Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Just stop!

We all know your goal is to derail.

Just stop!!!

Please let these people talk about a broken system and try to find a way to help all the people there.

Hate Michael all you want. Do not let your hate for all things Michael ruin the point that this place has a problem that needs fixing.


I did not misstate the update.

Lara Osborne stated that she met with MBs treatment team, putting “treatment team” in quotes.

She stated that Greystone provides medications and group sessions, but not individual therapy sessions.

In my humble opinion, the overall post indicated that there is a difference of opinion between the Greystone “treatment team” and LO as to what constitutes “treatment” at the facility. Based on what she wrote, she apparently does not consider medication and group sessions as “treatment”, but apparently the institution’s “treatment team” does.

I have huge respect for Lara Osborne tor stepping up to support MB in every way she can. But she is hugely partisan in this, as she has to be.

In her original GFM post, she described MB as being “vindicated” by the outcome of the trial. From her perspective, NGRI is “vindication”. But by finding MB NGRI, the jury determined that MB shot someone and was not criminally responsible for having done so because he was also found to have been insane (suffering from delusional disorder) at the time he fired the gun.

I can read and comprehend that LO considered the verdict “vindication” while disagreeing with her characterization. I can read and comprehend that LO considers Greystone to not be providing any treatment, while disagreeing as to what constitutes “treatment” in a state psychiatric hospital.

The fact that Simring testified to the exact same two mental disorders in the trial and the Krol hearing is pertinent here.


I do not hate MB. If it is true that he was insane at the time he shot LK, he’s not criminally responsible or morally responsible for having shot her.

Everyone, including MB as well as LK, are the victims of the tragedy that resulted from his insanity.


Geez, and what was his insanity the result of what???

The systematic plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD”!!!

He has been removed from that situation and has shown great improvement since.

By the way, the only thing LK was the victim of was misjudging her own ability to “FINISH THE BASTARD” and overplaying her hand.


I confess, I teared up when I read the update. And now I am almost in the same state. How is it even possible for certain people to be so incredibly self-absorbed and lacking in empathy. especially in the holiday season. Blows my mind.


People are who they are, holidays notwithstanding. Unfortunately.


I have my theories as to how someone can be so self absorbed and lacking in empathy, yet can make every excuse in the world for other’s abhorrent behavior!

I would be good money that many of us here share those theories!


LK was a gunshot victim. She nearly died.

MB, MHG, LK and RG all acted stupidly in escalating rather than deescalating a boarding situation. LK was not the “cause” of his insanity.

MB was removed from LKs influence for three years at the time Simring testified that he was continuing to suffer from chronic depression and delusional disorder.


I have empathy for both MB and for LK.

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If you did, then you would talk about the subject that the thread is about, not derail the thread.

LK has mental health issues she has admitted to. I would think that someone who bends over backwards to support LK would also bend over backwards to support the the fixing of the messed up mental health system.

Which is what this thread was about before you once again derailed it so you could carry on about a bunch of other stuff.

Let all those people talk about the subject they wanted to talk about before you derailed yet another thread.


I said I have empathy for both MB and LK.

Can you say the same?

What I have never understood is why having support and empathy for the primary victim of MBs insanity (MB himself) involves the incessant bashing and blaming of one of his secondary victims (LK), and her family.

I am 100% supportive of improving or fixing “the mental health system”. I think it’s an intractable problem, so I’m not optimistic about immediate, significant improvement, but I’m definitely in favor of it.


Sometimes things are put in quotes to mean sarcasm and disbelief.

If someone does not need medication why should someone receive medication? And if they are receiving medication, is there any good being done if one is not receiving treatment, counseling along with the mediation? Medication alone does nothing IMO to promote a healthy outcome. They work in concert.

If someone is committed and the rule of law says they are to work their steps to receive treatment and potential release and the steps are not even being initiated, who is at fault here? Certainly not MB! Greystone as the facility should be obligated to provide the mandated treatment program for all!


Because no one but you thinks she’s a victim. She got shot. Was injured quite horribly. Most of us don’t think the shot was deliberate, if MB pulled the trigger at all. And frankly, CH, no one cares what YOU think. Your intention of getting yet another thread closed is all too clear. I can’t figure out who you are addressing with your contrary opinions. We all KNOW what you think, you have not shied away from telling us. Do you really feel the need to continue? Why?

At least you briefly mentioned the mental health issue. Good job trying to stay on topic.


And once again, you spin another story about what happened weeks and months ago. Still not on the current subject.
LO stated that noone was getting treatment. Period. Yet you disagreed and said there was no individual treatment. According to LO, who wrote the post, nobody was getting treatment. One cannot simply rewrite it to suit your own “humble opinion”. So, yes, you did not state what was in the post written by LO, but stated what you think should have been the interpretation. In my book, that’s a misstatement.


Someone is going to need a bigger shovel,


If the rest of you want this thread to remain open, then you’ll ignore CH and continue talking about the gofundme update. Or you can continue to answer the exact same things that have been answered a thousand times, derail the entire thread, make it about one poster, spiral into personal attacks, and get the thread closed.

Is it REALLY that difficult to just not respond? There have been hundreds of responses on hundreds of other threads. If someone suddenly believes CH as truth that’s their problem at this point.


This says to me that you don’t understand mental health issues as much as you think you do. People with chronic issues don’t just “get better”. They learn methods to mitigate the symptoms and live a better, healthier life, but like all chronic conditions, they will never be fully cured. It’s like saying someone with Diabetes can be cured. Their symptoms can be controlled with diet, exercise, and medication, but they will never be cured. There are many chronic conditions, both in physical and mental health, than can be mitigated to a point but never “cured”.

I really wish I understood better why a judge with no mental health training gets the final say over a involuntary commitment. Why should any judge be allowed to override what even state’s experts are saying is a man who is not a danger to himself or others? It’s a very sad commentary on mental health treatment in this country, particularly within the justice system. MB is not at Greystone pending eventual transfer to a prison, he’s there to ensure he’s mentally stable enough to continue his treatment not directly under the control of the state.

Especially in MB’s case, he’s quite obviously surrounded by a strong support system. I can see where a judge look at the support system surrounding a detainee and determine that the person would not be currently successful in outpatient rehabilitation, but someone with a good support system, not taking up a much needed bed and limited state funds? Seems like a certain judge is actually wasting NJ state funds on a personal crusade.


You are right. For whatever reason, I reacted badly to the statement about what LO said in her update. I will quit responding now…


Luckily, I can’t see the post you’re replying to. First time I’ve ever used the ignore feature. I love it.

I believe the best thing all of us can do to help, is donate to the go fund me. You have to guess that his legal team, family and loved ones are doing everything possible to promote his care, treatment and obtain his release. Sadly, that takes money. Lots and lots of it.

I truly hope there is a ton going on in the background, that none of us are privy to, to right some of the egregious wrongs that have been committed against MB. The justice system is not providing justice in this instance. And this is just one lightly, in the general public, publicized case. How many are suffering who have no money, no support? It’s scary and just so damn sad.


What a wonderful point!