Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I know.

And 3 weeks after the shooting LK was out shopping staying at a hotel instead of at the Kanarek Kompound.


This photo is actually VERY telling. I mean, we can’t see the pins and hardware that I understand were in his arm but note the court was not worried about him actually using that arm for anything… it is not secured at all to his waist strap like the other arm is.

So clearly the police/court officers are well aware of just how injured Michael was at this point.


Never said he didn’t have injuries. I would expect that with the fight trying to get the gun from him. But beaten to a pulp and almost to death is a gross exaggeration.
Was he in intensive care, had life saving surgery, weeks in the hospital?
I saw the hospital photo. I think from that to the ones at the arraignment show a great improvement and indicate he was not beaten to a pulp. That’s all.

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Correct me if I am wrong but I believe he is left handed and so that injury makes sense as he would have had the gun in that hand when the struggle over the gun occurred.

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Your logic is flawed unless you equally apply it to LK who seems by all appearances to be riding just fine.

I suspect they both were badly injured and continue to be after LK and her paramour engaged on a path to destroy people for no reason other than vanity, revenge and pettiness.

All she had to do was leave.


Correct me if I’m wrong but as a person only has 2 arms there’s a 50/50 chance of that injury being on his dominant arm. Also, the fact it’s his dominant arm exasperates the severity and protracted injury of that arm.

Also do note that at trial, under sworn testimony LK testified that MB shot her with his RIGHT hand. So there’s that.


I am sure you are not going to like this answer…

Michael was in the ICU. He was in the trauma room right next to Lauren Kanarek.

Only in a world of denial does someone who needs hardware to put their arm back together does not qualify as beaten to a pulp.


@Dragonfly90, there was testimony at the trial that Michael suffered a traumatic brain injury from the beating he took. Does that not count as beaten to a pulp? Did he need to carry around the scans that showed this for you to believe it is true?


Since the posts describing JK’s involvement in negotiating with MB over the renovations were delete, I don’t think it takes a lot of imagination to figure out…


Yep. Being told by a doctor you don’t need a cast is just not a believable story. Everyone knows broken bones get casts.


So no barn duties then?


Injuries that don’t make sense given the state he was found in. Let’s see, RG broke the left arm…we heard him saying he’d do it on the 911 call….but when the police showed up that arm that was twisted behind MB’s back and broken was found underneath him along with a gun while RG was sitting on his back with his hands on his shoulders while MB was “out of if”.

Hmmm? To me it sounds like an unconscious MB was being posed when the police rolled up.


Busy night last night.

I guess I meet one requirement of the EIM, Elderly. :laughing:

I am up at 5 so I am usually in snooze mode at 9ish.

Makes for interesting reading in the AM after I vacuum a bit.


No, it isn’t. If you ignore her she will likely go away.


You ignore who you want to ignore… I am fine with that.


Another early riser here. Got to get up early if I’m going to get all the walls and ceilings vacuumed.


I don’t enjoy beating a dead horse. You do you.

Fellow vacuumers!


Riccar Contempo, hunter green. Made in the USA. Basically a muscle car.

Hey @Dragonfly90, here is the photo of Lauren out shopping a month after the shooting five days after being released from the hospital. She looks great here. I guess that means she was not really injured, hu?


Edit to clarify that this was not a month after the shooting, 19 days in the hospital and this was five days after she was released.