Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Simring did say that.

Lara Osborne stated that she met with MBs treatment team at Greystone, putting “treatment team” in quotes.

Greystone apparently offers treatment in the form of group therapy sessions and with medication. Appropriate medication is an important part of the treatment of many mental conditions, including depression.

Lara Osborne stated that MB has requested individual therapy and is not receiving that.

MB is receiving what the facility considers treatment, but not what Lara Osborne considers the desired treatment.

If NJ had the resources to staff Greystone at a level that provided premium care with intensive individual therapy, obviously that would be preferable all around.

That is not what that update said at all.

Coloring pages out of a coloring book is not group therapy.

Computer time is not therapy.

Social hour is not therapy.

Talking about house keeping is not therapy.

You must be reading something other than the Go Fund Me update.


There are no therapy groups. The interactive groups are run by nursing staff, not physicians. Now, this can work when notes are taken and reported to a psychiatrist, but even so - the psychiatrist still needs to see the patients in person periodically to see firsthand how they are progressing. Or not.

NONE of that is happening at the flagship state facility. None of it. No one is being well-served by this system. Not Michael Barisone, not other residents and most assuredly not the taxpayers of New Jersey.

I was able to go up last week and have a visit with Michael and a “treatment team” meeting.
The bottom line is that they don’t do ANY TREATMENT, not for Michael, not for any of the patients! Their idea of “treatment” is to medicate, but Michael doesn’t fall into that category as he gets no medication, not any! All of the State doctors that have seen him agree that he currently suffers from no medical condition mental or otherwise and does not require any medication of any sort.
Each patient has a daily “schedule” on which all of their “activities” for the day are listed. They have a morning group for the entire unit to make sure everyone is “ok” with things in the unit, a housekeeping meeting so to speak. Not that they do anything if there is a problem though.

They have a few interactive groups that are run by the nursing staff but they are not “therapy groups” and there is absolutely no individual therapy of any sort. Michael was told at the Krol hearing that he needed individual therapy. It has been 9 weeks with him requesting exactly that therapy almost every single day, and he has gotten ZERO! That is not what they do in these hospitals even though they say they do.

Michael’s schedule does not have the majority of the groups on there as he does not need any of them. The few times they were on his schedule when he first arrived, he helped run the meetings as the staff was mostly just reading from a sheet of paper and were unfamiliar with the subject they were actually discussing.


We heard it before when @Eggbutt and numerous others “alleged” that MB, a BNT, only agreed to train LK, or give her use of the farmhouse, because JK threatened him.

I don’t believe JK threatened MB. I don’t believe JK is threatening anyone now.


Probably threats along the lines of “You’ll never work in this town again!” and false declarations of anti-Semitic behavior which will be known far and wide in the local Jewish community, if they do not acquiesce to giving The Circle Of Kanarek what it wants.


I would be utterly amazed if this rumor about JK sending “nastygrams” is true.

Not amazed or even surprised that the “ladies” of Coth are amusing themselves with such rumors, though.


I don’t think LO meant that there was a session in which the patients were “talking about housekeeping”.

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Hello Seeker1 !


I am agog that someone here never heard the term housekeeping regarding the day to day issues that pop up in a living space with multiple people. Let me get you up to speed. Apparently having never lived in a college dorm, spent any time in an overnight camp or had to share facilities with anyone outside of immediate family has left some huge gaps in your knowledge base and life experiences. Housekeeping as in is everyone getting along, any complaints about the meals, any issues that the staff may not know about like a shower head that is not working correctly, or someone needs another blanket, stuff like that.


You were the one twisting what LO posted. Not me.

There is a group meeting about house keeping. I am saying that you insisting there is therapy group activities can not be derived from what she said about the group housekeeping meeting.


It feels like to some people, having a whole group of people discussing the importance of how the mental health system in NJ is messed up was some how a bad thing. Strange to me that anyone would think that discussion need derailing.


Here ya go, everyone grab a dust rag and the Pledge! Let’s get going!! Who wants the Lysol and the toilet bowl brush? Rubber gloves anyone?

Special Mob members get vacuums :smiley:

There housekeeping moving forward.


I think only @Knights_Mom is qualified to vacuum.


COTH word of the day: obtuse.

Use it in a sentence.

Some forum members seem to be deliberately obtuse when interpreting the meaning of a post.

I was a little concerned if I could keep the Word Of The Day running but I now realize there will be no end to the fodder.


Hmmm….seems PaPaPopRider is checking back in pretty frequently after a lengthy absence.

Consider what may be going on in the background (or what some may be anticipating) as you are posting….and reacting.

I have a working theory that if everyone actually could find it in themselves to ignore certain people, it might be the undoing of them.


This guy can give her a run for the money.


right? IF they exist I’m curious what leg he thinks he has to stand on to threaten anyone who she has never interacted with before. Don’t get me wrong, I believe IM is JK and he has shown himself to be a blustering, puffed-chested liar, but it would be entertaining to see how he he thinks he can threaten BNTs.**


Don’t forget bloviating.


Hmm….based on history….probably threatened to report them to SafeSport for being mean to “a victim” and shaming the sport….


I’m willing to bet the threat is to sue and perhaps SafeSport.


And us!!!

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