Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Not trying to be snarky; just trying to avoid another thread shut down.

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To my knowledge, Mod 1 has never shut down a thread over recipes.


Recipes are the last thing that will get this thread shut down.

We’re having hot turkey sandwiches and apple crumble pie for dessert tonight. Need to go cut up the turkey carcass soon and let it simmer with last night’s left over gravy. My DD did a dandy job with the bird and gravy last night so I’m doing tonight’s meal with the leftovers.


Recipes often save a thread from being shut down when one or two people are trying to derail it, receipts are a great distraction! They being said, not having any derailers is even better and goes to show how the thread would just die a natural death in the absence of new information.


The recent lack of derailers has been an excellent Christmas present! Let’s hope it lasts through the New Year!! :crossed_fingers:



If the shoe fits…


I’m having a hot turkey sandwich with tons of mayo and gravy on it, plus leftover mashed potatoes swimming in gravy on the side for dinner tonight. Honestly, better than Christmas dinner IMO. Tomorrow I might pick up some good squeaky cheese curds and have poutine tomorrow.


I haven’t had any family here this year, and have been working most nights this past week. I have a turkey defrosting in the fridge, for me, which will probably be ready this weekend (Keeping a cold fridge, I am), as I crave my own special sausage and apple stuffing, and home made cranberry sauce. I am a genious gravy maker, so I plan on getting alot of that stuff all put up for meals to take to the hospital. Meanwhile, I have two 2.5 pound live lobsters being flown in from Maine for me, me, all about me, arriving tomorrow. I will have lobster for the first time in many many years, and save most of the second one and the carcasses for my first trial at Lobster Bisque. Boy is that going to be a fancy pants holiday for me.


That is your dream, perhaps. Sorry, everything else posted here by those who clearly have no lives, outside of this forum, can be ignored. Not this, though. Lauren has had the same exact trainer for 4 seasons every season, and excellent back up for when her coach returns overseas in late March. She has never and will never replace him. He’s like an American BNT- except with real talent. (And a real “BNT.”)

The trainers he provides her off season have proven to be worth every penny, every summer. Perhaps, those from which you receive “word,” just are not very well informed. Which is weird, given the “tightness,” of the “community.”

Last, props to CH! When Sdel finally posted one single true thing: “either LK checked yes, or a SafeSport employee did,” it was CH who caught that! Of course, she was then accused of making things up & the usual nonsense. Though, it was Sdel who got it right, in her second half of the phrase. How could Lauren “check,” a box via phone call? That’s just ridiculous.

SafeSport decides what their summaries read & whether or not they feel minors could be in danger. Lauren isn’t an authorized organization to make such judgments. SafeSport could have simply decided the environment at the time, wasn’t safe. That would constitute neglect, I suppose, as CPS testified was their reason for showing up. Lauren neither “checked,” yes or “said,” yes, to any questions directly or indirectly involving abuse of minors. The complaint was for bullying & harassment. Possibly homophobia/homophobic remarks, (edited to add: body shaming of larger sized persons though) I couldn’t rightly say.

Unfortunately, the CBS lady lied. As I recall, CPS and CBS were both present in court. CBS heard CPS testify as to the reason they were there. It did not include “verbal abuse.” Another unfortunate lie, told by CBS lady. If I had to wager, as KnightsMom did re Barisone “being released by Christmas,” I would wager all answers provided by Lauren regarding minors were something like “No. Not that I have ever seen.” Takers? This is a much safer bet than knightsmom’s incorrect assertion.

You are welcome to make up fairytales, no one cares to stop you. We all just felt CH should be given props, not attacks, for catching Sdel’s one phrase of truth. Correct, @Sdel it was SafeSport, indeed who filled out the summary card of the summary report. It is clear you knew that already, though. Sadly, so did CBS.

To whom it concerns: Lauren has no intention of replacing her trainers with any other “trainers.” If you are reading this, you know who you are and Danvers is, as per usual, grievously misinformed. I highly recommend asking your peers about this accusation, then requesting they “show their work.” Doubtlessly, you know this to be untrue. Im assuming other trainers know your situation and yours are toes they would surely not step on.

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Hmmm….I wonder who we is?



Oh . Isn’t that odd.[quote=“LaughingLina, post:558, topic:780076, full:true”]

That is your dream, perhaps. Sorry, everything else posted here by those who clearly have no lives, outside of this forum, can be ignored. Not this, though. Lauren has had the same exact trainer for 4 seasons every season, and excellent back up for when her coach returns overseas in late March. She has never and will never replace him. He’s like an American BNT- except with real talent. (And a real “BNT.”)

The trainers he provides her off season have proven to be worth every penny, every summer. Perhaps, those from which you receive “word,” just are not very well informed. Which is weird, given the “tightness,” of the “community.”

Last, props to CH! When Sdel finally posted one single true thing: “either LK checked yes, or a SafeSport employee did,” it was CH who caught that! Of course, she was then accused of making things up & the usual nonsense. Though, it was Sdel who got it right, in her second half of the phrase. How could Lauren “check,” a box via phone call? That’s just ridiculous.

SafeSport decides what their summaries read & whether or not they feel minors could be in danger. Lauren isn’t an authorized organization to make such judgments. SafeSport could have simply decided the environment at the time, wasn’t safe. That would constitute neglect, I suppose, as CPS testified was their reason for showing up. Lauren neither “checked,” yes or “said,” yes, to any questions directly or indirectly involving abuse of minors. The complaint was for bullying & harassment. Possibly homophobia/homophobic remarks, (edited to add: body shaming of larger sized persons though) I couldn’t rightly say.

Unfortunately, the CBS lady lied. As I recall, CPS and CBS were both present in court. CBS heard CPS testify as to the reason they were there. It did not include “verbal abuse.” Another unfortunate lie, told by CBS lady. If I had to wager, as KnightsMom did re Barisone “being released by Christmas,” I would wager all answers provided by Lauren regarding minors were something like “No. Not that I have ever seen.” Takers? This is a much safer bet than knightsmom’s incorrect assertion.

You are welcome to make up fairytales, no one cares to stop you. We all just felt CH should be given props, not attacks, for catching Sdel’s one phrase of truth. Correct, @Sdel it was SafeSport, indeed who filled out the summary card of the summary report. It is clear you knew that already, though. Sadly, so did CBS.

To whom it concerns: Lauren has no intention of replacing her trainers with any other “trainers.” If you are reading this, you know who you are and Danvers is, as per usual, grievously misinformed. I highly recommend asking your peers about this accusation, then requesting they “show their work.” Doubtlessly, you know this to be untrue. Im assuming other trainers know your situation and yours are toes they would surely not step on.


Oh, that is not what you want to be saying at this point. You have enough problems at this point in time.


Oh, that is not what you want to be saying at this point.
Was that a threat? Yawn.
It’s true, I cannot speak to whether or not Mr. Kanarek is “sending ‘nasty grams.” I haven’t asked him, nor do I care to do so. I can, with authority, speak to whether or not Lauren is either, “looking for other barn accommodations,” or “searching for a different ‘BNT.” She is not.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts as to what I want to be saying “at this point.” I’ve just said it a second time now. Is this “point,” now, a better or worse time, according to you? /s


There goes the neighborhood.


Just someone else to put on ignore. I hope there isn’t a limit on how many logins can be put on ice.


It’s not a “threat”. I think you are making a fool of yourself for responding here. I have no idea what goes on in New Jersey with your parents, nor do I care.


There aren’t. Another one, that can’t seem to stay away, is now no longer visible to me.
That, I hope, makes me fairly tolerant after 10 years or so.


How nice. Somebody has houseguests for the holidays! I hope they have favourite recipes to share because that’s what the topic is now.

It’s so odd that the LK team complains about people talking about her, yet as soon as the conversation doesn’t revolve around her one of the team members immediately drags it back.

Let’s stick to recipes until there is new info please. It’s way more pleasant and a much more productive use of everyone’s time.