What have I “demurred” on, VHM?
You asked about my thoughts on MBs insurance coverage twice, and I answered twice.
I think he was a sloppy businessman for the lack of written contracts, the verbal barter arrangement with an unlicensed contractor, and the decision to make unpermitted renovations.
I don’t know if he had personal or professional liability insurance. I don’t fault him if he did not carry liability insurance — it’s a personal decision as to how much risk he chooses to bear.
I do not know for a fact whether SGF carried liability insurance on the real estate, but I’d be shocked if they didn’t.
If SGF does have liability insurance, here is why I’d suspect that the insurance company hired Mr Silver to defend against the suit (and pursue the complaint against MB). Whatever monetary award is assessed against SGF, the insurance company is on the hook to pay it. Why would the insurance company have SGF hire some cut rate lawyer to provide a half assed defense if they’re liable for paying the resulting judgement?
So what have I “demurred” on?
I don’t want to “spin a specific narrative about MB as a businessman”. I just answered your specific questions regarding my thoughts on his insurance coverage.