Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Good Lord. What is wrong with the Ks? Whoever of them this is?

Who cares where Lauren is training? Who cares where people say she is or isn’t training? Is your ego so fragile that you have to come here and post to ensure the masses that Lauren has a trainer? You are delirious for believing people actually care.

Also, no one has to hear any sort of rumor to know LK is woefully challenged in getting future dressage training and/or support. No one worth their salt in dressage wants anything to do with her, that is abundantly clear and probably quite embarrassing for LK (assuming she is capable of embarrassment). I am actually glad she has at least has one person willing to work with her for the sake of her horses - but pretending she doesn’t have a plague like reputation and that her resources aren’t seriously limited is just sad. No one is buying it.

I really should not be surprised that LK is admitting to zero accountability WRT what was reported to SS. When has accountability ever been taken? (Rhetorical). But IMO, it’s also sad and of low depths to accuse an entire organization who is committed to protecting minors of falsifying abuse allegations. That is a new low even for anyone “K.” If that is your approach, you must be swimming in agony over this upcoming civil suit and the desperation makes the change in lawyers make a whole lotta sense.

I tell ya, these threads make me very grateful for my own life.


I’d rather poo in my hands and clap than get a pat on the back from any one of the Ks.


There is a low class vehicle of hate present here now but you’ve not correctly identified it.


@Warmblood1 for the win today!!!



If Lauren plans to try for Para-Olympics, she lost the very, very best para-O trainer she could have had in Robin Brueckmann, who has at least one gold medal, maybe two…I don’t remember. Robin has ridden in many Para-Olympics and knows the politics, etc. There are different grades of disability for the Para-Os and I don’t think Miss Kanarek qualifies to even be one of the grooms for the true disabled Olympians!


Then why on earth is it necessary for posters to keep posting these disparaging rumors? It’s just the pleasure of hate.


They are not rumors.

Do not expect people to want to work with you when your method for ending a professional relationship is to “FINISH THE BASTARD”!


Did anyone else get “Bingo” with the reappearance of the “pleasure of hate” phrase?

Usually a “pleasure of hate” is based on a hatred that is unfounded such as racism, sex, etc. Not a group discussing a case or based on abhorrent behavior from another being that would rationally encourage a sense of disliking.

But being accountable is just not some people’s style. I’ve got to get that through my head.

Also, side note - LK would not qualify as a para-Olympian. Also, from what LK has posted, she’s actually competing at a higher level than she was pre-injury (even though this has little to do with the qualifications for para riders).


Halt. Halt.

Hopefully SS recorded that phone call.


I imagine they record all phone calls. Or they should!


@Warmblood1, you are on fire today! You go girl!


Thanks, @cutter99. I appreciate it. :laughing:


Um, no one is expressing any hate, any more than you speculating on Michael Barisone’s treatment.

Please stop twisting every single post into what you want it to imply!!!


Why? It’s easy. LK set the standard by her own posts about others. Posts about people’s drinking, allegations of all sorts of things. She posted tons of stuff and still does about people from her past.

So in my eyes LK is reeping what she herself has sowed. And I don’t think many people are blinking an eye about it.



OK. As long as you realize you’re engaging in the behavior you abhor when she indulges in it.


Just because someone is a horrible person, doesn’t mean you get a free pass to be as equally horrible.
Talk about Michael, talk about the case, but leave the petty rumor mill and personal attacks to people like Lauren. Be better. Don’t give Lauren and friends anything to reply to. Or continue with the rumors and bashing and then act surprised when someone responds then tell them not to respond while not ignoring them. At this point it’s gone past “giving Lauren her due” and is petty. The case. When will he be treated/released. That’s what’s important.


Quite frankly, the idea that a SafeSport employee filled out the form is more damning than the idea of LK doing it. The SafeSport employee knows what constitutes the various forms of abuse. They are trained in it. LK and IM can say she said whatever it is they want to say, it doesn’t my matter. The rest of us understand that if a SS employee checked the box based on what she said, it wasn’t as benign as is alleged.


I wonder if MB’s people could file a complaint under this act. In reading it, it is a violation not to provide treatment in a mental health facility to someone who is detained there and requires treatment.


I haven’t engaged in any such behavior. I’ve stated facts.