Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Soooo, am I understanding you correctly in that you are saying that Nagel, before filing suit, would have determined who SGF LLCs insurer was, then sent a request for disclosure of the policy limits issued by this insurer to SGF LLC?

Ok. I’ll take your word for it that this occurred, and this is how things work in NJ in a civil suit situation.

But… I can’t help but notice, nowhere in your statement does it say who is obligated to pay SILVER’S fees. He’s representing SGF LLC in this litigation. Maybe the insurance company is paying his fees. Maybe not. It doesn’t seem like anyone knows for sure.

But apparently LKs side does know a bit about the policy limits when it comes to SGFs liability coverage.

ETA: Just saw @ekat ‘s comment. It seems like LKs side may not actually know squat about SGFs policy limits. Nice try though SM :slight_smile:


Generally, negotiations for settlement usually occur after discovery is complete - when all the parties have a better picture where they stand. In this case, in this forum, it’s all guesswork how this case may end up as no one here is a party to the lawsuit. There is a lot going on behind the scenes so to speak as you (g) are not privy to anything except for the published documents. Also, not everything learned in discovery is admissible in a trial.


Mr. Silver has already had things to publicly say about settlement negotiations and where they stand. You must not have read the filings either…oh well, at least you seem to have company.


It doesn’t have to be retroactive. They can request at any time. There were already rules in place about insurance disclosure before 2019. The new rule broadens that. Not limited to auto related.

Didn’t Inigo already come on the forums and claim negotiations regarding settlement took place last July?

I think he did.

Maybe more settlement negotiations will take place once discovery is complete, as you say. Maybe not.


Do you think LK sitting down for a deposition and answering all sorts of questions is going to strengthen, or weaken, her case?


Didn’t you just note in a previous comment it is done before a suit is filed?


And there you go once again @CurrentlyHorseless, putting words in people’s mouths. Words that have never been thought until you manufactured them, most likely with the movie in your head!

Nice reach, but once again, you missed!


Attorneys need to know before they file suit if there is insurance that could cover the event. Otherwise lawsuits would constantly be filed and then dismissed after taking up the court’s and attorney’s time.

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Here’s the statute that was enacted in 2022.


Prior to then, the only law I can find on the books was specific to auto insurance.


Can you please provide your links that say differently? Thanks.


Then why your note to @ekat about how an attorney can request policy info at any time during a suit?

Are you saying that you don’t believe Nagel ever requested this info when first filing the suit? It seems like that would be unprofessional/incompetent on Nagel’s part in terms of representing LKs interests. Are you actually accusing him of that?


I have no idea. I haven’t read all the thousands of posts. Sometimes a small settlement is offered to see if the plaintiff will go away. That may be what happened.

I have no idea what the effect of LK’s deposition will be. However, I strongly feel that at the end of the day there’s no question of the defendants’ liability in the shooting of LK, and how that will be apportioned remains to be seen.


The rules were broadened.

I have no doubt that Nagel already had the insurance info. I was replying before because I thought it was foolish for anyone to think any attorney would send some unknown person, via private messaging, on a fishing expedition into this forum, or anywhere on any social media, thinking they could somehow discover a defendant’s insurance policies. They have their own investigators, paralegals, etc. to assist in those type of things.


No one was suggesting it was an attorney that sent them fishing….


Well of course it would be foolish for an attorney to direct a fishing expedition like this.

But in case you hadn’t noticed, the Kanareks seem to wing it when it comes to many aspects of their case.

For instance, Jonathan Kanarek’s letter that was sent directly to Judge Sceusi’s email? Do you think an attorney directed him to do that?

I don’t.


Now you’re just being silly.

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It seems like SierraMist is making the argument that any one in NJ who wants to target someone for a frivolous lawsuit or set up can have a compliant attorney just grub up insurance information on someone to see if they’d make a good target.


That is absolutely not true at all.



Seriously, this insurance fishing policy is very interesting. The insurance has 30 days to respond huh? And it has to be done before the lawsuit was filed huh?

Well, the shooting was Aug 7th, 21 days in the hospital with parents too fixated on if LK was going to survive to think, and by Oct 18th the insurance already investigated and lawyers hired, case explained, brief written and filed… Well, that would be some timeline. Someone acted fast in order to cash in….

How did LK’s attorney know which insurance company to contact before any discovery could be done? (Office spelunking?)