Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

It looks like there is a greenhouse nearby, Greystone Park Greenhouse, that is run by patients. (this is from an older article)
I wonder if it is still in operation. Horticultural therapy would be a wonderful program.


Bloviating, obtuse liar!


If, indeed, Miss Kanarek is soon to be out on the streets, there may be barns in Arizona, New Mexico, California, etc warm enough for her that may have never heard of her and her conniving daddy. Heck, even Guy might like it out west if he is still in the picture!


I doubt it. Covid concerns for one thing.

If he’s still teaching there, he would know. Look! A horse!



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I can see Safe Sport or maybe immigration but I think he would have a hard time finding a lawyer to file a suit unless he paid up front.


How is Safe Sport an issue with potential new trainers, given the lack of previous interaction?

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No homemade anything to patients. Must always be in factory sealed original package


Are the reports filed anonymously? Pick any junior and say trainer did or said something. It would be harder if the complaints had to be signed.

If anonymous I can come up with a good story…
It wouldn’t go far but could be messy at the start

ETA it seems like I had a different upbringing than some

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They aren’t but the threat still carries a punch.

BTW, I personally know two BNT’s who received Daddy’s nastigrams after they refused to train his princess when she arrived back in the area. They blocked his number and forwarded the nastigrams on to the appropriate organizations, although there is nothing to sanction daddy-o since he is nothing in the equestrian world (not a member of anything).


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: two thoughts regarding LK searching for new digs -

1 - maybe if Michael was free he would take her back, as daddy implied some time ago! :sweat_smile: :joy:

2 - MHG has built up a decent training operation with horses and students. I wonder if they have approached her? :rofl:

For those with serious reading comprehension issues, you know who you are, this is 100% sarcasm!


guess this thread is just turning into a gossip rag now?

I think if people want to help MB, the energy is better spent finding a way to do that. When the threads start down spiraling like this, it really helps no one.


I used the term willfully obtuse just yesterday. I swear people think my IQ is about 30 points higher then it is, just because I can pull out a word here and there.


Eh. I’m no expert on Safe Sport, but I have the impression that anonymous reports don’t go very far without some sort of substantiation.


Except to provide a moment of comic relief.

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But they can cause a lot of grief in the meantime. All it takes is a whisper campaign too.

“You know, someone reported X to Safe Sport…”


My guess is that he would drop veiled hints about some sort of legal action such as reporting them to ICE for having [gasp] Hispanics working there. Although that tactic won’t work as well these days as it did some years back, rumors of impending ICE raids have been known in the past to cause a mass exodus of grooms and barn staff from not only barns, but also show grounds.

Or, as someone once did to the owners of a farm where I was boarding, report the facility to EPA for a suspected environmental violation. (Said barn was spreading used shavings on the trails in the woods and shavings/manure would sometimes wash into the creek bed and a nearby small lake during a heavy rain. The person who made the report was a former boarder who left not on good terms with the farm owner.)


That totally makes sense. Otherwise, God knows what some folks would try to send.


You can’t ship food to the residents. Not even direct from the factory! It has to come from the hospital canteen.

He CAN receive mail (letters); I’m not certain about cards (heavy stock paper).


I looked it up on the Go Fund Me and in the October 18th update LO said he can receive cards (photos, soft cover books, magazines without staples).

Here is a screen shot of that Go Fund Me post.


Oh boy do I have stories.