Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Oh, Lauren. You foolish child.


I love to cook, but I can only eat so much.

Was responding to a horse related post? but it’s a rather pointless endeavor on this thread…

To clarify the whole trainer thing, I am wondering does that mean AW is just “filling in “ for Ulf?

I personally am glad to hear that you feel like your training is going well and you are fully enjoying your horses.

Edit to add an R to end of one of the yous so it is your.


I have a feeling that La La Laughing Lina won’t be outstaying her welcome.

What a frenzied little parable!


Some people just can’t help themselves.


So much for moving on and getting on with your best life ever…

That “show your work” is a favorite of hers.


Ooh, she’s really trying to re-write that whole CPS thing. Could she be getting in trouble for false reporting to CPS? And denying that she was the one who filled out the SS form? That’s pretty bold, when its so easy to prove exactly who did for any attorneys that care. It must be really boiling over for her. You can tell when she’s really in trouble based on what she “protests about” the most. Poor thing. So much coming back to bite her. Not over yet, me thinks.

But - I thought Ulf and Co. weren’t training her any more. If so, who is it that’s training her.


Well, like all things Lauren has posted on the internet, there is a very tiny bit of truth here.

From what I remember, Lauren reported over the phone and someone from SS filled out the form. So technically Lauren is hanging her hat on the fact that she herself did not check the box, that this person at SS did it.

Now, all of us logical people know that the person from SS who checked the box did it because they asked Lauren the question and she answered it, they applied her answer.
But… In the world of twisting things to work in a 53D chess game where the blame is never you, the ability to say that she did not actually check the box is all that matters.


Nothing like checking here early on my way to meet the farrier, goodness




Good grief. How could she possibly have made a report to Safe Sport, yet denie the accusations to Safe Sport? Where in her tiny mind does that sort its self out?


We are talking about Lauren. The same person who decided to Finish the Bastard when he did not want to train her anymore.
The same person who will make this (clearly imaginary) list of horribleness associated with training with Michael but then will refuse to leave.

In other words, she has been shown to not be the most logical person on the planet, she has also admitted under oath that she lies to get her own way, so…


How to give your new lawyer a migraine.


So part of me wants to tag Mod1 because this is so pathetically transparently obviously Lauren, and she was banned for a reason, but a much larger part of me is reaching for the popcorn and imagining her new lawyer’s headache lol. Can’t wait to see whatever in the civil suit prompted this hissy fit!


Hey @LaughingLina, what is the story behind the lawyer change in the civil case?


Maybe the old lawyer returned to Europe and set her up with a fabulous new lawyer in Florida. Lol.


Don’t forget to screenshot everything. Save it early and save it often.


The raging narcissist has returned. Someone must have gotten a new device for Christmas-Hanukkah and has a new IP address.

I wonder if this new personality has anything to contribute to the main topic or recipes? Few here care about Lauren Kanarek anymore. What she does, where she is, who she is with is actually irrelevant. She is a nobody starving for attention and some sort of success at something without putting in one iota of effort.

This new poster should take CH and HH and start a new thread extolling the virtues and significant, positive accomplishments of Miss Kanarek. Oh darn, it would be a very short thread I suspect.

I’m glad “Lina” has a sense of humor and is “laughing” - she’s gonna need it.


Oh, I don’t know about that.

Given the “inventiveness” (was that the word Mr. Mustache used in the trial?) and the tendency for endless repetition, that thread could go on for a very long time. Lol.


You know, you are so right!


Time for an eggbuttism -