Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

If @CurrentlyHorseless and her friends want to continue their very, very tired rants and rehash of the trial, verdict, meaning of the verdict and victimization, maybe they can start their own little thread in Off Course to regurgitate their same posts over and over again amongst themselves. @CurrentlyHorseless has nothing meaningful to add to this thread as evidenced by her complete misunderstanding of the GFM Update. LET’S ALL MOVE ON WITHOUT THESE TIRING INDIVUDUALS, PLEASE!

48 Hours is not an investigative news show but 60 Minutes and Dateline are. The subject of mental health is so huge in America now, particularly after the Covid lockdowns, so one of these news programs surely could be interested.

I know there are some things currently going on in the background by several posters here who have communicated with top journalists (at least their people). Maybe lots of lights can shine on this issue quickly and get people the help they need and deserve.

I suspect the State of NJ doesn’t care what news articles and investigations occur, but perhaps the taxpayers in NJ would care. Someone said all of this is due to some changes Chris Christie made while Governor. Is that true?


One thing we know is Taylor has ignored the Krol guidelines and tossed his impartiality out the window. The judge is required to have backup from experts when making a ruling against what the majority of experts report at the hearing. In this instance he acted on his own with no report backing up his decision. And of course Schellhorn said nothing either.

As far as Dr Simring, he said that Michael is not insane, nor is he dangerous and he also said that Michael would not get any treatment at Greystone and that he should be released to the community with outpatient care. This renown psychiatric expert was completely ignored.

It seems apparent that Steven Taylor is not the only judge in NJ who either doesn’t give a damn or are completely ignorant of the situations at these facilities based on all the patients who have not received care. Who does that?


Don’t know about NJ, but nationally, it was Ronald Reagan who damaged what little mental hospital resources we had. No, things were not good then either, but options for inpatient treatment were severely reduced.
" The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress to repeal most of MHSA.[1] The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy."


This is so sad.


If you want to discourage my posting, why do you insist on tagging me, @Eggbutt?


Simring said that MB suffered from chronic depression and delusional disorder, needed treatment, and needed time to “work through his demons”.

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We need Sara Koenig from Serial!


I’m very familiar with what chronic depression disorder is, since I have lived with it for most of my life. It does not mean you are depressed all day every day. It means as a chronic condition it requires ongoing treatment, possibly forever, as opposed to other types of depression which may only require treatment for a number of months.

Most people with chronic mental illnesses live perfectly healthy, normal, symptom-free lives with appropriate ongoing medical treatment, the same way ongoing medical treatment can successfully manage chronic physical illnesses.

So while you are welcome to interpret things to suit your narrative, that doesn’t make your interpretation correct. People can live with chronic depression disorder while not being currently depressed. People can live with chronic delusional disorder without being currently delusional.

Appropriate medical care and psychiatric treatment when needed are key, which makes it all the more egregious that Michael is not receiving ANY, despite treatment being ordered by the court.


Then perhaps you could limit your comments here to suggestions about how to improve the care and treatment of people like MB and others caught in this horrific system, rather than nitpicking and bloviating and blathering about your “interpretations” of the facts over and over and over again.



I’ll go back to ignoring now. As someone who lives with several chronic mental illnesses I just couldn’t let CH’s ignorant and incorrect comments on the subject go without correction.


Please, the thread has become tedious enough. There’s no room at the inn for TDS.


I don’t know what TDS is but I think the lesson about repeating lies until they become accepted truth was a valuable one - one everyone would be wise not to forget - even if the person quoted as saying that was Trump.


CH has often referred to her version as the movie in her head.

It’s her movie. That doesn’t mean anyone else has to buy a ticket, or waste one second on it.

Or bog down the thread with scathing reviews.


But we spend thread after thread after thread correcting them until it spirals out of control, we’re again discussing the same thing over and over again and the entire thread gets closed. Just let it go. Nobody is going to suddenly start believing the lie on this BB


Her “movie” is getting very poor reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes it would be a 1% fresh, 99% rotten.

Their casting of the bad guy is way off base, and the supposed victims look too much like criminals. Probably won’t even make it onto a scratched up DVD that will end up donated to Goodwill.


This is the crux of it. There really isn’t any need to refute for our benefit. Maybe just write “no.”


To make absolutely sure you get the point that the post is directed to you. Just as you tagged me rather than simply replying. So dramatic. Your methods of engagement need serious updating IMO.


Word down in Welly World is that LaLa has approached BNT’s and was told there is no room in their barn(s)… and PapaPopRider is sending Nastygrams to said BNT’s… doesn’t look like the PopRiders are welcome in Welly World…


Absolutely it is.

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In the words of Seinfeld: “that’s a shame.”