Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Prior to the trial I thought that there must be strong evidence that MB shot LK due to the seriousness of the charges. I was wondering if it was self defense or imperfect self defense. I did not buy the premeditated murder conspiracy.
I was expecting more forensic evidence that proved he fired the weapon. I then had my doubts if he even fired the gun. I am still leaning towards self defense. I also agree with some of the tv court commentators that MB was overcharged from the beginning and I remember you said that too prior to the trial.


No, I don’t have burning unresolved questions on SGFs insurance coverage, MBs business practices, or how Silver is being compensated, VHM.

I do not understand how LKs and JKs “professional backgrounds and associations” are pertinent to “what happened in 2019 at Hawthorne Hill, why it happened” and “what were the driving motivations”.

What happened was: MB shot and nearly killed LK.
Why it happened: It was a tense and ugly situation created by stupid choices by both sides, RC illegally provided a gun, and MB literally lost his mind.

No doubt the high priced lawyers will try to make it horribly complicated, but it’s really pretty simple, and depends not at all on LKs and JKs “professional backgrounds and associations”.

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Did he have gunshot residue on his hands?


Indeed… plus, were his fingerprints on the weapon?


I think there should be MB fingerprints on the weapon as RC handed him the gun to put in the safe.


As always, I was way behind on this thread. I want to comment on the discussion of whether LK could have Medicaid. I don’t think that’s possible, as Medicaid usually has a significant wealth limit. I remember a friend who was on South Carolina Medicaid telling me that you could only own one house, so I would never qualify (not that I ever considered applying–at my asset and income level it would be ludicrous and highly unethical). I took a quick look at Florida, and they have very low income and asset allowances, with some things such as your residence and vehicle being exempt from the asset allowance. I don’t know how Florida would classify horses, but I can’t imagine they would be exempt as well.



:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:



Sorry if I missed it during the forensic debacle…. Did the keystone kops actually process the handgun for fingerprints? Inquiring minds would like to know.




Why would anyone think he should have plead GUILTY when he was found NOT GUILTY by the jury? That’s bananas.


You’re certainly free to watch any version of “the movie in your head” that you prefer. That doesn’t mean anybody else is watching the same movie. Or that your version is supported by the forensic evidence from the scene.


Hahahahahhaa more wishful thinking on the part of the Kanareks. If backgrounds and associations weren’t such a touchy topic, they wouldn’t be dragging their feet on subpoenas and discovery.

In deciding what, if any damages to award Lauren, the jury is going to want to follow the money. How was she funding her lifestyle? What loss of current and future income did the shooting cause? Finding out how much income there was and where it came from is going to be key. And I get the feeling the K’s aren’t too anxious for that to happen.

Oh what a tangled web we weave…


Can LK/RG’s fingerprints and DNA be definitively excluded from being on any part of the gun or any of the casings or on the box of rounds from the safe or any of the rounds themselves or even from any part of the safe?


Oh, honey, in a civil suit everything about her income and medical records is fair game. So will be her social media posts and her arrest record. The amount of digging by the Defense will be unpleasant for LK (to say the least), but she brought the suit and the burden is on her to prove a financial loss. That’s the way it works.

All of the experienced people here have warned that privacy goes out the window, when a person files a civil suit claiming financial and psychological damages.

JK must know this and I hope he has advised his daughter about the questions she will face. It won’t be easy for her.

Unlike the criminal trial, all of her lies, inconsistencies, medical records (not only hospital records following the incident but those from before, most likely including the substance abuse issues) as well as the tapes made by her and her boyfriend that contained her statement that she had surreptitiously accessed MB’s office, all of those issues will be brought to light and she will have to answer to them under oath and in front of a jury.

Considering the jury’s verdict in the criminal trial (when the opposition’s attorneys were extremely limited in what they could bring to light about her behavior) her chances of winning over a jury in the civil trial look pretty bleak.

No wonder the Ks are stalling. I can’t imagine why they would want to continue this civil action.


As a (mostly) lurker myself and reader of all these threads, I’m pretty sure I’d represent Joe Public’s opinion on posters who can consistently write such rubbish as “evidence/overwhelming evidence” that “MB shot LK”. I can’t imagine just how frustrating it would be to have to continually fend off such a claim.

@CurrentlyHorseless , please, finally, show your workings! Give us plebs the “evidence” - you know, all that evidence collected and revealed to substantiate your position.


LK’s whole agenda, besides grifting for money, (a la free living arrangements, free board for horses, radical discounts, training with a BNT only, putting boy friend ina position to trade sub par services for board and insurance payout), was to ruin MB. Now she and her minions are smearing him for losing his hard earned businesses and paperwork. What a scummy mob.


If the K’s were to drop their suit, but MB did not drop his, wouldn’t they still have to go through discovery?

If that’s true, take your chances and just get on with it. The only folks making any $$$ are the lawyers.


Yes. Quite a pickle, isn’t it?


Yes. They certainly are between a rock and a hard place, of their own making. Greed and a feeling of entitlement I would expect, can land people in this sort of place.