Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

What is Occam’s razor? Occam’s razor is a principle of theory construction or evaluation according to which, other things equal, explanations that posit fewer entities, or fewer kinds of entities, are to be preferred to explanations that posit more. Simply put, the easiest explanation of something is usually the correct one.

In the case of who shot LK we are asked to ascertain whether the version put forth by two persons with long arrest records and histories of lying (self admitted on the stand) as well as less than pristine histories regarding drug addictions and lifestyle is the true version of what actually happened.

In their version we are asked to believe that these two persons are credible and that MB, a person with a comparatively clean past, a successful business and athletic career which reached the pinnacle of success suddenly turned homicidal maniac and decided to sacrifice everything in order to kill and remove someone and their henchman that he was finally getting assistance to remove anyway. And, that that rash decision was made during daylight hours in the presence of an agency employee for all the world to see.

It just doesn’t seem likely now does it?

So what does seem the most likely scenario? Well that’s been discussed in great detail and it’s that line of theory - Occams razor - that most people bring to make the most sense in their minds - and this is a universal belief from these pages to the court room to Law & Crime to YouTube to 48 Hours. To you, yourself.

The civil trial will bring the jury to the same conclusion when they are presented with veiled ninjas, interesting web searches, illegal surveillance and recordings, manifestos, over the top FB postings, gun brags, SS weaponization and that whole chit show we’ve come to know so well.


Doesn’t mean she was ever hired.


Also, I would be willing to bet that most “dancers” are aspiring models


LK wouldn’t let RG “bill” MB because she knew RG was an unlicensed contractor and a bill for work would be proof positive of illegalities performed. And as I’ve stated prior and as JK probably knew from being an attorney, that unlicensed work performed would in court incur treble damages and a judgment against RG for triple the $$$ charged in that bill.


Yes. LK is going to have to prove, first and foremost, that MB shot her. How is she going to do that?? There is no evidence.

She could have shot herself.

Robert Guy Goodwin could have shot her.

She can’t prove otherwise.

Unless, of course, she has audio and/or video tapes. But if she does, she so far refuses to provide that, so, unfortunately, she’s going to lose her case.


You have my post there, so if you are interested in learning “what the Sam Hill” I’m talking about, just look at the post I’m responding to, @Ambitious_Kate.

I agree, but I think the point is, no one knows, because THE POLICE DIDN’T DO ANY FINGERPRINTS. So no one knows who shot the gun, who brought it to the scene, nor whose fingerprints on it. LK has no proof that MB shot her.


No, because the police took no fingerprints, and took no DNA.


That coupled with her admissions that she lies and her bizarre rants on sm will make her path to success more difficult. Not impossible, of course, but harder.


Well, maybe he did. And maybe he didn’t. @CurrentlyHorseless, LK is going to have to prove that he did in this trial. Did you know that? She’s going to have to provide evidence. No gunshot residue, no fingerprints, no dna. The police didn’t collect any evidence. She can’t prove it. SHe can’t just say it, she has to prove it. Sorry, but your friend is SOL.


That’d be it, thanks BM1.

I’d be happy to see all that evidence for the 401st time. Please, CH.


She was back in the show ring 10 months after the shooting.


What about her lengthy record of criminal charges in two different states, involving simple assault, assault with a deadly weapon, resisting a public officer, communicating threats, multiple charges of trespass, burglary, and many many many traffic tickets.

Do you think any of that might undermine her credibility as a witness? I’d imagine that some of it is admissible in terms of character evidence?


No you haven’t. You’ve provided NOTHING, @CurrentlyHorseless. Just because you say something snotty doesn’t mean you actually did it.


But who shot her? That can’t be proven. She can’t even prove that she has the right person as a target for her Civil case.


I think they turned on the water before they left because they thought it would freeze and there would be damage to the house that MB would then hire RG to fix, and he would get paid out of the insurance check. That’s why RG wanted to “bill” him for the 50k. There was alot of talk initially from her about how that insurance check was supposed to be theirs and how MB just cashed a fat insurance check.


Also… IF he shot her, WHY did he shoot her?

New trial, new judge, different rules of evidence.

LK and RG have MULTIPLE arrests for assault spanning years across two different states that I know of.

It is a demonstrable fact that RG beat the hell out of MB that day. There are hospital records that prove it. Just as it is a demonstrable fact that LK was shot.

What order did these things happen in? No one knows. But who again has a repeated, documented, predisposition for violence and assault?

LK and RG

Bottomline… If the jury hears anything about their history with respect to assaults (as in … MULTIPLE), the jury is going to wonder if these two jumped MB before that gun went off.

Any person with an ounce of common sense who has a small amount of background information about everyone involved wonders it.


Occam’s razor.


I did. Its all word salad, @CurrentlyHorseless



So if the jury thinks that there is a strong possibility he acted in self defense (even if he was out of his gourd and suffering a psychotic break at the time)?

Guess what?

LK will not be awarded any damages related to her gunshot. Period.