Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Yes… it definitely is a real thing, and folks with gambling addiction do gravitate to it.

The exact description on Linked In was “Independent Gambling and Casinos Professional”

So I’m not entirely sure what that entails. It looks like Livingston and Atlantic City are about 2 hours apart by car, so it would have been possible for him to work at/with any number of casinos.

Last thought… addiction has a hereditary component. This is well known. I actually have 2nd cousins in one branch of my family that truly struggle… 2 of the three siblings got hooked on heroin when they were young, and 1 moved out to Vegas and became a full time poker player. He seemed to do OK with it, but wasn’t rich by any means, and it involved a lot of travel. He went through a very sad divorce years ago when his daughter was little, and the professional poker player thing worked against him during custody proceedings. I haven’t heard much of anything about him in years.

One of the two that was struggling with heroin managed to kick the habit, then went back to school, got a degree related to IT and opened up his own small residential tech support business, similar to ‘Geeks on Call.’ He’s by far the most successful and stable person in that family now. I have much respect for the way he turned his entire life around, and worked incredibly hard for stability and success.


No need to apologize for the nitpicking!

You make valid points, and these are part of the financial aspects of her situation that I simply can’t reconcile on a practical level.

How does she have health insurance? If she has enough income to support 4-5 horses in WellyWorld… she can’t possibly qualify for Medicaid. Soooo - perhaps she has a plan through one of the ACA exchanges. That must be rather pricey though… and she will have to pay forever and ever… because as far as I can tell there is no employer sponsored health insurance forthcoming in her future, and it doesn’t seem like she and RG are getting married anytime soon, and even if they did, he doesn’t have employer sponsored health insurance.

Granted, it’s totally possible to be on an ACA plan indefinitely, but it’s not cheap. And she has the ongoing suboxone issue. That’s been a thing for years. I’d imagine there is mandatory addiction counseling that goes along with the prescription. As well as other health issues, apparently, given the shooting. All of it must be very expensive in terms of out of pocket costs.

You have a point about a total lack of SS payments, given her lack of employment history. Soooo… I assume money is being kept in specific accounts to ensure it lasts well into old age. And typically one plans for this sort of thing by calculating what it might take to maintain one’s current lifestyle. And from what the rest of us can gather… her lifestyle isn’t exactly cheap.

Soooo… there must be millions and millions in “the bank” because there must be investment income that’s funding the bulk of the current monthly cash flow.

Anyway - that’s all fine. I have no animus towards wealthy people. I’m just a bit of a dollars and cents nerd. And the key question about this situation has always been, where did the millions and millions come from? LKs history doesn’t show any obvious source … and frankly, neither does Papa and Mama Ks history. They look much more like upper middle class people who have planned well (Kirby has a long professional resume - good for her). I do not say this about JK and KK to insult them… far from it… I’m just noting that there is no evidence that they can afford to support LKs very specific lifestyle indefinitely into her old age.

I guess maybe Papa K got super lucky at some point as an Independent Gambling Professional and was able to collect multiple millions in winnings and offer generous lifelong support to his daughter for her lifestyle, or… perhaps there is a different sponsor or source of income for LK, that is as of yet unknown. Whatever the case may be… I assume questioning during the deposition will explore these issues. In detail.


Praying you are right about this. When is the next Krol related hearing scheduled? March?


Thanks! I’m not the only one that has said that. And, ultimately it doesn’t matter because any insurance policy is extremely unlikely to be disclosed to the jury.


Why that figure? :thinking:


I think it’s March. Am sure someone will chime in.


If the horses are being paid for out of an account that is not tied to her, wouldn’t she then be able to claim Medicaid? Say, if a trust exists that does not name her in any way - she is not the trustor, or the trustee, or a named beneficiary - and the trustee (assumably JK) uses the funds as he sees fit (including paying the board and training and vet bills for her horses), then as long as she is not receiving disbursements from said trust, she has no reportable income that would preclude her eligibility for Medicaid. Correct?


I’m just guessing here, but maybe the vitriol toward LO has more to do with the GFM? I mean, this is not a cheap process,and without that money MB might be up Schist Creek. Also, the insult of people donating to him, rather than to the gunshot victim has to be rage-making. It would piss me off, too.

On another point, I would not be surprised if Nagle was fired by LK based on the commentary about the quality of his pleadings here on COTH. Not that I am one to judge, typo queen that I am, but I could see that the perception that Nagel isn’t presenting as well as the defense attorneys would make her want to change. And maybe for good reason, even though, as the client, she is driving the bus…


You are probably right about this.

But it certainly violates the intended purpose of Medicaid, which is to provide a social safety net with respect to health insurance for low income people.

I wonder if people on Medicaid long term have to provide updated financial information regularly to prove their ongoing eligibility. I wonder if that is ever audited or investigated.

I know people living on SSD have their situations reviewed periodically.


Probably, yes. She could have a credit card that is paid for by the trust, to avoid her having any income. Although being on Medicaid isn’t a very posh situation, but it is cheaper!


If she fired Nagel at this stage of the game, do you think another attorney would come along and take this case on contingency, given the NGRI verdict in the criminal trial?

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They do and it is. Some state only allow you to receive benefits for a set amount of time, if you aren’t disabled, to discourage “slackers.”. Wasn’t FLA the state that wanted the poor to take drug tests to qualify for benefits?


Wasn’t it mentioned that MHG had gotten a restraining order to prevent LK and her minions from trashing MHG?

Maybe that explains the sudden interest in LO’s situation, which is quite obviously no one else’s business.


Florida, Kentucky and Missouri, I believe. I think it all pertained to welfare recipients, however… TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families).

I do wonder if Medicaid would pay for years and years of Suboxone. My guess is no… there would be limits. It is most definitely not posh health insurance. It’s intended as a social safety net.




I don’t know about that. I think it would be pretty cool to be a member of a Flash Mob.


An elderly flash mob in bathrobes…

Uh oh. Now I am giggling about mobs again. Shame shame on me.




I don’t know? I have a vague recollection from this thread that Nagle and GAS have collaborated before, so perhaps they have worked out an agreement on this case. I have seen attorneys share cases before, so the first attorney hands off the case, the second rolls those costs into their bill when the lawsuit is finished, and the first gets paid then. the client really needs to understand the ramification of this as there is often some double billing to get the second up to speed, which may not be what the client would expect.

However, if a client has to be moved on for whatever reason, it does mean the client isn’t losing out on their ability to keep going forward on the case.


The K’s don’t strike as the kind of people that would care one whit about violating the intended purpose of Medicaid. If they can figure out a way to game the system, they will do it.