Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Um… what?


For those who do not understand it fully and think they know otherwise…the criteria for continued commitment associated with Krol is that he is PRESENTLY a danger to himself or others and even Dr Simring has agreed he’s not. Period.

Not that any of this matters when discussing the whole point that this facility is not doing any mental health treatment for anyone in the facility. Period.

I do not think this is a case for a sports reporter. This is a case for an investigative reporter who knows how to and is willing to dig into things that people do not want them to see.


I am 50 posts behind, so apologies if this has been addressed. I want to point out this: you were called out for misstating the update. And you spun that into her another rehash of the criminal trial and verdict. And down the rabbit hole everybody goes.

Can we please stop with the same old same old and address current events.


Color me sooooooo not surprised by this turn of events and twisting of this thread. sigh

Mental Health standards in the US are poor at best and basically sucksdonkeyballs. It is up there with a catastrophic health crisis in which insurance rules the roost and someone goes bankrupt trying to save their life.

So much needs to be improved!

There truly needs to be an in depth investigation and report about this travesty in which Greystone is not following the Settlement agreement set forth years ago and still doing what they damn well please.

I expect to be flagged for my colorful language on this post, but whatever, my alarm did not go off this morning and I had to rush to get to my vacuuming job. On a Monday no less. UGH


I’ve already committed myself to this. I’ll split the reward if you want to help :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s the son…just have to prove it!

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Toronto Police are the biggest joke in Canada. Look at the Bruce McArthur case too…awful awful mess.

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I’m sure there’s a more sophisticated way to do this, but I am on my phone, so I’m just going to add a screenshot of a very helpful post in the off-topic thread on this subject. Maybe 48 Hours would be interested in doing a follow up if they hear from enough people on the subject.


Thanks for the link.


As wonderful as 48 hours has been, they do not seem like the platform for ‘look how crappy the NJ mental health system is’ research piece to me.
(Not that I can offer any other ideas of who to use.)


Meh. They were interested enough to do a story on him in the first place, so who knows?

I’m sure it all comes down to ratings for them, so if the ratings on the original episode were good enough, maybe they will be interested in the aftermath.


Wasn’t Barry involved in 150 lawsuits at the time of his death?

Yes something like that! He needed like a hundred million to pay a case he lost, and he was asking his son for some of the money back he lent him. There was a really good recent podcast update on the case done by the Toronto Star.

Which makes me think that’s the type they need to look into this issue in NJ, public radio type journalists? Do you guys have that in the US/NJ?

With the house now gone, no one can keep looking for clues there.

I think the MB case needs a up and coming tough civil rights activist who can expose all the failings of the system.


Perhaps from the point of view that the state of NJ is paying for someone who does not need to be in the facility


That and the fact that it appears that basically no one there is getting any therapy/help.

Though we are talking about how this is a disservice to Michael, part of the point here is that the system clearly has no intent to actually help anyone else either.


I think originally they were interested in doing a story about how Cray Cray Lauren was. And then they met her.


Simring stated at the Krol hearing that MB was at that time suffering from the mental health conditions of chronic depression and delusional disorder. Those are the same conditions that Simring testified to during the trial was the basis for successfully establishing MBs insanity.

I think that an expert saying that the Krol detainee continues to suffer from delusional disorder can be accurately characterized as the patient continuing to have delusional thoughts.

Chronic depression is a condition in which the depressive state is, well, chronic and ongoing rather than episodic.


As I already said, but you are ignoring, that same expert said that Michael is not a threat to himself or others. Which, again, is the only criteria they are supposed to look at in a Krol hearing.
And this same expert said that Michael should be getting out patient treatment.

So muddy the waters with all the drivel you want, but the point of this thread really has nothing to do with any of that. It has to do with the fact that the mental health system in NJ is not doing anything for the people they have in their care. One would think that even you could get behind the fact that this is a bad thing.


Exactly. It’s the judge who determines whether he, the judge, thinks that the detainee is currently a danger to himself or others. The judge’s determination is based on the testimony on the psychiatric experts. Simring testified that MB was suffering from two psychiatric conditions: chronic depression and delusional disorder. Those are the same two conditions that Simring testified to when establishing that MB was insane at the time he shot and nearly killed someone.

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