Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

More on tenant rights in New Jersey.

(Unmitigated water damage in the structure would affect air quality in the unit.)


Again, not applicable in this situation with these circumstances


Please explain how NJ is considered “the south”. I know it’s a lot milder than where I live, but hardly considered “the south”. I’m sure there are a lot of abatement/emergency repair companies in that neck of the woods.


I have also wondered why IM and Seeker are signing in to monitor the thread without posting.

I greatly doubt that they are hoping to mine insider information, or any information.

You, and especially @trubandkoki, have made much of IM and Seekers participation on these threads. My guess is that the IM and Seeker accounts are being used to gather documentation on the flow of disinformation and the harassment directed toward IM and Seeker and LK in order to provide “context” for their own participation here.

If the participation of IM and Seeker on these threads is relevant for the trial, so is yours.

The water damage was mitigated before everyone came back from Florida. Please review the testimony available on line.


It is so nice to have yet another piece of proof that though @CurrentlyHorseless insists they are an honest poster that does not lie, they clearly are a poster who willingly and openly is deceitful.

Same thought with random quotes and bolding because that seems like some people think that is necessary.

It is so nice to have yet another piece of proof that though @CurrentlyHorseless “insists they are an honest poster” that does not lie, they clearly are a poster who willingly and openly is deceitful.




“I don’t know” was the largest section of the pie- over half.

Yes, indeed, I am an honest poster who does not lie.

I think that everyone here knows perfectly well that Michael Barisone shot LK, despite all the blathering to the contrary.

Do you claim to know what I think and know that that’s not what I think, @trubandloki? How does that work?

Oh look, more @CurrentlyHorseless posting intentionally deceitful and dishonest stuff.



bold = mine

:rofl: You do make it so easy.
Apparently in addition to the tens of thousands of social media posts available elsewhere, the random posts on these threads are what attract the attention of either legal side as well as mom & dad? How sad that thought is.

Well honey, if my posts are reason to have me called, so are yours. I’ve mentioned before that several of us here have no issue standing up and telling a jury about the Kanarek tactics - based on experience. What will you have to say other than you’ve enjoyed continuing to vilify a man who was taken to the brink by the harassment and terrorism of the Finish the Bastard plan? You do understand that you have actually said some really nasty untruths that could be an issue since you have no proof to back up what you’ve stated?

As far as elderly mom and dad, they have far greater issues to worry about than what might be said on this obscure forum.

Think carefully about what you post on all social media.


I don’t know that MB shot LK.

Why you may ask?

Forensics dear posters, forensics. Better yet, the lack of forensics.


My, My My, the stories today. I sense something is coming down the lane.

Now back to cookies, I like peppermint cookies, soft not the hard kind. What type does all the other ponies here like.


It is not considered “the south.” Houses in New Jersey are usually prepared for winters but pipes do freeze and burst even when the construction is for cold weather. However, hurricanes do happen and the examples given were for when regional damage exceeds local contractor availability. Also, homeowners and tenants cannot always afford contractors and are allowed to perform their own “ordinary maintenance.” Some repairs require licensed trades or professionals such as plumbing and electrical or structural. Homeowners can save money doing their own work.

If you go back and listen to the testimony of the insurance adjuster, the pipe burst was reported on January 28, and when the insurance adjuster got there on January 31, a remediation company had already been there and was still there removing sheet rock and insulation and had drying fans going. The insurance adjuster did additional drywall tests and had them pull down more drywall. RG did NONE of that work.


No, I do not know any such thing. Any material evidence? Gun shot residue on hands or clothing, fingerprints on the gun…one could go on and on. It was basically she said. I really have no idea how or who shot her. She definitely was shot…that is all I know for sure.



Please do not edit others posts even when you claim bolded. It is confusing to the reader as to who posted.

It’s ok KM, I’m sure you will understand it in at least 3 years if I keep repeatedly posting going by how long it took you to understand the 3 day emergency eviction in New Jersey.

Don’t tell me how to post or provide examples of what confuses you. Inserting claimed bold responses in the body of a quote provides the context you so desperately need, as well as responding directly to absurd portions of a comment.


Thank you. I will.

I actually asked politely. The example of telling someone how to post as compared to asking is here, from you. Thank you for an example of how not to interact with other posters in order to maintain a civil discussion and not get the thread shut down.