to drive him crazy and “Finish the bastard!” Who does that, indeed.

I have some theories…


FWIW I grew up in NJ. A certain amount of coercion is not at all unusual in some circles and those circles are not exclusively Italian. That’s how some things get done.

My late unlamented cousin had interests in several restaurants in the Fort Lee area and had strong mob ties. Restaurants are good ways to launder money. He was Swiss Irish.


Would love to know the threats in those nastygrams.


Yes indeed. If true, what tactic is Poppy employing in these nastygrams?

Are they laced with veiled, ambiguous threats of intimidation? Is he claiming LaLa is a member of some protected class, and she’s a victim of discrimination, so he’s invoking the ADA act? Or are they filled with caustic disdain, like claiming they (BNT) are idiots for missing out on an opportunity to train an up and coming Olympic superstar?


Really? The part in bolded all caps urged LET’S ALL MOVE ON WITHOUT THESE TIRESOME INDIVIDUALS.”

Wasn’t that directed at your compatriots in the mob?

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