Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

There is a modeling agency portfolio out there somewhere for LK.


Isn’t she actually showing that mare PSG, and scoring in the high 60’s? I’m thinking of a lovely bay mare with high white stockings that I recollect seeing in photos (I’m a total sucker for flashy bay mares with high stockings… I make a mental note of them when I see any in pictures :joy: :woman_facepalming:).

Has LK ever showed PSG? Much less on a talented mare she has brought up the levels herself? Somehow I doubt it.


Great point @sdel!

There is so much the groupies ignore, the lies, the illegal recordings, the false SS filing, the calls to the town inspection departments, the threats, the disgusting manifest, the searches for MH’s children, the breaking into Michael’s office and possibly his safe, the harassment, the terrorism, the drugs, the false allegations about insurance fraud…so much horrendous behavior, yet these women continue to devote their time supporting the evil! It really is hard to fathom.


She can’t even do it on horses trained by others!


Somewhere up thread CH asked how I knew Silver was not working for an insurance firm. First, insurance defense is not listed among his practice areas.

More to the point, if you click on the firm’s insurance defense practice area, Mr. Silver is not listed as one of the attorneys in that area. Now I am really done with this topic.


Heck, he’s not even working for the same firm he was when he started this case.

Here’s an interesting blurb:


[quote=“LilRanger, post:2993, topic:780076, full:true”]
I have a vague recollection from this thread that Nagle and GAS have collaborated before, so perhaps they have worked out an agreement on this case. [/quote]

Oh yes. Nagel represented GAS’s firm in this case:


Interesting. So Silver kept the case even as he moved on to a different firm in 2021. If he wanted to separate himself from this case… that would have been an opportune time to do so.

As for the continuing chatter about SGF LLC and insurance… a thought occurs to me. If the insurance company is not directly paying Mr. Silver for his services, then it is reasonable to assume the residual funds related to SGF LLC (following the sale of the actual farm in 2020/2021 ? and settlement of all outstanding liabilities) - well - it is reasonable to think that this is at least part of the source of funding for their defense.

Again… an LLC is essentially made up of its members. SGF was formed by the Lunbergs and MB.

Given the continuing chatter about that insurance check related to farmhouse damage from the burst pipe that ALLEGEDLY went to MB way back in early 2019, and the additional chatter about how property’s owners are the people entitled to hazard related insurance payouts… it seems someone is trying to dredge up the issue of insurance fraud, & more specifically, MB somehow ALLEGEDLY screwing the Lunbergs out of part of an insurance payout.

Anyway, one can presume anything related to those issues was reconciled when the property was sold. I don’t think it’s public knowledge what the present status of the relationship between MB & the Lunbergs is… but I do think the continuing refrain from certain posters concerning the idea that SGF and MBs interests are divergent when it comes to defending the ongoing civil suit? Well… it seems like that might be part of an ongoing ‘divide & conquer’ effort on the part of the Kanareks that has involved the Lunbergs and been waged since the first half of 2019, from what I can tell.

I sincerely hope the Lunbergs are doing ok these days. I can’t remember what exactly happened to them, but for some reason, I thought their son got involved at some point. Anyway, this whole situation with respect to them strikes me as very very sad on some levels. They had a very good relationship with MB for many many years. I hope they now see the Kanareks for the manipulative interlopers that they clearly were back in 2019, when they somehow inserted themselves into the ongoing business relationship between MB & the Lunbergs.


Hmmm. I wonder if she actually signed with a specific modeling agency, who the agency was, and how old she was at the time.

Anyone can take a variety of headshots and put together a portfolio. But signing with an agency is a different thing. Actually getting paying work as a model? That’s a whole ‘nother thing.

Very interesting. I see no reason attorneys shouldn’t ask detailed questions about this aspect of LK’s professional history during a deposition. After all, she is asking for damages. If she actually worked as a model at some point, it’s relevant.


Great post!


Despite the overwhelming evidence that MB shot LK, the civil suits are not a slam dunk because it is still necessary to apportion the liability among the defendants, try the counter suit, and assess damages.

The interests of SGF and MB are not in complete opposition. Neither are they perfectly aligned. So yes, the interests of MB and SGF are somewhat divergent. Obvs.

How did the Kanareks try to “divide and conquer” MB vs the Lundbergs “since the first half of 2019”, “from what you can tell”?

Wow, the things one learns just looking at the actual paperwork instead of the made-up movie in their head. Great find @ekat!

Thank you for all of your very clear and informative posts on this topic! I realize some people do not appreciate your knowledge but many of us really do.


My mistake for presuming that someone who asked me a direct question would be interested in the answer, Mondo!

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It is not a slam dunk, @CurrentlyHorseless, first, it’s necessary for Lauren Kanarek to prove her case against each defendant before they get to apportioning liability (if any). Don’t assume Lauren Kanarek is going to win.


All this distraction from talking about Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya), the father of Lauren Kanarek and a lawyer, and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1), Lauren Kanarek’s mother, ignoring their subpoenas and the contempt filing.
Darn. If all that is so upsetting to Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek it seems like answering the subpoenas would be the easy solution. Even more so since Jonathan Kanarek insisted on this very forum that he wanted to cooperate and all that.


Exactly. Plus… there’s still discovery to get through. Obviously MB went through extensive scrutiny as part of the criminal trial. But Lauren? She was a witness in that matter. Not a plaintiff, nor a defendant. So… intense scrutiny is a new thing for her.

Who knows what might come out over the next few months? Obviously you have unresolved questions about SGF’s insurance coverage, MBs business practices, and how Silver is being compensated. I, on the other hand, have questions about LK and JK’s professional backgrounds and associations, and how additional information about this might become part of MB’s attorneys’ arguments concerning what happened in 2019 at Hawthorne Hill, why it happened, what were the driving motivations, and lastly… which people’s testimony is most credible in the eyes of a jury.

We will have to wait and see how it all shakes out as the whole thing moves forward. In the meantime, I hope Lauren is busy riding, has someone to help her train, even if it’s not quite a BNT, and above all, I hope she’s not getting TOO discouraged about her lack of demonstrable progress with her horses. I’m sure if she buckles down, focuses, stops with all the drama and lawsuits, and perhaps weans herself off certain prescriptions… she probably CAN make it to PSG eventually with one of her lovely horses… just like the Osborne mother AND daughter already have.



Again, what evidence???


There is no overwhelming evidence that MB shot LK. There is not even any evidence that he did.

The civil cases are certainly no slam dunk especially given the lack of forensics or reliable witness testimony.


:joy: :laughing: :rofl: I just had a long time lurker message me asking if CH is LK in disguise! :sweat_smile: I told them I seriously doubted it and it wouldn’t make any difference one way or another - they’d still be 100% off base and wrong!

It’s fun to be reminded how many people actually lurk here for entertainment!