Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

What go you mean by “mob analogy”, @eggbutt?

You constantly refer to yourself as the “elderly, illegal mob”, with apparent pride.

If the Kanareks behaved like normal, law abiding citizens, there would never have been a shooting and we all would find other things (and possibly more productive things) to do with our time.


Not all mobs are bad.



Finish the Bastard

Case closed.



Hi, Inigo!


Google Su.san and J.ohn Carp.enter of Thorsby AL and their assertion Kiss.in The Gi…rls was stolen from them. Utterly insane people.

She (the rightful owner) just posted that the situation is resolved. However, the carpenterants are BSC.

I have no idea why that LLC wasn’t included. But simply googled and his LLC was revoked back in 2020 due to not filing an annual report.

You mean, after the shooting, while he was in jail, and after LK filed her suit? But I’m sure somehow that is proof of how horrible MB is somehow….

Really, it’s probably just evidence they were selling the farm and MB has no intentions of ever returning to the state if he can ever find a way to leave.


You can’t handle “mob talk.” You clutched your pearls, hyperventilated, and got outraged when we BRIEFLY mentioned the history between EF Hutton and “the mob” - and noted that JK had worked for EF Hutton.

Now we know he is a self described “Independent Gambling Professional” who apparently has ties to “Casinos.” You want to take a guess at what sort of historic ties there are between Atlantic City, New Jersey and the mob?

Uh. Significant ties. I’ll leave it at that. Because trust me… you can’t handle that discussion.

Anyway… get outraged over the COTH mob jokes if you want. But save the faux sanctimonious outrage. Because it’s absurd.


You must think he’s horrible. I did not say that. Simply made the observation that his LLC was involuntarily revoked.

Edit to add: his FL LLC was revoked

You do realize she filed her civil suit in 2019… right? Like, as soon as she was discharged from the hospital, she decided to launch a civil suit. She could have named MBD LLC . It still existed then.

She didn’t.

She chose to name SGF LLC, and MB personally.


You do realize I said I had no idea why the LLC wasn’t included ?

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You do realize you tried to make a thing out of it being dissolved in 2020?


I do think that MB ran his business sloppily, not bothering with written leases or written contracts for the renovations. It sounds like the renovations were not permitted, and I consider that MBs decision, not RGs. Using bartered services for the unpermitted renovations without a written contract is sloppy and asking for trouble.

  1. I don’t think the issue of having or not having personal or professional liability insurance is an issue of “negligence”. If he chooses to operate without liability insurance, that’s his call on how much risk he is willing to take- he saves on the insurance premiums, but then is exposed to the risk of getting sued. Moderately risk averse people will choose to be insured, but if he’s willing to bear the risk, I would not say making that choice is an issue of negligence.

I assume he had liability insurance for any vehicles, since that is required by law.

He should have had medical insurance.

  1. I have no idea whether he had professional or personal liability insurance.

It looks to me like he did not have medical insurance, since I doubt the hospital would file a lawsuit just to recover the deductible and copays. Going without medical insurance and walking away from the hospital bill is a form of ripping off the system and those of us who do have medical insurance, since the medical providers roll their unpaid costs into what they charge those of us who do pay.

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You can add RG’s un-permitted, unlicensed renovations to that list. Big fuss and deflection every time it gets pointed out that LK/JK/RG had no business offering to do any work on that house. They knew better because they knew he wasn’t licensed. I wonder what JK told MB and SGF in regards to RG’s LLC and license to convince Mb to let him do the work. LK has already told us that JK was part of the negotiations on that.

What was it….you don’t need a license to do “small jobs” under a certain amount or for “drywall”. I wasn’t aware that electrical work fell under drywall or a “small job”…


What would be the point of LK suing MBD? She is suing him for shooting her, not for giving her bum advice on a horse purchase.

Did MBD have any assets?

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  1. it seems like you are implying he ran his businesses without any sort of professional insurance coverage related to general liability. But then following that up by saying you have no idea whether or not he had liability insurance.


  1. No one is worried about his auto insurance

  2. Plenty of people with adequate health insurance policies get into disputes with hospitals about bills, and bills go to collection. This literally happens all the time, for many different reasons.

  3. Plenty of people engage in barter situations for services. There are risks. But as for RG performing work while unlicensed? He’s the idiot in this situation in many respects, and no… he has no way of collecting much of anything from MB.

In summation, your yammering about MBs insurance seems to be little more than:

  1. An attempt to smear him for being “unprofessional.”

  2. A fishing expedition to see if anyone on these forums provides more information about SGF and MBs possible liability insurance policies. Gee, I wonder who might want additional information about THAT right now.


MBD LLC ‘likely’ had professional liability insurance.

The only relationship between MB and LK was a professional one. They weren’t close friends. They weren’t lovers. This wasn’t personal. This was a professional relationship gone wrong. She wanted more professional attention. He wanted to sever the professional relationship, and room and board for LK and her horses at his facility? That was a key part of it. She refused to leave. She was trashing his reputation on the internet.

And… the predominant theory of the matter is that eventually he snapped. She got shot.

If all she wanted was a payout… it seems like she would have named MBD LLC in her suit.

She named MB personally.

She wants to bury him in every conceivable way possible.

Hell hath no fury… or so the saying goes.


And what is an “independent gambling professional”?

A professional poker player?

Is Eggbutt calling her little group a mob just a joke? It sure acts like a mob.

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