Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I am talking about conditions a week after the incident. LK was still on a ventilator. What you are saying is irrelevant to my comment.
To anyone else here take a look at Trial day 4- Direct Exam of Dr Mark Widman if you still want to minimize LK injuries.

But she lies right, or only when you want to support your position.

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That’s remarkable! I had never seen these photos.

I’m sure she was hurting, but wow. She looks good there.

I wonder if MBs team has these pictures, and how that might play with the jury when it comes to her pain and suffering claims?

As I said earlier, LK has always been her own worst enemy. Most especially when it comes to her social media habits.


Wrong. I am not minimizing a thing. I was making your statements look absurd, calculating and toxic.


Especially when you compare his two hands. The left hand looks like it belongs on Andre the Giant.


Yes she lies. She starts with a kernel of truth and then twists and bastardizes facts to suit her agenda and she does it all the time as was proven here and is one of the reasons she has been banned.


Well, per Lauren Kanarek, that photo was taken five days after she was removed from the ventilator and shoved out the door of the hospital.

I have listened to that doctor, more than once. He is the one that said after her second appointment she needed for further care from them.

Were you not the person who just minimizing Michael’s injuries?


@ekat - you are always very focused and accurate when considering the actual lawsuit and counterclaims…

But has MB made any counterclaims about his physical injuries? I didn’t think so - I thought it was limited to mental suffering, but I can’t remember.

In any event, the primary relevance of his physical injuries would be with respect to potential evidence of a self defense situation… correct?

Obviously Lauren is suing about her physical injuries (amongst other things) and the related pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. Correct? So she has to prove all those things are true, and the extent of the pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment… correct?


And presumably, LK got better care for her injuries in a hospital and follow-up medical care than MB got sitting in jail, awaiting trial/release for more than three years.


Lying like that is a variation of gaslighting.

Just saying.


Gaslighting is a specialty of malignant narcissists I hear.



MB has asserted four claims - negligence, negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and that new wiretapping claim.

You are correct in LK’s claims, and yes, she will have to prove all of them. MB, when it’s his turn, will also have to prove what he has claimed. With documentation and expert testimony.


Would MBs medical and psychological records while he has been incarcerated/hospitalized be available to the Ks legal team? And LKs to MBs?


As far as they are cooperating with discovery, yes. It has to be disclosed to all the parties. MB’s were made quite public in the criminal trial, as they existed up until then.


Hey medical smart people I have a question that came to mind looking at Lauren’s five day post release photos…

How does the medical staff know that someone coming in, that is not able to communicate with them, needs something like Suboxone to be maintained (so they are not also dealing with a difficult withdrawal situation along with whatever they are there for)?

Does some family member have to announce it for it to happen or does the hospital run some type of testing automatically that helps them figure out what drugs they have to continue for that patient?


I would imagine the evaluations from his private therapist of many years, plus Dr. Simring and Dr. Hasson’s testimony regarding their extensive testing and evaluation of MB during the period following all the confrontation with LK in summer of 2019…

That will all be relevant and substantial evidence when it comes to proving the actual claims of emotional distress that was directly related to that confrontation.

I wonder what experts LK might have that can actually prove her claims? I wonder if she has every willingly submitted to psychological testing?


Not at all. I just wasn’t exaggerating them.

You mean like Lauren has done about hers?

Michael was very badly beaten. His arm had hardware in it. He had a traumatic brain injury, his groin was chewed up by a dog.
I am not sure how anyone would call that less than very badly beaten.

Edit to fix spelling of groin, those groan did work well there too.


If people take turns using the infamous Ninja Veil 3000 that might help in not being able to see the truth.


Don’t forget the cauliflower ear. That’s significant blunt force trauma.