Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Personally, I think RG saw that MB had a gun, either because MB pulled it because of th edog, or because he saw it was in his back belt or something, and RG grabbed the gun from MB and started beating him with it. Seeing this, LK Jumps in and started beating MB with her phone. During this the gun went off, and RG didn’t realize that LK had been shot. That’s why he was yelling at her to put the dog in the house, while she was shot. In the end, its RG that shot LK and that’s the big cover up.


A very likely scenario.


Interesting. That scenario would also explain the wound RG had on his hand that could have been caused by the gun as he was holding it when it fired.


and of kicking his motorcycle over? That’s a nasty wench to abuse someone like that. Shooting a hole in his tire??? BUt its alright because he fixed it? what the heck is wrong with her?


Yup. It explains alot of things.


I disagree. It is very much on-brand and absolutely what I expect to see. Quite fetching, really.


Yes, and they probably thought they did. Did you miss the part where Lauren Kanarek tried to convince us that her man slave Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman was a real contractor and all that. Why do you doubt that she told Michael that he was licensed? Ya know, Lauren has admitted under oath that she lies.


Even more so since the many versions of the story change so much that they can not be reconciled into one coherent story. Just trying to make what Lauren Kanarek said at the criminal trial match what Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman said is next to impossible.

Psssst, @CurrentlyHorseless, I know I have tried to tell you this before, but just want you to know that clearly what you think you are typing for people to read is not what people are reading. Might want to look into that. /whispering

Oh honey, we have discussed this. See my comment above (right here, in this post, no scrolling required, just above the quote, don’t want to say it too loud, others might see it).


Didn’t we look up that NJ contractor list to see if he was listed and he wasn’t?


Yes. I also found his NC LLC that I suspect he or she waved around as proof he was a licensed contractor somewhere, then talked super-fast so no one would check out whether he was licensed in NJ. The LLC is no longer active.


Since when does an LLC make a person a licensed contractor? I thought a license had to be bought/purchased applied for, somehow, in the state you are practicing in. An LLC isn’t a license. Its not even a certificate. You have to pay fees to the state, then fees to the town, then take out your certifications, maye pass some tests, then got to town hall and show all your licenses and stuf, and possibly even dues to the local union, to get licensed, and nobod cares if ou haveand LLC or an incorporation, or partnership, or whatever else. It doesn’t have to do with your industry’s licensure. You can’t just set up an LLC and say “see?” and have if mean anything as far as licenses go.


True. An LLC is one thing but it’s not at all, in any way, a license.


It doesn’t. I’m wiling to bet that one of the trio lied and said he was licensed and sold that lie to MB.


Given their enjoyment and frequency of lying it certainly seems the most likely. I dare say most here, if they had to bet, would wager Team K lied over telling the truth by a wide margin.


And she felt the need to rehash on Fackbook what was a private pm message with two of her main cohorts! Who does that? Such bravado! Both of those women need subpoenas (Shelley and Pal) for depositions.


Yet someone tried to make it a big deal that Barisone’s LLC was inactive!


I suspect they convinced MB he was licensed due to his previous bath renovation work in NC as an employee.


He was unlicensed working for the bath renovators too. If you hired them, they were sending unlicensed dudes out to your house to do the work.


Poor RG! He never gets any respect. But wait, isn’t he the one who originally stepped in it bigtime by exclaiming to Heymer, “we’ve got it all on tape!!”? Yep. Such a poor blundering, troubled man. He apparently wanted to truly Finish the Bastard but LK wanted him kept alive as she testified under oath. Oh, I get it! She can say she saved Michael’s life!


The are covered under a blanket license for strictly focused work for the franchise.