Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I don’t know. I’m super curious though.

It might be a professional poker player.

It might be something else.

Maybe IM will speak up and offer personal insight. After all… it’s his resume and his Linked In profile. :woman_shrugging: If there’s nothing to hide, then he might as well speak up about it all… right?


I doubt professional liability insurance, if he had it, would have covered his shooting her. You sue the entity with the assets. If his assets were titled to him personally and not to the LLC, you sue him personally.

Anyway, it’s up to her civil lawyers to advise her on which entities to sue.



Sweet. Nobody’s forcing you.


So you’re smearing him as an “independent gambling professional”, and you don’t even know what that means? But you assume, again, it’s associated with the mob? The Jewish mob?

There is nothing illegal or immoral about making money playing poker. I’m not sharp enough to succeed at it. Gambling by investing in the stock market is far easier.

If I were IM, (I’m not), I wouldn’t stoop to responding to your nasty insinuations.

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my little group? Better ask JK/@Inigo-montoya about ownership. He named it after all. Maybe he has the charter and can update all of us on the rules! We can wait. He sure seems to be popping in frequently! Maybe monitoring your posts! Who knows?!


Maybe it’s an indication that the K’s are running out of money to fight their case and pay the horse bills and they are worried that MB and SGF have insurance companies with real unlimited means from which to fight with? Maybe that is why LK hasn’t quite gotten around to 48 Hours/CBS yet. Big, deep pockets to go up against…


Take a deep breath. Try and calm yourself and your outrage.

And for the record, I told you wouldn’t be able to handle the mob talk.






Just for funsies…

Mob: a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.

So, once again @CurrentlyHorseless doesn’t have the tiniest clue who she is attempting to besmirch!

  1. I just said that I think he ran his businesses sloppily, but not because he choose not to hold liability insurance.

  2. I’m not fishing for information on anyone’s liability insurance policies. I would be shocked if the owner of a multimillion dollar horse farm used as a commercial training facility did not have liability insurance. For that reason alone, I think SGF has liability insurance. I also suspect that Silver is being paid by the insurance company.

I don’t think it matters much whether MB or MBD carried liability insurance or not.

Another one for the list -

Occam’s Razor. Remember LK & Co freaked :flushed: when Occam’s Razor was mentioned?! Those were the good old days.


Oh, maybe we have it all backwards. Maybe Nagel wasn’t on contingency….and LK changed lawyers to one who would be since the civil case is turning out to be an unexpectedly expensive and time consuming endeavor……

That is interesting to think about…


Well I personally don’t get worried or sensitive about being called a member of an “illegal mob” because I’m confident I have done nothing illegal.

But I would imagine if someone actually DID have ties to something/someone sketchy… they might not just laugh off joking labels or accusations or historic references, and they might indeed get super agitated and tense about these sort of references.


No way would a lawyer take her case on contingency now, given the NGRI verdict in the criminal case.

My money (at least if I were a professional gambler and placing bets on stuff… but only through a legal channel) is on Nagel having found a reason to withdraw since the case was officially a dog following the criminal trial verdict. Now the Ks are stuck having to pay actual attorneys fees as they make their way out of their own self induced civil litigation dilemma…

Anyways, they are beginning to sweat and stress and wonder how long SGF can continue to fund Silver, and same when it comes to Barisone and his attorneys.


Maybe a little bit of both?


No one on this forum needs to go on a “fishing expedition” for LK’s attorneys. In New Jersey “an insurer who receives a request, from an attorney admitted to the practice of law in this State, for disclosure of the policy limits under an insurance policy issued by the insurer to an insured, shall provide written disclosure of the policy limits to the attorney no later than 30 days from receipt of the request. The disclosure shall indicate the limits of all applicable insurance policies and any applicable umbrella or excess liability insurance policies issued by the insurer to the insured.”

Edit to add: This is done prior to suit being filed.

  1. Any thoughts on RG running a sloppy business, given that he was doing work on a barter basis, with no contract, while unlicensed, and apparently occasionally high on drugs?

  2. It seems like you are referring to MB as the owner of a multimillion dollar farm. But… SGF LLC was actually the owner of the farm. MB was just a member of the LLC. Personally, I would be shocked if the LLC didn’t have a general liability policy that covered the property.

  3. I don’t know who is paying Silvers bills. Nor do you. But if it’s an insurance company, they can certainly afford to pay for awhile longer and fight this out.

  4. I guess it doesn’t matter whether or not MBD LLC carried liability insurance… given that LK failed to name them in her original civil suit. Oh well. Coulda shoulda woulda. Oops. Maybe it’s really Nagel’s fault. But he’s walked away from this whole thing now… hasn’t he?

And why did Nagel walk away again?

Oh, that’s right… :notes:

“You got to know when to hold ‘em,
Know when to fold ‘em,
Know when to walk away,
And know when to run.
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table.
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealing’s done.”


That law was only broadened to include non-auto insurance policies in September, 2022, well after LK filed her suit. I don’t see anything in there that makes it retroactive. Can you provide a link?
