Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

It’s called trolling or just being contrarian in it’s milder forms. Every single online discussion every where gets a few posters arguing the earth is flat or Trump won 2020. The farther people are from the person topic incident or celebrity the freer they can feel to say outrageous things because the person is just a fictional character to them. Other people like arguing for its own sake and will get twisted into tangles keeping an untenable position.

BTW in general people’s online behavior can be much worse than IRL behavior.


Agreed. But going through a lawsuit like this means that details get scrutinized. If you have a scheme set up to “game the system” avoiding scrutiny is typically a recommended course of action…


MB was one of the owners of SGF, LLC, so if the farmhouse was insured by SGF, MB could receive the check.

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Ah yes, the good old “sponsor”. Nick Peronace had one of them for a while too, his “sponsor” bought his ex-children’s riding school horse (sorry, his “OTTB that he trained to Grand Prix”). His “sponsor” was his parents. :slight_smile:


You make a good point. A flash mob is the only type of mob I would join.

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I’m way behind, but you can understand how this came to mind:



I was just reminded…

  • the insurance check MB received for the farmhouse damage related to the burst pipe. Team K has long fixated (salivated?) about that.

That might be scary……especially the flashing parts…


Was this an Ugliest Home in America entry?



Maybe a preschool/daycare in a former life?

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I love it! Imagine the possibilities! A couple coats of paint would he amazing!

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The realtor’s description :rofl: Gotta give them credit for trying hard to sell it.

Honestly, they should have written a caveat, “If you have a history of LSD use, please sign a medical release prior to scheduling a walk through of this home.”


With carpet on the WALLS it’s going to take more than paint.


Someone appears to be into fluffies. Or shag carpeting.

What a beautiful setting for a home. On the outside


If Mr Silver’s case history says he has defended this client and that client, how would you be able to tell whether he was being paid by the client itself or by an insurance company that is providing liability coverage to the client?

oh.my.gawd. That house is, um, very creative and colorful…my eyes.


Dang, this post from @SierraMist has not aged well, has it???


It didn’t age well as soon as it was posted


MB had a choice between taking the plea deal or going to trial. The uncertainty with respect to going to trial was whether he would be found guilty and go to prison for a definite term or be found NGRI and be committed to a psychiatric hospital for an indefinite term.

SM was wrong in that he was found NGRI rather than guilty and is languishing in a psychiatric institution rather than a prison.

Do you still disagree with her point about maybe he should have taken the plea deal?

Do you anticipate that MB will be kept at Greystone for 10-20 yrs?

I don’t.

When he is released from Greystone, he will not have a felony on his record.

So yes… all things considered… his current situation seems preferable to taking the plea deal that was offered.