Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

:rofl: you mean to tell us you have championed this all on your own? I don’t believe you.


Maybe she’s talking about herself in the third person? Kind of like members of the royal family do sometimes… :woman_shrugging:



Illegal videos and audio recordings

Being compelled to testify

The Bank


So even you agree everyone bailed except LO when MB was arrested.

I’m far from envious of the poor woman who thinks MB and all his issues are a catch.

I don’t have a clue what the Ks strategy is.

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I’m not a relative, not employed by their lawyers, not a minion or a sycophant. I’ve never met anyone in the family.

I have never “championed” or “idolized” LK. I’m just stating my opinion that all the gratuitous bashing and ridiculing of the gunshot victim and her entire family and any random internet poster who expressed empathy for LK is indulging in the pleasure of hate.

Do you remember what Harper Lee wrote about mobs? I would not go around bragging and giggling about being a member of a mob, elderly and bathrobe wearing or not.


Clearly you missed the part of the criminal trial where old friend and longtime professional associate after old friend and longtime professional associate showed up and testified at a criminal trial on MBs behalf.

I don’t think that’s what “bailing” looks like.


Has anyone ever said otherwise? JH certainly hung around and helped pack up and move the horses. I haven’t spoken with Michael’s Olympian friends but I guarantee there were there supporting him.

Who else are you considering @SierraMist??? MHG was in fear of her life. The two sister working students were gone long before LK escalated her Finish the Bastard plan. Who are you attempting to shame for moving on? Spit it out…let’s hear what you’ve got to say rather than playing your games.

Furthermore, please list all the people who literally rushed to Lauren’s aid, mkay? If any did, are they still supporting her? :thinking:


So you think I’m “sidestepping” that tired ditty from @Ambitious_Kate?

Everything she writes in that paragraph is 100% wrong.

How can I say this more clearly, @Sdel?

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She’s referencing MHG. Clearly.

Which is interesting.


Not everyone in life is looking for a “catch”. Good people don’t seem to enter the minds of those who grift like the Kanareks. Not everyone expects repayment for loyalty and friendship. Apparently that is a foreign concept to you and your buds.

I can’t wait to see who comes to LK’s aid as character witnesses during the civil trials. Anyone? Anywhere?


Of course she is referencing MHG. When all else fails, blame everything on MHG. Right? That’s Kanarek 101.


Ok. I’ll jump back in and ask a direct question… again… that you clearly sidestepped earlier, CH.

You have insinuated repeatedly that MB was somehow professionally and personally negligent, and under insured in sone way, shape or manner.

  1. What specific insurance policies/coverage should he have had, that you suspect he didn’t have?

  2. Why do you suspect he didn’t have the specific type of coverage you note in response to question #1?


Which makes me wonder how anyone can comfortably do business with her. Yes, she brings 5 horses with her, but the risk she poses still outweighs any initial financial gain to be had.


Actually @CurrentlyHorseless, no one cares. You’ve made the same declarations in the past and weren’t believed then either. So, who cares? Why do you care what anyone here believes? I love how you grasped at a “Mob analogy”. Cute try.


Hey @BigMama1, does this mean we can start a new bingo game with new words and phrases?


Do you remember what Harper Lee wrote about mobs? I would not go around bragging and giggling about being a member of a mob, elderly and bathrobe wearing or not.

@CurrentlyHorseless has crossed a new, low threshold comparing the Elderly Illegal Mob to a racial lynch mob ala Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird. Amazing. Simply, utterly amazing. Shameful and despicable. Disgusting. Those of us of a certain age from the South can be utterly disgusted at this latest tangent. :unamused:

BTW, who is “bragging and giggling”? Wasn’t it your idol who labeled anyone not supporting his little princess as being an Elderly Illegal Mob?


Eh @eggbutt, consider the source! The rest of us certain do!

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Indeed. It is tiresome turning the other cheek with these disgusting individuals. It’s good to call them out on their disgusting, hypocritical behavior on occasion.


I’m talking about mobs, not “racial lynch mobs”.

I very, very strongly disapprove of lynch mobs, racially motivated mobs and “racial lynch mobs”. Obvs.

I think Harper Lee’s characterization of the attraction of mob behavior applies to any mob, not just the poster child mobs like a 1940s southern lynch mob.

I would not brag or giggle about being a member of any mob, including the Elderly Illegal Mob.

No kidding. If she gets mad enough, and something/anything happens on the property and she is injured…

She will go after you personally in civil litigation. She will entirely skip over the LLC directly related to the training business, and the whole reason she has any relationship with you and is present on your property… and she will target you personally and try to bleed you dry with extended litigation just to punish you… while simultaneously trying to collect from the general liability policy related to the facility itself.

Take note folks. That’s a special sort of prospective client. It’s REALLY not worth it.