Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I don’t like cheesecake.


You can’t play with us anymore then LOL


You’ve come dangerously close to losing your EIM rights. Repent.




I’m shocked anyone with a pending civil suit would even participate in these conversations. I would also think if one had moved on, they couldn’t be bothered by what’s posted here. Also, their participation only fuels the fire but that seems to be the motive because I think they are aware of that. Weird and stupid to do but whatever.

Anyways, most of us have not commented on who she is training with. Only a handful of posters. So not exactly appropriate to make blanket statements. Most of us do not care at all who she takes lessons with, myself included.

What a joke to say that minors on the property automatically checks the box to sexual and/or physical abuse of minors. False allegations of child abuse are a nefarious thing. the fact that you can’t see this would be laughable if it weren’t so incredibly, incredibly sad.



No retainer in the world would be big enough for me to put up with this amateur-hour nonsense. This is bonkers. Those of us who do not create/invite/allow/tolerate this kind of drama in our lives are understandably agog at this latest stunt. :astonished:

I find it super sad and disturbing when people ‘speculate’ about themselves and their own behaviour in the 3rd person. Back to lurking b/c this is just BSC level stuff.




Here is a new update to the GoFundMe account. It is truly extraordinary!

Hi everyone. I hope that you all had an enjoyable holiday spent with people or animals that you care about. Michael is doing ok. His unit is on quarantine because a couple of patients tested positive for COVID.
I have been in contact with the psychiatrist on Michael’s “treatment team” to ask yet again why he is not getting individual therapy that the court wants him to have, after continuing to press this doctor, he admitted that they don’t do that there! Can you believe that! A psychiatric hospital that DOES NOT DO INDIVIDUAL THERAPY! I asked him exactly what does HE do there, he informed me that he makes diagnoses, prescribes medication and attends the court hearings, now I am sure he must do other things there but these are probably the majority of what he does. He does not run any of the group meetings. As I have said earlier, they are run by the nursing staff, when they actually happen, which is maybe 65% of the time, not the psychiatrist nor the psychologist. I continued to press him about the individual therapy and he said they are trying to work it out that the psychologist can meet with him a few times, but that has yet to happen.
The testing that they say needs to happen to move Michael through the levels still has not happened, (he has been there 11 weeks now) not because of anything that Michael is doing, but because they are short staffed, again, the patients are not getting anything done with them because the hospital is short staffed! Michael’s roommate was supposed to be moved to the cabins last Thursday, they had him pack all of his stuff and sit and wait to be moved… he is STILL waiting!! How is that helpful to the patients that need a routine and stability in their life?
Greystone has been sued in a class action lawsuit by the patients and they settled. They are supposed to follow the settlement, but they still do not!
I feel very sorry for the patients that don’t have people advocating for them, but none of them have a case like Michael’s!
Please continue to write to Michael, and keep him in your thoughts. We still have many fights ahead of us, getting him home is first and foremost, but we also have the civil suit and the Safe Sport fight ahead of us! Please keep sharing the GFM link so that people can stay updated.
Happy New Year.




I’m assuming we will see activity on the court documents next week after the holidays for the courts and most law offices. Should be an interesting week on many fronts!!


Most courts and law offices are technically open but on skeleton staff so nothing gets done this week.


Just FYI there are Cheesecake Factory restaurants in Dubai.


Ah, Lauren. I did wonder how long you’d stay silent, I was pretty impressed you managed to refrain from posting here for so long.

Back on topic, that update made me so sad. It’s absolutely horrible that Greystone continues to flout the rules they agreed to abide by post lawsuit.


I am so happy to get a happy update. Can we make up our own fairy tales?

Please LL, tell us that she is turning up early for every lesson, so the horse is warmed up if possible. That she has kicked Rob to the curb and off the drugs, so no longer napping, that Rosie is getting trained and walked every day, so as she becomes a solid citizen that does not bite. That LK is doing her own laundry and has spread Christmas Cheer far and wide.

…and that she has thanked MB for the wake up call and has apologised profusely for her role in what transpired and is advocating for his return to real life.

Suzie Q wakes up from the dream.


Does anyone know what this part means?

Do they have private cabins at the facility where patients stay as they are closer to getting released? Just curious.

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This situation is so troubling. I had a roommate whose father was a psychiatrist at Vacaville Prison, former home of Charles Manson. Individual treatment was provided.


I’m not sure what you’re getting at? It certainly sounds like a classic LK pretending to be another person act?

Everyone immediately knew who she was so I’d say she needs some acting classes.


I’m not super surprised that this facility doesn’t offer individual treatment, but surprised that the courts didn’t stick him in one that does, since it was a required condition.


I wonder if the new lawyer has developed a sudden involuntary eye twitch yet.