Wow. So, you know what MB has decided. Where you able to learn this by being there? You saw whether or not he had insurance and whether or not claims were denied? Any insight on why the hospital “decided” to let the collection suit close without taking any action? Would that insight, if any, be derived from personal knowledge or more movies in your head?
Honestly, by showing up, the police probably saved Michael’s life too, but don’t let that concern you at all.
Tsk tsk now. Surely you cannot miss the laboriously repeated point that MB is a terrible person… and obviously tried to screw the hospital out of money… all while he was in jail and his affairs were in turmoil and getting sorted out. NO other comment that might make sense will suffice… /s
What if the proof comes out in the civil trial that things didn’t go down as testified to in the criminal trial? What if video is found that proves differently?
Could MB’s whole charges and NGRI be dismissed? Would others then be subject to prosecution?
Or perhaps they are there to help prepare LK for her Zoom deposition. Or am I being too hopeful to think that it might actually take place without more delay tactics and games of hide and seek?
@DownYonder, I would like to think that might happen and that might be the case but I am with VHM on this, I think you are too hopeful and that is wishful thinking.
The BSC #1 mare here is now seperated from the rest of the herd… and lives with a slightly less opinionated sod of a mare in their own paddock. That way the two of them can snark at each other and spare everyone else their impressive talents - and the bite marks, kick marks and stress.
Surprisingly enough, when BSC #1 was in foal and then had a filly at heel, she was the sweetest girl ever. Easy to catch, extremely friendly, no issues with anything! She is scheduled to be bred this spring and I am sure the herd shares my expectations of a peaceful 17 months or so after that… IF she catches.
I don’t know the answer, but when I watched Legally Blonde again the other day, I noticed the part at the end when in the space of about 30 seconds, the judge dismissed the charges against the suspect, and then had one of the witnesses arrested. Wouldn’t that be fabulous?
I don’t know how accurate it was, but still. Fun to see.
I think it would come down to the weight of the proof.
An actual, unedited video that shows the incident happened in a different manner than any of the versions we’ve heard or read to date might make a difference.
Two less than credible witnesses telling yet a different version under oath again wouldn’t matter at all other than to the civil trial itself (if it happens).