Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

It occurred to me overnight that is the reason why a certain party launched her despicable attack on LO yesterday. It’s the exact kind of loathsome tactic that LK would use - “what else can I do to hurt MB?”

In fact, that diatribe about LO made me more convinced than ever that there is a connection between the K’s and several parties posting here. The writing style was different enough from LK’s usual rants that I am not sure it was drafted by her, but the tactic and general vileness of the content was on a par with LK and makes me think that LK somehow fed the idea to her minions (via private FB group perhaps?). And it makes me wonder why SM is attempting to curry favor with LK by getting down in the gutter with her.

I also believe that something has happened behind the scenes that has them so stirred up they felt compelled to launch a smear campaign against LO. It is appallingly contemptible behavior - and with every passing day, the K’s and their fans shows us what they are.



Yeah, some of the posts yesterday were, shall we say, strange? The attack on LO was particularly interesting to me. So much so that I did a bit of networking last night and discovered LO is highly respected, considered very intelligent, independent, loyal, honest, brave, protrctive, and tenacious. Everything Michael Barisone needs in a partner of any kind. I wonder what sparked the feeble attack on LO? Has she made it especially difficult for the Kanareks to finish their plan? Did @SierraMist somehow think she would find traction going after LO and question her motives and integrity?

So now we are back on insurance. Isn’t it time to circle back around to “the gun” or “the verdict”? When all else fails grasp at strprotective,

I wonder what their agenda is today?


“Independent Gambling Professional” - it’s a real thing for folks that have a gambling addiction.




Yet you chose Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird to make your point. Obvs.

What a revealing blunder.


Obviously, LO is the new queen and target of LK now that MHG is no longer of interest to LK. Therefore she must be the target of a new LK smear campaign.

You can’t buy class.


You do realize that being in jail probably made keeping the LLC and filing the paperwork for them something that was not going to happen… both of them. Yes, even the one in Florida.

Such a weird point to research and bring up… so weird, so grasping at straws weird.

Does any of your research explain why Daddy, Jonathan Kanarek, @Inigo-montoya has ignored his subpoena twice and ignored a court order? Doesn’t that seem like a very weird thing for a lawyer to do?
I think - do not ignore subpoenas and court orders - is taught to all people who go to law school, even those who do not actually practice that type of law when they get out. How about Mommy Kanarek, Kirby Kanarek, @Seeker1, also ignoring her subpoena twice?
Doesn’t this type of action seem weird for two people who insist they want this case to move forward?

Oh but, don’t forget that Jonathan Kanarek, @Inigo-montoya, stated on this very forum, more than once, that Lauren would train with Michael again.


Well, they could consider withdrawing their case - although that might not guarantee MB will withdraw his counterclaim.


There was language in a filing (maybe by Silver?) that referred to a settlement offer being turned down by LK. I think it maybe was related to a mediation attempt. I don’t remember which filing it was in though. Perhaps @ekat can find it faster than I can.


What scares me is, all these people (@SierraMist, @CurrentlyHorseless, @hut-ho78, etc.) state that are not affiliated with the Kanarek family in any way. All their posts are their own, etc.

I am not questioning that. I am willing to believe they are posting on their own.

If we take that at face value they have simply shown that as disgusting as Lauren Kanarek’s actions, and the actions of her right hand man (Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman), her father Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and her mother Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) are, there appear to be other not related people out there that are just as scary. Just as willing to smear anyone just because they do not like someone they are associated with.

These unrelated people are taking the name of a woman who has done nothing to them ever and smeared her [edit].

Who knew there were this many people who would be this horrible?


@SierraMist, I am curious, is your latest insistence on what is going to happen, and how all this legal stuff works, as accurate as this post of yours?


Well, technically it does not say a settlement offer was turned down, or that SGF even offered one, but it does say:

SGF opp OP2.pdf (789.4 KB)


@ekat, thanks for that quick find!

To recap, it was a voluntary mediation session on 7.26.2022, and the parties were unable to come to an agreement to resolve the case.

I’m willing to bet that it was LK who refused to budge. As I have stated before, NPD types have a "I must win mindset - because “losing” equates to rejection, and the possibility of rejection is what terrorizes them the most.


A little thought that just popped into my head, perhaps LO is making headway with the improper care of MB at Graystone???

I don’t know, but if there is a possibility that MB may be released, or finally getting the proper court mandated treatment, that could send some into a tizzy.


You’re welcome.

If you believe JK/IM, LK turned down offers to settle.


I wonder if $2 million has any special significance to any of the lawyers involved?

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I am really surprised at the portrait of LO and the vitriol in SM’s post re: MB. And they say those of us that have sympathy for MB are nasty. Us EIM. To reiterate: it wasn’t the posters on this forum, but JK that came up with that. The posters made a joke out of it, but now it’s racially, hate focused? There are those that have made it very clear that LK is, in their opinion, a horrid person. But there is no lynch mob here. It is not an accurate analogy.

My point is that some of the things being said about posters on this forum are very nasty And go beyond anything I’ve seen posted by the Mob.

And, just for the record, according to Mr. Silver’s very impressive CV, he has not/does not do insurance defense. @ekat was right, as usual.


Yeah that didn’t age well. And so very LKesque in its venomous flavor.

Ewwww. Just ewwww.


My bet is something happened at Graystone and it freaked them out. Closer to being released I suspect. Just a guess.


Just a few hits to pick on these:

  1. Lk doesn’t work, so she doesn’t need to “retire” unless it’s from riding, perhaps?

2 if she isn’t paying into Medicare/SS because she doesn’t work, she won’t get bupkis. She can at best get Medicaid, and only if she qualifies under FLA law. Can she qualify? Possibly, I have no knowledge how her finances and assets are structured,so she might. But FLA didn’t expand Medicaid, so she has to claim very little income, like less than 20k, I think?

Ok, sorry for the nit picking! Carry on!