Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9



Oh, @Pocket_Rocket, I’ve posted the “workings” many, many times! If you didn’t understand the argument the first 400 times I posted it, why would stating it again convince you?


Testy testy.



Thank you for taking on the task of explaining how this is going to play out for the K’s during the ongoing legal process @skydy .

It’s just the way discovery in a lawsuit like this is. If someone:

  1. Doesn’t have a very strong case
  2. Has a personal background that is slightly messier than that of an average Eagle Scout

I’m not so sure going all the way through civil litigation is worth the excruciating stress and scrutiny involved in it.

But LK decided to file the suit back in 2019, before the criminal trial had even happened. It is what it is, and now that MB has filed counterclaims, she is well and truly stuck in between a rock and a hard place, exactly as @MHM has alluded to.


Oh honey, I don’t think the big bucks in the award will be awarded for lost income or lost future income. I think it will be for medical bills, pain and suffering, trauma, and loss of enjoyment of activities.

I think the fact that she was shot, badly injured, and incurred big medical bills and suffered from trauma are going to be easy to establish.

The criminal trial provided more protection against evidence prejudicial to the defendant than a civil trial will. If MB chooses not to testify, the jury can construe his declining to testify against him.

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You’re already in a mob, @CurrentlyHorseless. You and LK and the other minions mob together to troll and hate MB and his family and friends. You’re not so high and mighty. I’m sorry you do it, but you aren’t safe from being called out for it.


Hmmmm… what income was she making that she lost due to the shooting?

What exactly was her profession? How long has she been working in that field? Who precisely employed her? What was her salary history? Or… is she compensated hourly? Or… is she compensated specifically for completing certain projects or services?

She actually will have to answer those questions, and present multiple years worth of tax returns to be awarded anything related to lost income.


There was something about that check that made them think they were going to get it, and deserved it. Its what made me think RG and/or LK had turned the water on when they went to FLA so the pipes would freeze.


I just don’t understand the logic here, VHM.

For anyone who has a “personal background that is slightly messier than that of an average Eagle Scout”, they should be afraid of filing a personal injury suit when someone (whose background is also slightly messier than that of the average Eagle Scout) shoots and nearly kills them?

Are you concerned about the “excruciating stress and scrutiny” the civil case will focus on the gun shot victim? Aww, you’re so empathetic toward LK. You’re constantly using these threads to make nasty insinuations about LK and her family. Creating some warm up scrutiny and stress so she won’t be blindsided and shocked when the actual lawyers weigh in? So thoughtful of you.

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Please read bolded sentence in original post.

Based on her own social media the biggest payout will be to LKs medical provider. She was back to riding and enjoying activities remarkably quickly (I think).

The trauma issue (I am assuming you mean psychological trauma, and if not, well, that’s what I get for assuming! :laughing:) may be there, but it won’t amount to a hill of beans if she doesn’t get through discovery first. As I’m sure you’re aware, she has to prove the damages, and that’s hard anytime, more so when you’ve been tooting around on the intarwebz proclaiming you’re living your best life after the shooting. Which could all be not true, but it undermines your case anyway.

Edited to add: I’ve been in a lot of med mal cases, and what you don’t read about in the paper or the law reviews is how many cases there are where no damages are awarded. Like nada, zip. Were there harms? Oh yes, but the plaintiff didn’t have the proof to support the payment to make whole. Also, a settlement is often less expensive than litigating, but they can be surprisingly low, even with insurance. Like $30k to go away.


You’ve posted definitive proof that MB removed the gun from the safe, drove with it to the house, aimed it at LK and pulled the trigger? Please share with the class because we all missed the videos, fingerprints, and GSR evidence that proves these claims.


That part is easy to prove. Proving that MB and / or SGF is liable for the shooting, injuries, bills and trauma is a whole ‘nother kettle of fish that might require actual evidence. It’s cute you keep fast forwarding right over that whole bit and go straight to the part where a jury awards damages when you play the movie in your head. In real life it doesn’t work like that.


What loss of enjoyment of activities? Which activities. Seems she can still partake of her Suboxone, nap, and ride her horses at even higher levels than before the shooting. From what we can tell those are her activities of daily living. RG did everything else including the laundry. So, what other activity is out there that she can’t participate in.


Careful. Your mask is slipping now.

The fact is, he didn’t bring the civil suit. She did. He has now filed counterclaims though.

You are right. His background is not perfect. Few people have perfect backgrounds. But… hers is far messier. Anyone with eyes can see that.

This is civil litigation. We can all decide who we sympathize with and who we feel is the “real” victim in this situation… but we are all just yammering on a bulletin board. When it comes to a courtroom, what matters is:

  1. What is actually proven
  2. Credibility of the testimony provided by witnesses.

The fact is, the vast majority of the public who watched Lauren and Rob testify during the criminal trial found that they were not credible. They came across as drug abusers and liars. That’s not my opinion. That’s the vast majority of comments across multiple social media platforms from a wide swath of the public who actually watched their testimony. People had a similar reaction after watching Lauren on 48 Hours. She comes across as someone who has a drug problem, and a lying problem.

Do you think she will come across more favorably during a civil trial? 3rd times a charm? That people will actually find her credible and sympathetic this time?

I doubt it.

And if you think I’m harsh… oh dear. I’m asking basic questions in a pretty roundabout way on an Internet forum. A deposition conducted by Bilinkas and Deininger? That will be utterly brutal for Lauren. She’s going to get GRILLED. About EVERYTHING.

Because that’s how civil litigation like this works.


I don’t necessarily believe that. How could they predict that MB would kick JH (who had lived there for~15 years) out of the top apartment and give it to them? Or that the top apartment wouldn’t also be damaged?

Frozen pipes are an everyday (winter) occurrence at least that’s what the insurance guy testified to.

I do think that LK/RG expected the insurance check would be given to RG for his work and when it wasn’t, that was another grievance on the list.


@CurrentlyHorseless What in sam hill (since you quoted to kill a mockingbird) are you even talking about?? What is your obsession with the insurance check from the farm house? Its creepy that you won’t stop going on about insurance policies for the civil trial payout, but now you’re perseverating over the insurance check from the farm house???

That check was none of your or Lauren’s business. Who was insured and who got the check paid to them is none of your business. Are you saying that MB stole the check? Are you saying that MB illegally insured the farm house? He lived in it, he owned it, he insured it. Give it up. You don’t need to repeat that he owned it and that he insured it and he got the check. This is one of the many really creepy posts the Hate Mob has perpetrated. Stop being a creep about things that happened that aren’t your business, aren’t Lauren’s business, and havenothing to do with anything.

And what in sam hill are you doing speculating about taking insurance out on a house you don’t own?? Are your thought processes so random you aren’t aware of how creepy you sound? ARe you so incapable of self-reflection that you just type them out like automatic writing and people reading them are going to follow you? Get a grip, woman.


Oops. You’re right. I did not read carefully, and responded to something you didn’t say. My mistake, and I apologize.


Maybe that expectation had something to do with why she needed to be able to forge the signature?


But LK wouldn’t let RG “bill” MB because it would “ruin the plan”—whatever that was….