Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

You’re so right. I forgot that I once posted that this thread was my happy place because it did indeed portray the Circle of Life. The recent accusations about LO threw me out of balance.


The work being performed was not in the area where RG and LK were living.


That is not what LK or anyone has stated previously, even under oath. The work described here today were beyond that scope and required licensing. As RG knew and his representative knew he was unlicensed and as the work either wasn’t done at all or wasn’t done by a licensed contractor the repair and deduct doesn’t apply. There was no rental agreement or lease in place. The rate was for boarding horses, a commercial transaction, beyond the scope of tenancy and so deduction is not applicable or relevant. No itemized bill was ever rendered.

Your points are moot. Your argument weak and nonsensical. Your repeated attempts at spinning facts in desperate need to validate LKs actions comical in nature.

This venture was just another epic failure brought down by a simple vacuumer. Imagine what real attorneys will do. Oh YAY! We get to find out.


Agreed! They continue to react inappropriately to the strangest posts with emotional vigor! If we go back and make note of all the sudden shift changes and what seems to cause panty twists, I believe the flames under the smoke become much more evident!

IF CH and HH are nobodies throwing themselves on the floor defending the Kanareks with seemingly weird posts, perhaps they are also doing their idols a disservice by mentioning things that those with sleuthing abilities dig deeper to find more issues the Kanareks are in hot water over and can be proven. Sometimes that barking dog leads to evidence.


As far as I can tell, the folks who voted “i don’t know” did not show in the final piece of the pie.


Flood damage emergency repairs after hurricanes and freezing damage especially in the south where homes are constructed for heat not cold overwhelms local contractors and the good and bad out of town contractors. Repairs can wait for months on contractors, supply chains, funding for supplies. Homeowners, families, friends, tenants, neighbors, church groups, and other organizations all organize to make repairs.

RC testified that the scope of the work was that RG was doing wiring (electrical) in the barn and expanding plumbing in the basement.


It was you or CH who used the word MOLD. Church ladies don’t do mold.


MB did not hire a contractor. He used his staff and on-site tenants to do the repairs through salary and “repair and deduct.”

Nor do many insurers. In California anyway one does not even utter the M word to their agent, especially now after our floods.


And it wasn’t for “rent” either.


Even if so, that applies to their domicile. That was not done. The areas fixed were not their private areas.

Your argument fails again. Unless of course you want to toss in car repairs too.


Nothing in the testimony you cited made it clear Michael Barisone shot anyone. You’ve also indicated in the past that Michael “knows” he shot Lauren Shay Kanarek, and proof of that statement was demanded. Being unable to find any proof, you tried to convince us that he said so during his “48 Hours” interview. When proof of what he actually said on 48 Hours was shoved in your (and your companion’s) face, you ran away again. Now, you bring the very tired statement back up on the threads. Why do you do that? You make yourself such an easy target to prove you wrong. Who does that?


How about this year, if you do the warm ups on Tuesday, you are “ticketing” and a horse that is jumping around at the show is “coursing.”:roll_eyes:

Oops, this was meant for a long ago post. Carry on


Ordinary maintenance.

OMG yet more desperate. Maintenance on a stable?


I am sure it pays fine…until they (general person) do something that Lauren Kanarek does not like, then all that time spent defending her means nothing and she will be out to ruin their world too.

I know, keep saying to yourself (general person) that she would not do that to you if it makes you feel good.



@Inigo-montoya, or someone using his login, must really be concerned about the recent filings and expected responses. Why would this individual, and his spouse, continue to monitor this thread so frequently? Do they still hope and believe insiders are posting and will slip up and post something new? I guess they don’t realize the season is peaking in FL and anyone super close to the situation, other than the attorneys, are at the shows! The rest of us are simply entertaining ourselves with a game of :cat: and :mouse2: while waiting for the snow to begin!


Mold and tenant rights in New Jersey, also touches repair and deduct.


10 square feet. Are you saying there was less? If so, how do you know? Does this include repairs on commercial property for a commercial business? Was RG a renter of that commercial property?