Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I think the minions are falling apart. Well see how they hold up during these depositions. Not much left for them to talk about now.


Sorry, late to the party.

Donnie, you’re out of your element.

How on earth is anyone supposed to use a firearm in self defense if they do not bring a firearm? If carrying a firearm is automatically incriminating, then everyone who brings and uses their gun to either private or public property in self defense would be charged. That is far, far from reality.

And I’m sure that when the jury sees the picture of MB having been beaten to a pulp in the hospital bed, that it will be impossible for anyone to imagine self defense. Right.


See now I know you’re not that obtuse. You just enjoy playing games. Making posters run around trying to debate logic with you as you just spin and spin. As if in your mind we’re just your hamsters going round and round a squeaky pet shop wheel.


No, @eggbutt . I never claimed (or “alleged”) to have seen a police report.

That’s never stopped them before. :roll_eyes:


They showed the picture in the criminal trial, didn’t they? The jury did not acquit based on self defense. They acquitted on the basis on insanity.

Please tell me how he could have possibly been acquitted by a jury for self defense when a self defense plea was not allowed?

Poor Ks. Totally different ballgame for the civil trial - self defense will be argued. Too bad you can not accept that.


There you go again…trying to equate the criminal trial with the civil trials! I promise you what they did to Michael Barisone when they beat him almost to death, will play an important part of the trials.

Serious @CurrentlyHorseless, you need to stop acting like you know what you are talking about. It isn’t becoming.


Self defense wasn’t argued.

You know this.



Is it time for the weekly, semi weekly reminder to ignore certain posters to keep the thread from reaching a record number of posts? After this long, it has gone way, way beyond annoying. You are all wasting minutes of your life that you will never get back. :grimacing:


Seems like the Ks are scraping the bottom of the barrel in the way of defenders.

I guess this is what happens when you overplay your hand and get a little too big for your britches!

You know, like when the truth only sorta comes out about you and your life, you promised big bombs coming out in the criminal trial but those bombs were like little teeny tiny farts in the wind, and you know the REAL bombs are going to come out civil trial. The only issue- it’s not your side lobbing the REAL bombs.

Aye, yai, yai! What is a girl to do???


Here’s what I remember.

MB did not plead simple Not Guilty. He pled both NG by reason of insanity and NG by reason of self defense, both affirmative defenses.

Taylor asked whether there was a contradiction between pleading both NGRI and NGSD, but accepted the dual plea. MB pled NG by reason of self defense.

Taylor did not permit Bilinkas to “argue” self defense in his summation on the grounds that Bilinkas had not offered any evidence that it was self defense during the trial.

What evidence of self defense did Bilinkas attempt to enter that Taylor refused to let him enter? Anything? If Bilinkas attempted to enter evidence of self defense and was incorrectly blocked from entering the evidence of self defense, why didn’t Bilinkas file an appeal?

MB pled NG by reason of self defense. The defense did not fly because Bilinkas was not able to provide any evidence of self defense. Bilinkas did not attempt to appeal the verdict on the grounds that Taylor incorrectly excluded belief evidence of self defense. The evidence that MB specifically asked RC for the gun, physically received it from her, had control of it for days, and removed it from the safe shortly before driving over to the farmhouse with it is considerable evidence against self defense.

So yes, self defense was “argued” in the sense that that was what MB pled. It was not argued successfully because there was no evidence that it was in fact self defense. If Bilinkas had thought he could succeed with a plea of self defense, he would not have needed to plead NGRI.

That’s what I know.


Yes RND was banned.


It has been previously established more than once that between your “memories” and the “movie in your head”, you are waaaaay far off base.

Once again, you are dead ass wrong!

No need to beat a dead equid, is there???


The self defense plea was allowed. MB pled both NGRI and NGSD.

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With respect to the bolded…

The verdict was NGRI. Of course Bilinkas didn’t appeal the verdict. He got his client acquitted.

Your argument on that is incoherent and irrational.


I don’t understand this at all either. I certainly hope that MB’s attorneys have everything at the ready for the next Krol hearing - especially some press or news organizations to document everything as a follow up on what is (or is not) happening.


I agree. Why is it so hard for some people to simply not respond.


It’s not as if his client was indifferent as to whether he was acquitted via NGRI vs NGSD, though, right?

Clearly NGSD is a far preferable form of acquittal.

Perhaps he couldn’t appeal the verdict because the verdict was one of the two pleas he entered. If that’s the case, he shot himself in the foot by pleading both NGRI and NGSD if the NGRI plea prevented him from appealing based on Taylor’s supposed refusal to allow to enter all his evidence that it was self defense.

What was all that evidence that Taylor supposedly refused to
let him enter, again?

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And… still incoherent and irrational.