Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Nevermind the carpet on the ceiling!! It should be christened the Hula Hoop House - as apparently the owner had a affinity for them - maybe in some kind of performance? I do not mind the eclectic artwork and furnishings - but frames and wall treatments are… interesting. I wish this place had one of the 3D tours instead of just photos…


:smile: my cats would love that!


There was absolutely no way he should have taken the plea deal.

Did you actually watch the trial?

If you think he should have, you really need to go back and watch again.


The plea deal was for 10 years, as I recall. We’re coming up on 4 years now.

I have no idea how long he will remain institutionalized or will have significant restrictions.

The felony conviction would have made him permanently banned by SS; it’s not clear what the SS disposition will be with the NGRI.

My first thought. Cats up the walls, cats clinging to the ceilings.

Interesting dish rack.


Yes. I watched the trial.

The state established the guilty act with respect to LK. Depending on the disposition of the guilty mind, it was only going to be guilty or NGRI. He got NGRI.

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[quote=“BatCoach, post:2950, topic:780076”]

MB was one of the owners of SGF, LLC, so if the farmhouse was insured by SGF, MB could receive the check.

Perhaps I misunderstood your first post. But since we both agree that Michael is one of the co-owners of SGF LLC, how does your second paragraph “> I think allowing a non owner to take out hazard insurance, like fire insurance, on property they did not own would be super problematic.” Apply?



I have multiple black cats. I can imagine black cat hair clinging to all these surfaces after they rub themselves against the walls, etc.

It would make me crazy.


[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:3018, topic:780076”]

I think people can agree to disagree on this. The decision to plea or not is a bit moot, since the trial is over. Will it mean the same or different amount of time in a restricted setting? Who knows.

I don’t know how that will play out for civil trial, but it looks like it has helped MB raise money on the GFM to defend the civil case.

Again, I think this fact, the raising of money for a defendant, is the point of contention. Lawsuits aren’t cheap, and while I earlier suggested the new attorney might be taking this on the same fee agreement as Nagel, there’s a strong likelihood that they didn’t, so now there’s money to pay for LK, and she’s seeing donations for MB.


I love a lot of the art pieces and that lucite hanging chair. But gosh, inhaling all those plastic and polymer fumes, no thanks. Not to mention the whole thing would blow up in a minute if there were a fire. It you could even find a means of escape.


It’s one of multiple vague insurance related ‘nudges’ that CH has put out on the forums.

It’s hard to understand why she is doing this. We w all speculated, and she has demurred.

What we do know is:

  1. No one seems to be buying he continued claims that MB was guilty of engaging in unprofessional and negligent business practices.

  2. No one is providing definitive information on these forums concerning whether or not SGF has insurance coverage, how much coverage they have, and whether or not that insurance is funding Mr. Silver’s legal representation of SGF.

Team K must be quite frustrated. Clearly they want to spin a specific narrative about MB as a businessman, and clearly they want certain information about SGF’s insurance.


[quote=“BatCoach, post:3021, topic:780076, full:true”]

MB was one of three owners of SGF, which owned the property. SGF apparently had hazard insurance, and I assume they also had liability insurance.

Since MB was a part owner of SGF, the issue of taking out hazard insurance on a property you don’t own does not apply here.

In other instances, my taking out fire insurance on my neighbors house, which I don’t own, would be super problematic because because it would create an incentive for me to burn down my neighbors house. I would suffer no loss since I don’t own the house, and would get the insurance payout.

In the case of fire insurance, I’m pretty sure you could not get a policy with the beneficiary being anyone other than the property owner.

So I’ve gotten a little suspicious with the quiet from their camp and googled LK. Found an article that sent me through the roof. It claims she was a model/actress, says LK and RB received non life-threatening wounds, then says they’re dead all in three paragraphs.
Read that, laughed, and closed out my search :joy:


Why are you returning to the fixation on the insurance check for damages at the farmhouse?

You are speaking in circles about it.

As for there being 3 owners of SGF… the Lunbergs are an older couple, who have been married for a very long time. If their interest in SGF was held jointly, they likely counted as one of two members of SGF LLC.

At present, I don’t think it’s public knowledge as to what the exact division of ownership of the LLC was… 50-50? 51-49? Anyway… I think that’s not yet clear from public filings.


We agree again. Michael, as a responsible co-owner of a property, held adequate insurance.

I’m not sure why you went down the confusing tangent of trying to insure something you do not own, since proof of ownership is step 1 of purchasing insurance. Oh well - moot point I guess!


Oh, I don’t know, you may be able to get the policy, but then not get the payout. I’ve seen some pretty weasely things from insurance companies…
I suspect committing criminal acts will void most payouts, and it’s looking like both parties engaged in those to some degree. Lk with the recordings and MB with the gun.

Sfg may be getting bills paid by the IC, but it could be for the purpose of keeping the IC from having any responsibility to either party. I disagree that just the presence of insurance will sway the jury either way with this set of facts.


Maybe they were conflating model/actress with dancer.

I believe LK herself has referenced an earlier career involving dancing.

Side note… I wonder if there was any SS withheld from her paychecks during her time working as a dancer? I believe a good portion of the income related to this profession comes from tips, but I imagine the clubs pay the dancers some sort of minimal hourly wage, similar to how servers are paid for restaurants? Oh well. Maybe she has collected some SS when she worked as a young dancer, and that will be available to her when she turns 65.



It’s going take more than a couple coats.LOL


Can you send me the link? I’d love to read that!


Regarding the comments about LO. She and her daughter came across in the 48 hours episode as caring, compassionate people. Her daughter also did very well at the trial especially for someone so young.

If LO was instrumental in closing up the barn she definately has the smarts that anyone in business would be envious of. The GFM was a good idea, people wanted to help, why not allow them to.