Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Because it is very hard to leave something so very wrong sitting there not disputed.
Logically we all know that some posters post things they know are totally wrong, just to rile people up, because they enjoy that game. So logically it is easy to say - ignore them.
But… it is just hard to leave incorrect things, stated as facts, hanging out there as if they are true. Some one who is just learning about the Klan might actually believe those posts…


Was me asking you time and time and time again about your not idol but favorite poster, a lawyer, the father of Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya once again ignoring their subpoena after posting here how much he wanted to cooperate also incoherent?


For a guy that was beaten to a pulp and almost to death(based on a hospital photo) he sure recovered pretty well about a week later at his arraignment.


Yeah, he looks great. Two black eyes, arm in a sling, and none of that shows his thigh/groin area and whether or not it’s healed from the dog attack.

Amazing what time can do after this:


The post by @Dragonfly90 is a lie and disingenuous. MB was hospitalized and cared for because he was so injured and I suspect some of his injuries like that broken arm may still be an issue as bone breaks to people in their 50s often are.

I can only imagine @Dragonfly90 that you posted what you did because something irked you. So tell me what that was.


Still not as impressive a recovery as RG, who claimed to have a broken wrist that needed surgical repair, and showed up in pictures within about a week or two with no signs of injury whatsoever.


Who, according to the DA was caring for the horses.


That writing style is quite reminiscent of Ken Braddick’s. Convoluted, wordy, awkwardly constructed and requires reading multiple times to get the gist of it.

(And no, I am not suggesting that CH is Ken Braddick - just that they have a similar writing style.)


We could say that LK seemed fine about two months after the shooting as well. Wasn’t she out of the hospital and back at the farmhouse then?

But that would be an obnoxious claim to make. After all… she was shot. Just because she LOOKED ok and was busy posting like a banshee on social media and filing a civil suit … well … that doesn’t mean she WAS ok.

MB had pretty significant injuries following the beating at the farmhouse that day. They seemed to include a head injury. Head injuries can be fatal. And sometimes the seriousness of a head injury is not readily apparent when just looking at someone. However… in MBs case, it’s pretty obvious from the hospital photos that he was beaten about the head.


Oh I have no doubt some of his injuries are still very problematic, including that broken arm. Especially because he very likely had incredibly subpar (if any) follow up care after being released from the hospital.


Did you expect him to come into court not wearing any pants so you personally can see those wounds healing? Should his broken arm be hanging there, not in its sling, so you can see just how broken it is?

I guess we should all be saying that Lauren was not really hurt at all either because right after being released from the hospital she was bouncing around a store buying stuff (and posting photos of it). I mean, that is the same logic, right?

You can support Lauren (because that is clearly your goal) and admit that Michael had some pretty nasty injuries. It does not ruin your love for the Kanarek family by admitting those injuries. Heck, you can even gloat at just how amazing Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman is while admitting to those injuries.


C’mon people. Didn’t we already establish that RG has magical powers?

Didn’t he miraculously dodge a bullet, while he was simultaneously in the house and not in the house?

Too bad the camera wasn’t on to catch his amazing Matrix like reactions on film. I can only imagine.


Shrodinger’s Goodwin?


Now that made me laugh and spit coffee. Well played. Add it to his list of titles.


Brilliant .


In your picture here, you can see he still has stitches in one eyebrow. Here’s another picture. Look at his hands. That’s some serious swelling still.


Yes that hand and arm are massively swollen.

Thank you @Dragonfly90 for bringing this up so we notice his damage.


I’m willing to bet that when they were negotiating for RG’s services, LK or JK said, “He’s licensed and all that.” And MB took them at their word and assumed they meant he was licensed in NJ when what they meant was he had been licensed at one time in NC (and no doubt KNEW that didn’t carry over to NJ, but in their minds, if the ruse works, then why not use it?).

In hindsight, MB should have requested to SEE a license or otherwise verified it but at the time he probably still had enough faith in them to not realize that they would tell him bald-faced lies of that sort.

That kind of obfuscation of the truth is a particular trait of LK. She has a way of conflating several separate ideas to push her particular narrative of the moment. It’s up in the air as to whether she does it deliberately - i.e., knows that she is being disingenuous and untruthful and just doesn’t care - or whether that is the way her particular brain is wired. JK is also apparently a player in that game, too, which makes one wonder whether nature or nurture is at work when someone adopts “serial deception” as a key component of their personality.


@CurrentlyHorseless, your posts make me think you believe, or you want us to believe, that if a person is not formally slapped for something that it can not be wrong.

If that is not what you are trying to portray then … well…it is what you are saying so …

Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) has an arrest record, but that does not count, per you, because no convictions. Lauren Kanrek has an extensive arrest record, but none of that counts, per you, because no convictions. Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman has an even more extensive arrest record, but none of that counts, per you, because almost no convictions. Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) has an arrest record, but that does not count, per you, because no convictions. Judge Taylor breaks a bunch of Krol hearing rules, but none of that counts, per you, because there has been no legal action on it.

Legal action or not - there are rules for a Krol hearing and legal action or not - those rules were not followed.
Who knows, maybe Judge Taylor is just clueless of the rules and that is why he did not follow the rules. But, no legal action that you see does not mean rules were not broken by Judge Taylor at the Krol hearing.

These are only NJ, I don’t know if there are others out there, but this is enough to hopefully prevent @CurrentlyHorseless from demanding I provide proof that Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek have arrests.


The photos are from a news article posted Aug 14th.