Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Was my asking you to mention in some form the evidence that it was in fact self defense or even could have been self defense that Taylor supposedly did not permit also incoherent?

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I must have missed that part.

But, fwiw, this sentence is also pretty incoherent.


Barring any actual evidence appearing, I will always think that the reason for the K’s and the prosecution/judge preventing any talk of Rosie during the trial is because she is the key to the shooting.

I believe either LK sicced the dog on MB or, due to Rosie’s demonstrated natural aggressiveness, she went on the attack herself. MB pulled out the gun to defend himself, and LK wrestled him for control of the gun to protect the dog. The gun went off in the struggle and RG jumped into the fray to beat/strangle MB.


I think that’s a possibility.

Clearly the dog was biting him at some point, and I believe the wounds indicated it was while he was still standing.

My gut tells me someone jumped him first. Either LK or RG. I think the dog might have gotten into the mix after that. She’s clearly a bit high strung, and might have reacted aggressively to a high stress situation. I have no idea who had control of the gun when it was fired, but I do think Lauren got shot by accident during a crazy scuffle.

Just my opinion.


I totally agree with you.


Right? Isn’t that the whole reason Americans love to bring their guns to the grocery store and the movie theatre - just in case they have to whip one out in self defence? What a bizarre (some might say desperate) angle for CurrentlyClueless to latch on to. Someone’s feathers get ruffled every time the self defence angle gets mentioned, particularly when mentioned in conjunction with poor Rosie.


Daily reminder that there is no evidence this took place.


The key point is that MB was acquitted. Glad you finally recognize that. You don’t appeal an acquittal.


Certainly more plausible than MB coming over all sad and contrite, wanting to talk, and then suddenly pulling a gun and firing a double tap point blank into LK’s chest, firing invisible / disappearing bullets at RG while RG was simultaneously in the house and not in the house, RG putting MB in a choke hold while LK beat him around the head with her phone for minutes while running in circles and bleeding to death, while also managing to not leave bloodstains everywhere until she got airlifted away.


Didn’t LK say why she has her guns? After a break in of her NC home?

Interesting huh. Double standard?


Didn’t LK fire one of those guns at RG? Makes me wonder how somebody with her mental health issues and lengthy arrest record can even be allowed access to firearms. ‘Murica, I guess.


Oh. I thought she was the one with the arrest record in NC for:

  1. Trespass
  2. Communicating Threats
  3. Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Are you saying she actually claims she has guns because she was a crime victim in NC?

Hmmmm. I wonder if that happened before or after she was arrested (multiple times) for suspicion of perpetrating crimes.


And RG was outside walking in while LK was walking out but was inside but was upstairs…


As best as I can recall that was her explanation. But…lies on social media. So, who knows?


I believe that was the whole assault with a deadly weapon charge in NC.

She was arrested for two other separate simple assaults in NC as well. I think one of those involved RG.

@eggbutt said it earlier… they apparently have a history of fighting… a lot. He’s been arrested for assaulting her as well.


Original news articles said police sources said RG was inside and looked out a window to see MB waving the gun. Story seems to have changed a bit…


I have a screenshot that LK speaks of shooting that gun



Good catch.

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If I said I have it, I have it. If I say I saw it, I saw it.

I don’t lie on social media. Unlike others!


Here’s that word salad again.