Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

From his Website under Trial Tip Of The Week

In a serious injury case, have friends, family and co-workers testify about how the injury affects your client’s life.

When an adverse witness makes a prior inconsistent statement, point it out immediately. Contradictions weaken the witness testimony and undermine the defense overall credibility.
I do know LK is this lawyers client but I am not sure he understands her inconsistent statements, LOL We just need to change adverse witness to client and defense to plaintiff.

I may not have the terminology correct but I think Stone will have his work cut out for him!


Another couple of gems from those tips….

“If an adverse witness insists on answering close-ended questions with a Niagara of words, ask the judge to admonish the witness to listen to the question and answer only the question asked.”

“In preparation for trial, troll the defense expert’s website. You may find links to authoritative sources which support your theory(s). It makes for great cross-examination.”

I’m sure these apply to prosecution experts and plaintiffs and social media generally as well….


Wait til he wraps his brain around her lies and antics, and then, true to his business model, her friends and family’s lies and antics. Scheduling their meetings around her “naps”. I can imagine it isn’t this first time he’s had a client straight out of La La land, but he’s got a whole family of cray cray. Imagine JK telling him what to do.


This is one MB’s attorneys have down pat.


I’m sorry, but his “trial tips of the week” sound like pretty basic stuff. And if its so clever, why is he spilling his “secrets” on a web page his opposition would see? ARe these supposed to impress future clients? Were these the clever-isms that make the K family say - oh, look, this is the guy we want! Get rid of Nagel, this is the kind of winner we want on our side!

Gee, people.


Re change of attorney - now we know why a certain poster here was going off the rails in the last go-round. He knew this change was coming up.

And now we know why Kirby and JK have been trolling this thread - to see if anyone knew about it yet, so they could figure out who might be leaking info. And also to try to glean hints about identities so JK could do what he does best (bully, threaten, intimidate, etc.).

As for why they changed attorneys - it could have been a 50/50 decision. Maybe Nagel came to his senses and admonished JK for contacting Sceusi or declined to take some action demanded by JK. Maybe Silver refused to work with them anymore and Nagel decided they weren’t worth the firm’s time and trouble. Maybe it was due to lack of payment, and the realization that the chances of them winning anything (including a settlement) were becoming slimmer and slimmer. Or it could have been a decision on JK’s part because Nagel and Silver had learned too much about them and were not acquiescing to their demands. Or because Deininger had offered a settlement of sorts and Nagel had advised them to take it, but LK refused to accept it.

Whatever the reason, I wonder if they were truthful with Stone about why they were changing attorneys. I do feel a bit sorry for him as he probably thinks he has been handed a slam-dunk case and it will be a shock to him once he learns more and more about who he is dealing with. I am not sure he will have a very peaceful holiday season.


This entirely. JK likes to call the shots. “This is what you’ll do”. Probably all of these things. Only a matter of time until the new guy widens up to who his clients are.


…and for some of us it has taken 3 years to learn/realize everything!

Mr Stone has some studding to do, me thinks.


In a situation like this, would the new lawyer be likely to take a pretty hard look at the case before he agrees to take it? Or would he just accept it without digging up any dirt?

It doesn’t seem like it would take much effort to figure out that this case will be an uphill climb, to say the least.


It could be something so simple as Nagel is sick, overloaded, retiring (!), or just fed up. I’m surprised he didn’t warn the attorney he has worked with before. But, maybe he did and the new dude thinks he can twist the truth enough to win over a jury. I guess he hasn’t dealt with the Kanareks in the past.


I wonder if the change in attorneys relates to Lala’s recent IG post? Something about saying goodbye and hello to something new.


I suspect the new lawyer has had cleints hire him after a case began before and realizes they aren’t always honest about why a new attorney is needed. And if he’s worked with Nagel before, they likely have some understanding about clients and a sort of “code” when transferring a case. Which it looks like they have done before if there is a relationship.
While I personally don’t refer anyone to a particular attorney, I give three suggestions, some folks are comfortable doing that.

But professionally, if a client disagrees with my professional opinion and advice, it’s best to move them on because it’s always better to eat humble pie than to respond to a complaint to the disciplinary board…


It is not the same I know but when my Mom was in the Nursing Home we could not get her physical therapy even if we paid privately. It was very frustrating. I had just assumed that it would be an easy thing to get done. Nope. Not at all.


Not relevant to this thread, but just to let you know: Your cheesecake recipe is currently in the oven. Fingers crossed, baking is not one of my strong points…


Since you can’t share a taste with all of us, there better be pictures!


This seems very possible that a tactical decision led to a split. Nagel may not be versed enough in playing 15D chess.


It could be Nagel will represent JK and KK, this could help with any conflicts.


Wonderful!! Be sure to not open the oven after 1 hour cook time and to leave it in the oven for another full hour with the oven turned off. Allow to cool to room temp on the counter and refrigerate for several hours.

I hope you enjoy it!!


Oh that looks incredibly yummy!!!

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Dutifully followed all steps. It is now out and cooling. So far, so good…