Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Oh, sucks to be them!

But, what did they actually expect?

Admitting that your goal was to “FINISH THE BASTARD” does not exactly endear you to an entire industry that is not only small and tight knit, but has excellent memories!


If Simring said that MB suffered from chronic depression and delusional disorder, said that MB needed treatment, and said that MB needed time to “work through his demons”… Well, wouldn’t it be smart to hold him in a facility that can, does and will do that?
But they are not. And for twice as long as required by Krol.
That’s egregious.


And take it a step further… So BNTs in Welly World have to be fairly familiar wth MB. If there was more to this story, would the Well World community circle the wagons?
Its as telling about the community’s dislike for the Klan as it is a statement of support for MB.


Whatever they may think of MB, it probably comes down to self preservation instincts, if nothing else.


The BNT’s as well as the little guy’s are very well aware of the PopRiders… and PapaPopRider in particular as he delivers his Nastygrams to the BNT’s barns… how dare they turn precious away…


What a shocker! PaPaPopRider allegedly sending nasty, threatening messages to people who don’t want to train his daughter…where have we heard that before?


Apple/tree, etc., etc.


Sending nastygrams is the perfect way to show the BNTs all the drama gossip was wrong about LK and this family!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12D chess playing at its finest!


I’m confused. LaLaPopRider is renting, I think, a small barn for only her horses from the Larger Facility. Her international dressage trainer has gone home (at least, temporarily), and LaLa was assigned to his “assistant.” Assistant gave her up, but surely, there are other dressage instructors at the Larger Facility.

Or does “no room in their barn(s)” mean (in addition to ‘literally’) they (BNTs) ‘have no openings for additional students?’

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Maybe the barn she is at now doesn’t want her to be there anymore.


(Lauren Kanarek).

Rotted - root, trunk, branches and fruit.


Maybe she wants a more famous trainer


Or maybe no BNT will agree to come to Lauren Kanarek’s barn or permit her to come to theirs. Wait until she finds her applications to ride or audit CLINICS featuring BNTs “lost in the mail” or declined because it is “already full”.


True. Until you get into a big clinic you’re an unknown so they’ll turn you down. But once you get in one you have far better chances for all.


Oh, really! Now why does she need to approach BNTs? Doesn’t she have a trainer? Doesn’t she have her horses at a nice barn?


I can imagine her current barn wanting their stalls back. For one reason or another. And, well I would also imagine some trainers require you to board at their barn if they are training you? I don’t know, I really am imagining that, but some might. So she may not get able to get anyone to come to her, and she may not be able to get anyone to let her into their barn. Can you imagine letting her into your barn?? What that would do to your other clientele? Professional suicide in one swell foop.


Maybe she can go to one of the barns or places her wonderful friends offered her when she first announced she had to leave MB’s place, when was that spring 2019? Surely they’ve remained loyal friends to her, even after finding out what she did to him. They may be backyard barns, or mid-level trainers, but at least she can keep her horses and not have to give them up, if her friends can help her.

And think about it, if she can’t train or board with anyone down there, the obvious solution would be to buy a little barn of one’s own somewhere. Except they blew all their money on a relatively useless 3 bedroom house with no facility. Paid cash, mortgaged it up (I still don’t understand why they took out a mortgage on it) so now what, they sell it? after paying the mortgage, they’ll have nothing. I don’t think they have the money to buy a small facility for her now. Not with the money they have to pay out to their attorneys…I wouldn’t be surprised if Lala and Papa and Mama come out at the end of this whole thing very very much poorer than when they went in, never mind having owned the coveted farm, and being paid the proceeds of his very fancyshow horses. Ugh.


She may come to think to herself she didn’t know how good she had it at MB’s being taught by his assistant trainers. she may not even be able to get anything like that again, now. Some people are so dumb. They ruin themselves.


They may very well black ball her and she won’t ride dressage again. Can you imagine letting the person who did that to MB and his people and family come to one of your clinics? And continue to ride and show dressage?


I think you are onto something.

It always seemed inevitable to me that sooner or later, she would decide she wanted to move to a different barn/trainer. And when that happened… she was going to inevitably deal with the repercussions of her highly public situation.

I can’t imagine any facility wanting to add her. The rest of the clients will almost certainly be upset.